================================================================================ Block 64 --- COOLIN --- Channel-Dependent Coolant Input ================================================================================ .. default-role:: sasinp .. sasblock:: COOLIN 64 .. sasinp:: AFR :location: 1 | Liquid slug friction factor coefficients. | Default values: `AFR` = 0.1875, `BFR` = -0.2. .. sasinp:: BFR :location: 2 see `AFR` .. sasinp:: C1 :location: 3 | Coefficients in convection heat-transfer coefficient equation: | Hc = Kc\*(\ `C1`\ \*(Re\*Pr)\*\*\ `C2` + `C3`\ )/Dh | (Lyon-Martinelli correlation). | Kc: coolant thermal conductivity | Re: Reynolds number | Pr: Prandtl number | Dh: channel hydraulic diameter .. sasinp:: C2 :location: 4 See `C1` .. sasinp:: C3 :location: 5 See `C1` .. sasinp:: DWMAX :location: 6 | Maximum fractional change per heat-transfer step in coolant flow rate before boiling. | Default: = 0.2 .. sasinp:: RELAM :location: 7 Reynolds number for switch between turbulent friction factor and laminar friction factor. .. sasinp:: AFLAM :location: 8 | Laminar friction factor = `AFLAM`\ /Re, where Re is the Reynolds number. | Suggested value: 64. .. sasinp:: DUM000 :location: 9-46 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: W0 :location: 47 :units: kg/s W, steady-state coolant flow rate per fuel-pin. .. sasinp:: XKORI (K,M) :location: 48-63 | Orifice coefficients K < 8: | K = 1,2, ..., `NREFB`\ +\ `NREFT`\ +1: | `XKORI`\(K,M) is the coefficient at the bottom of zone K. | K = `NREFB`\ +\ `NREFT`\ +2: | `XKORI`\(K,M) is the coefficient at the top of the subassembly. | M = 1, for upward flow. | M = 2, for downward flow. | Example: ((K=1,2,…),M=1,2) .. sasinp:: XKORGD :location: 64 Orifice coefficient for spacer grids in pin. See `NGRDSP`\ . .. sasinp:: DZIAB :location: 65 :units: 1/m | Effective coolant inertial term below the subassembly inlet. | Suggested value: D/(2\*ACC), where D is the subassembly inlet hydraulic diameter and ACC is the inlet cross-sectional flow area per pin. .. sasinp:: DZIAT :location: 66 :units: 1/m | Effective coolant inertial term above the subassembly outlet. | Suggested value: D/(2\*ACC), where D is the subassembly outlet hydraulic diameter and ACC is the outlet cross-sectional flow area per pin. .. sasinp:: THETA1 :location: 67 | = 0.5 normally; = 0.0 for implicit calculation. .. sasinp:: THETA2 :location: 68 | = 0.5 normally; = 1.0 for implicit calculation. .. sasinp:: DTLMAX :location: 69 :units: K Maximum temperature change/coolant time step in liquid. Suggested value: 15. .. sasinp:: DTVMAX :location: 70 :units: K Maximum temperature change/coolant time step in vapor. Suggested value: 50. .. sasinp:: DZIMAX :location: 71 :units: m Maximum interface motion/coolant time step. Suggested value: 0.1. .. sasinp:: HCOND :location: 72 :units: W/m^2-K Condensation heat-transfer conductance of coolant. .. sasinp:: SLMIN :location: 73 :units: m Minimum initial liquid slug length. Recalculated as cladding melting is approached. Default: 0.02. .. sasinp:: TUPL :location: 74 :units: K Temperature of liquid coolant re- entering the subassembly from above. Used only with PRIMAR-1. .. sasinp:: WFMIN :location: 75 :units: m Minimum film thickness on cladding. Burnout is assumed for film thickness less than `WFMIN`\ . For static film option `WFMIN` is approximately 0.667\*WF0. Film motion model is not operational. Default: 1.0E-7. (See `WFMIND` and `WFMNSD`). .. sasinp:: WFMINS :location: 76 :units: m Minimum film thickness on structure. Default: `WFMIN` .. sasinp:: WFS00 :location: 77 :units: m Initial film thickness on structure. Default: WF0. .. sasinp:: FRACP :location: 78-80 Fraction of pins in this channel in failure group M. See `IGASRL`\ . (M) .. sasinp:: FRUPT :location: 81-83 Cladding life fraction for cladding failure in group M. See `IGASRL`\ . (M) .. sasinp:: WF0 :location: 84 :units: m Initial thickness of liquid coolant film left on the cladding in a voided region. Suggested value: That thickness corresponding to a total liquid volume fraction of 0.15 (spread between cladding and structure films) in the voided region. .. sasinp:: TFIS :location: 85-104 Not currently used. (I) .. sasinp:: PFIS :location: 105-124 Not currently used. (I) .. sasinp:: ZFISU :location: 125-144 Not currently used. (I) .. sasinp:: ZFISD :location: 145-162 Not currently used. (I) .. sasinp:: DTSWCH :location: 163 :units: K | Switch from pre-boiling to boiling when coolant temperature is within `DTSWCH` of boiling. | Default: 5 K. .. sasinp:: DTSI :location: 164 :units: K Superheat for bubble formation near a liquid-vapor interface. .. sasinp:: DTS :location: 165 :units: K Superheat before any sodium vapor bubble can be formed. .. sasinp:: RESMLT :location: 166 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: TEMDLT :location: 167 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: AFRV :location: 168 | Vapor friction factor = `AFRV`\ \*(Re)\*\* `BFRV`\. | Default values: `AFRV` = 0.316, `BFRV` = -0.25. .. sasinp:: BFRV :location: 169 see `AFRV` .. sasinp:: XMINL :location: 170 :units: m Vapor pressure gradient calculation starts when vapor bubble length is `XMINL`\ . Default: 0.05. .. sasinp:: DTCMIN :location: 171 :units: s | Minimum coolant time step size before boiling. | Suggested value: 1.0E-6. .. sasinp:: WFMIND :location: 172 :units: m | Minimum cladding film thickness after `IFILM` film nodes have dried out. | Suggested value: 1.0E-7 .. sasinp:: WFMNSD :location: 173 :units: m | Minimum structure film thickness after `IFILM` nodes have dried out. | Suggested value: 1.0E-7 .. sasinp:: FVAPM :location: 174 Fraction of two-phase friction factor to be used in vapor calculation. | =0, For single-phase friction factor. | =1, For two-phase friction factor. .. sasinp:: AFRF :location: 175 Liquid film friction factor coefficient. Friction factor = `AFRF` \* (Re) \*\* `BFRF`. Default: 0.316. .. sasinp:: BFRF :location: 176 Liquid film friction factor coefficient. Default: -0.25. .. sasinp:: TPDMIN :location: 177 :units: s Minimum coolant time step size during boiling. Suggested value: 1.0E-6. .. sasinp:: DTACCL :location: 178 :units: s Acceleration term is dropped from the momentum equation for Na vapor in a pressure drop bubble if the time step size is less than `DTACCL`\ . Suggested value: 1.0E-5. .. sasinp:: REFLAM :location: 179 Reynolds number for switch to laminar friction factor for liquid film. .. sasinp:: AFFLAM :location: 180 Laminar film friction factor = `AFFLAM`\ /Re, where Re is the Reynolds number. .. sasinp:: AGSRLS :location: 181 :units: m^2 Flow area between gas plenum and rupture point, used only if `IGASRL` = 1. .. sasinp:: GASKOR :location: 182 Orifice coefficient between gas plenum and rupture point, used only if `IGASRL` =1. .. sasinp:: PGRMIN :location: 183 :units: Pa Shut off gas release when plenum pressure falls below `PGRMIN`\ , used only if `IGASRL` = 1. .. sasinp:: GASMW :location: 184 Molecular weight of plenum gas. Suggested value: 100-130. .. sasinp:: HEBOIL :location: 185 Boiling heat transfer enhancement factor. Suggested value: 1.0 for Na, 50-100 for D2O. .. sasinp:: TMFAIL :location: 186-188 :units: s Pin failure time for pin group M for the gas release model. Used only if `IGASRL`\ =2. (M) .. sasinp:: UACH1 :location: 189 Channel-to-channel heat flow per pin per unit height at axial node J from coolant in channel I to coolant in channel I+1 is calculated as: .. sasinp:: UACH2 :location: 190 Q(J)=(\ `UACH1`\ (I)\*K(J)+\ `UACH2`\ (I)\*C(J)\*(W(I)+W(I+1)))\*(T(I,J)-T(I+1,J)) | Where | T(I,J) = Coolant temperature | K(J) = Coolant thermal conductivity | C(J) = Coolant specific heat | W(I) = Coolant flow rate | Note: `UACH1` and `UACH2` are used only if `JJMLTP` is not equal to 0. .. sasinp:: REORFT :location: 191 Transition Reynolds number for the inlet orifice. The inlet orifice goes laminar for smaller Reynolds numbers. Used only if `JJMLTP` > 0. .. sasinp:: FLSWCH :location: 192 Switch to lumped node coolant temperature treatment when \|W/W0\| < `FLSWCH`\ . Only in reflector zones. Only in the pre-boiling calculation. .. sasinp:: RELAMV :location: 193 Vapor Reynolds number for switch from laminar to turbulent. .. sasinp:: AFLAMV :location: 194 Vapor laminar friction factor = `AFLAMV`\ /Re. | | | .. sasinp:: FLODTM :location: 195 :units: s Film flooding time. Only used if `IFLOOD` = 1. .. sasinp:: QEMAX :location: 196 :units: W/m^2 Maximum heat flux from clad to vapor in a voided region. Default: no limit. **DETAILED COOLANT SUB-CHANNEL MODEL** .. sasinp:: UACHM1 (K) :location: 197-200 | Coolant sub-channel to sub-channel heat flow per pin per unit height at axial node J from channel I to channel L is calculated as: | Q(J)= (\ `UACHM1`\ \*k(J)+\ `UACHM2`\ \*C(J)\*(W(I)+W(L+1))) \*(T(I,J)-T(L,J)) | where | T(I,J) = coolant temperature | k(J) = coolant thermal conductivity | C(J) = coolant heat capacity | W(I) = coolant flow rate | L = the Kth channel that channel I is in contact with | Note: UACH1 and UACH2 were used for a previous multiple pin model. `UACHM1`\ (K) and `UACHM2`\ (K) are used for the current detailed coolant sub-channel model. | Reserved for the detailed coolant sub-channel model. .. sasinp:: UACHM2 (K) :location: 201-204 | See `UACHM1`\ . | Reserved for the detailed coolant sub-channel model. .. sasinp:: ALATRL (K) :location: 205-208 :units: m | `ALATRL` Coolant lateral flow area per pin per unit height. | Reserved for the detailed coolant sub-channel model. .. sasinp:: XKLAT (K) :location: 209-212 | Lateral flow orifice coefficient. | Reserved for the detailed coolant sub-channel model. .. sasinp:: DPLTLM :location: 213 :units: Pa | Lateral flow goes laminar if pressure difference between adjacent sub-channels is less than `DPLTLM`\ . | Reserved for the detailed coolant sub-channel model. .. sasinp:: XKSWRL :location: 214 :units: 1/m | Swirl flow between sub-channels = `XKSWRL`\ \*DZ\*WAV | DZ = axial node height | WAV = average of sub-channel axial coolant flow rates | See also `KSWIRL`\ . | Reserved for the detailed coolant sub-channel model. .. sasinp:: DTNUL1 :location: 215 :units: s | Time step for the single sub-assembly null transient. | Reserved for the detailed coolant sub-channel model. .. sasinp:: EPSFLW :location: 216 :units: kg/s | Iteration convergence criterion, flow rates | Reserved for the detailed coolant sub-channel model. .. sasinp:: EPSTMP :location: 217 :units: K | Iteration convergence criterion, coolant temperatures. | Reserved for the detailed coolant sub-channel model. .. sasinp:: EPSPRS :location: 218 :units: Pa | Iteration convergence criterion, coolant pressures. | Reserved for the detailed coolant sub-channel model. .. sasinp:: XCMPRS :location: 219 | Compressibility multiplier for the mass conservation equation. Default = 1.0 | Reserved for the detailed coolant sub-channel model. .. sasinp:: XLINRT :location: 220 :units: m | Inertial length for sub-channel to sub-channel flow. | Reserved for the detailed coolant sub-channel model. .. sasinp:: DUMCOO :location: 221-300 Not currently used.