================================================================================ Block 51 --- INPCHN --- Channel-Dependent Options and Integer Input ================================================================================ .. default-role:: sasinp .. sasblock:: INPCHN 51 .. sasinp:: IDBUGV :location: 1 Channel-dependent debug flag. (See `IDBUG0` and `IERSTP`). | = 0, For no debugging output. | = 1, For steady-state debugging output. Time step control output for 2 ≤ `IDBUG0` ≤ 6. | = 2, Time step, also steady-state fuel behavior output if `IDBUG0` = 0. | = 3, Coolant calculation output. (See `IERSTP`) | = 4, For more coolant debugging output. (See `IERSTP` ) | = 5, For transient heat-transfer debugging output | = 6, Print out all reactivity changes | = 7, Primary loop calculation debug | = 8, Coolant-cladding temperature calculations only .. sasinp:: IERSTP :location: 2 Main time step number when debugging output starts. Relevant only if `IDBUGV` > 0. If `IERSTP` is negative, debug output starts on step \|\ `IERSTP`\ \| of a null transient (\ `ISSNUL` > 0). .. sasinp:: IRHOK :location: 3 Fuel density, heat capacity and thermal conductivity selection parameter. | ≤ 0, Temperature dependent tabular forms. See `RHOTAB`, `XKTAB`, and `CPFTAB` for tables. | > 0, Correlations that depend on temperature, and in case of binary/ ternary fuel, also on composition. *Correlations for oxide fuel (IMETAL=0):* | > 0, Temperature and porosity dependent correlations for fuel density. Inputs `COEFDS`\ , `COEFDL` are required. | = 1, Correlation for fuel conductivity from GEAP-13582. | = 2, Correlation for fuel conductivity from WARD-FTM-FI-RJS-17. Input COEFDK is required. | = 3, Correlation for fuel conductivity based on COMETH3J-FBR. Note: The parameter values associated with `IRHOK`\ =1 or 3 need not be input. For oxide fuel, tabular heat capacity is used even if `IRHOK` > 0. *Correlations for U-Fs fuel (IMETAL=1):* | > 0, Correlation for fuel density uses input `REFDEN` with thermal expansion function subprogram ALPHF. Correlation for fuel conductivity depends on temperature. Porosity and sodium logging is accounted for by the method of ANL/RAS 85-19. Note: For U-Fs fuel, tabular heat capacity is used even if `IRHOK` > 0. *Correlations for ternary/binary fuel (IMETAL=2,3):* Note: Input `IFUELM` is required for this fuel. `IFUELM`\ : | = 0, IFR handbook data interpolations; | = 1, ANL/RAS 85-19 correlations; | = 2, Mark-V fuel or U-10Zr fuel according to input `IMETAL` = 2 or 3. For `IFUELM`\ =0: > 0, Correlation for fuel density depends on temperature. Input `RHOZN` is required. Correlation for fuel heat capacity depends on alloy composition/type and temperature. Inputs `PUZRTP` , `TFSOL` , `TFLIQ` are required. Correlation for fuel conductivity depends on composition/ type, temperature, porosity and sodium logging. Inputs `PRSTY` and `XLOGNA` are required. For `IFUELM`\ =1: > 0, Correlation for fuel density depends on alloy composition and temperature. Correlation for fuel heat capacity depends on alloy composition and temperature. Correlation for fuel conductivity depends on composition, temperature, porosity and sodium logging. Inputs `POROSS` , `PORMSS` , `PORCSS` , `FPORNA` are required. For `IFUELM`\ =2: > 0, Correlation for Mark-V & U-10Zr fuel densities. Input composition from array PUZRTP is used with thermal expansion. Correlation for Mark-V & U-10Zr fuel heat capacities depend on temperature. Correlation for Mark-V & U-10Zr fuel conductivities depend on composition, temperature and burnup. Input `BURNFU` is required, based on memos of Billone to Briggs dated 1/14/91, 3/8/91 & 10/21/91. .. sasinp:: NPLN :location: 4 Number of segments in gas plenum. 1 ≤ `NPLN` ≤ 6. .. sasinp:: NREFB :location: 5 Number of reflector zones below the pin section. 1 ≤ `NREFB` ≤ 5. .. sasinp:: NREFT :location: 6 Number of reflector zones above the pin section. 1 ≤ `NREFT` ≤ 5. `NREFB` + `NREFT` ≤ 6. .. sasinp:: NZNODE (KZ) :location: 7-13 Number of segments in zone KZ. (KZ ≤ 7). Total number of all segments in all zones ≤ 48. Only one segment per node is necessary, but if the LEVITATE or PLUTO2 region can extend into a node the segments there should be in the range from 0.03 meters to 0.1 meters. Neighboring cells for PLUTO2 and LEVITATE should not differ much in length. A length ratio of 1.5 is still reasonable. .. sasinp:: NT :location: 14 Number of radial temperature nodes within the fuel, 3 < `NT` < 12. .. sasinp:: IFUELV :location: 15 Table number of property value to be used for core fuel. 0 < `IFUELV` ≤ `IFUEL1`\ . .. sasinp:: IFUELB :location: 16 Table number of property value to be used for blanket fuel. 0 < `IFUELB` ≤ `IFUEL1`\ . .. sasinp:: ICLADV :location: 17 Table number of property value to be used for cladding table. .. sasinp:: NGRDSP :location: 18 Number of spacer grids in pin. 2 ≤ `NGRDSP` ≤ 10. | Not yet operational. | = 0, No spacer grids. .. sasinp:: KTING :location: 19 Fission-gas release model option. | = 0, Isotropic release model. | = 1, Weisman model. .. sasinp:: NAXOP :location: 20 Model selection for axial expansion and crack volume. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :align: center :widths: auto * - `NAXOP` - Crack Volume - Axial Plane Strain - Axial Swelling * - 0 - No - No - No * - 1 - No - Yes - No * - 2 - No - No - Yes * - 3 - No - Yes - Yes * - 4 - Yes - No - No * - 5 - Yes - Yes - No * - 6 - Yes - No - Yes * - 7 - Yes - Yes - Yes If `NAXOP` = X with X above, mixed plane strain. | = 3X with X above, cladding controlled axial plane strain. | = 2X with X above, then free fuel axial plane strain. | = 1X constrained plane strain. .. sasinp:: MSTEP :location: 21 Number of main steady-state power change and constant power intervals. One required for each power change. One required for each constant power interval. (≤ 8). .. sasinp:: ITAU :location: 22 Irradiation induced cladding swelling incubation parameter options. | =-2, No cladding swelling. | =-1, Lower limit. | = 0, Nominal value. | > 0, Upper limit. .. sasinp:: IRATE :location: 23 Irradiation induced cladding swelling rate options. | =-2, No cladding swelling. | =-1, Lower limit. | = 0, Nominal value. | > 0, Upper limit. .. sasinp:: IHGAP :location: 24 Fuel-cladding gap conductance selection. | = 0, SAS3D method for calculating HB (See `AHBPAR`, `BHBPAR`, `CHBPAR`, `HBMAX`, `HBMIN`, and `HBPAR`). | = 1, SAS4A method (Ross-Stoute model). Note: When using the simple bond gap conduction model (\ `ISSFU2` = -1), set `IHGAP` =0. .. sasinp:: NPIN :location: 25 Number of pins per subassembly. .. sasinp:: NSUBAS :location: 26 Number of subassemblies in channel. .. sasinp:: MZUB :location: 27 Number of segments in upper blanket. .. sasinp:: MZLB :location: 28 Number of segments in lower blanket. .. sasinp:: IHEX :location: 29 | = 0, No hexadecimal printout of the sum of the coolant temperatures. | > 0, Hexadecimal printout of the sum of the coolant temperatures. .. sasinp:: IRELAX :location: 30 Stress relaxation options. Use `IRELAX` = 0. | = 0, No relaxation. | = 1, Creep law estimate, not operational. | = 2, Exact solution, not operational. .. sasinp:: NGRAIN :location: 31 Model selection for grain growth theory. | = 0, Limited grain growth theory. | > 0, Unlimited grain growth theory, where `NGRAIN` is the grain diameter exponent in Eq. 8.3-9. Suggested value: 4. .. sasinp:: ISSFUE :location: 32 | = 0, Bypass dynamical model calculations in steady-state, no fuel restructuring and no deformation of fuel and cladding. | = 1, Use dynamic calculation of DEFORM in steady-state. .. sasinp:: IRAD :location: 33 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: ILAG :location: 34 | = 0, Use Eulerian coolant temperature calculation until flow reversal. | = 1, Use Lagrangian coolant temperature calculation from the start. Suggested value: 0. .. sasinp:: NOSTRN :location: 35 Option to avoid radial strain in the cladding even if conditions would produce strain. | = 0, Strain cladding if conditions warrant. | = 1, Allow no cladding strain. .. sasinp:: JRUPT :location: 36 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: NPLIN (M) :location: 37-44 Number of subdivisions in each of the `MSTEP` divisions. There should be enough subdivisions to allow for reasonable feedback of the restructuring into the thermal calculation. At least 4 subdivisions for each power change and enough constant power subdivisions so that each does not exceed about 10 days (preferably 2 days during early irradiation). (M = 1, `MSTEP`\ ) .. sasinp:: IROR :location: 45 Controls assumption used when molten cavity extends to the cracked fuel zone. | = 0, Cavity pressure reduced by R/R before acting on cladding, no crack volume included in cavity. | = 1, Cavity pressure acts on the cladding, all crack volume included in cavity if molten to cracked region. .. sasinp:: JPRNT1 :location: 46 The lowest axial node for which debug output is produced from DEFORM. .. sasinp:: JPRNT2 :location: 47 The highest axial node for which debug output is produced from DEFORM. Note: The debug output is produced for all nodes from `JPRNT1` to `JPRNT2` inclusive. If these two values are set to 0 but the time step controls and `IDBUGF` are activated, then the debug output is from the molten cavity routine and the axial expansion and feedback calculation only (the axial node independent part of the calculation). .. sasinp:: NNBUG1 :location: 48 The time step at which to start the debug output from DEFORM. .. sasinp:: NNBUG2 :location: 49 The time step which is the last time step for debug output from DEFORM .. sasinp:: IDBUGF :location: 50 The control for the type of debug output desired from DEFORM. | = 3, `NNBUG1` and `NNBUG2` refer to the steady-state time step. | =13, `NNBUG1` and `NNBUG2` refer to the transient time step. | =23, `NNBUG1` and `NNBUG2` refer to both the steady-state and the transient time steps. | =-1, Initiates a print option that writes out when DEFORM (the transient DEFORM driver) is entered and left beginning at transient time step `NNBUG1`. | =-2, This is a special option that produces standard DEFORM output at every time step from `NNBUG1` to `NNBUG2` inclusive. `NNBUG1` and `NNBUG2` must be entered as negative numbers. This is active only in the transient calculation. .. sasinp:: NSKIP (M) :location: 51-58 Print control for each of the `MSTEP` divisions in DEFORM. There is one value for each `NPLIN` value. | < `NPLIN`\ , the DEFORM results are printed after each `NSKIP` subdivisions. | = `NPLIN`\ , the DEFORM results are printed at the end of the `MSTEP` division. | > `NPLIN`\ , no DEFORM results are printed. (M = 1, `MSTEP`\ ) .. sasinp:: MPL1 :location: 59 Plots channel pressure history at node `MPL1`\ . The nodes `MPL1` - `MPL7` must be a node in the zone KZPIN. .. sasinp:: MPL2 :location: 60 Plots channel pressure history at node `MPL2`\ . .. sasinp:: MPL3 :location: 61 Plots channel pressure history at node `MPL3`\ . .. sasinp:: MPL4 :location: 62 Plots channel temperature history at node `MPL4`\ . .. sasinp:: MPL5 :location: 63 Plots channel temperature history at node `MPL5`\ . .. sasinp:: MPL6 :location: 64 Plots channel temperature history at node `MPL6`\ . .. sasinp:: MPL7 :location: 65 Plots channel coolant volumetric flow rate at node `MPL7`\ . (\ `MPL7` should correspond to the location of upper flowmeter in experiments, the volumetric flowrate of lower coolant slug is plotted with it.) .. sasinp:: MPL8 :location: 66 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: MPL9 :location: 67 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: KKSBTP :location: 68 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: KKSBRI :location: 69 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: NRPI :location: 70 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: NRPI1 :location: 71 Number of pins per assembly that are assumed to fail (number of unfailed pins is `NPIN` - `NRPI1`\ ) when the fuel-pin failure option `MFAIL` is satisfied. .. sasinp:: NRPI2 :location: 72 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: NRPI3 :location: 73 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: IPSIZE :location: 74 Fuel particle size option in PLUTO2 and LEVITATE. | = 1, `RAFPLA` is used from the initial fuel ejection to time `TIFP`. | = 2, `RAFPSM` is used all the way. .. sasinp:: IBUGPL :location: 75 Debug flag, should currently always be 0. .. sasinp:: ICFINE :location: 76 | = 0, Automatic time step selection in LEVITATE and PLUTO2 using `DTPLIN` as the initial and later on the minimum time step. | = 1, Initial time step `DTPLIN` is used all the time if the main and primary loop time steps remain multiples of `DTPLIN`\ . If this is not the case, then the PLUTO2 and LEVITATE time steps are temporarily smaller than `DTPLIN`. .. sasinp:: IPRINT :location: 77 Should currently always be 0. .. sasinp:: IPLOT :location: 78 | > 0, Plotting file (Logical units 12, 13 and and 14) for PLUTO2 is written every `IPLOT` milliseconds if `IPLOT` is greater than zero. | = 0, No plotting data is saved. .. sasinp:: IBGO :location: 79 Debug printout starting at LEVITATE and PLUTO2 cycle `IBGO`\ . .. sasinp:: IBSTOP :location: 80 PLUTO2 or LEVITATE printout debug ends at cycle `IBSTOP`\ . .. sasinp:: IBNEW :location: 81 Debug levels: | = 0, No debug output. | = 1, Time step debug. | = 2, Some debug output. | = 3, More debug output. | = 4, Lots of debug output. .. sasinp:: IPGO :location: 82 Between cycles `IPGO` and `IPSTOP` regular full LEVITATE or PLUTO2 output at every `IPNEW` cycles. .. sasinp:: IPSTOP :location: 83 See `IPGO`. .. sasinp:: IPNEW :location: 84 See `IPGO`. .. sasinp:: ICLADB :location: 85 | = 0, Cladding is ignored after melting. | = 1, Cladding motion occurs. | = 2, Cladding motion does not occur, but heat transfer to molten cladding does occur. .. sasinp:: MFAIL :location: 86 Fuel-pin failure option. (See `FSPEC`\ ). | = 0, No pin failure. | = 1, `FSPEC` is failure time. | = 2, `FSPEC` is fuel failure temperature. | = 3, `FSPEC` is fuel mass melt fraction at failure. | = 4, `FSPEC` is cavity pressure at failure. | = 5, `FSPEC` is cladding yield stress at failure. Not yet operational. | = 6, Eutectic penetration correlation for U-5fs fuel. `FSPEC` is eutectic temperature. | = 7, Failure criteria consistent with PLUTO2/LEVITATE rip propagation model. Functional ultimate tensile strength used and fully cracked fuel assumed. | = 8, Eutectic penetration and stress-based failure for metal fuel. | = 9, Failure time based on melt fraction at `FSPEC` with location based on maximum `MFAIL` = 7 failure criterion. .. sasinp:: IFAIL :location: 87 Relevant for `MFAIL` = 2, the radial node to test. .. sasinp:: JFAIL :location: 88 Relevant for `MFAIL` = 1,2,3,4,5, the axial fuel-pin node to test. Note: If `IFAIL` or `JFAIL` are not specified, the peak value of the pertinent failure quantity is used. If `MFAIL` = 1, `JFAIL` must be specified. .. sasinp:: ISUBAS :location: 89 Subassembly number, only required for the detailed coolant sub-channel model. .. sasinp:: JCLN :location: 90 Axial heat-transfer segment, `JCLN`\ , output on the plotting unit for fuel information, 1 ≤ `JCLN` ≤ MZ. .. sasinp:: JNEN :location: 91 Axial heat-transfer segment, `JNEN`\ , output on the plotting unit for the cladding temperature, 1 ≤ `JNEN` ≤ MZ. .. sasinp:: JNCN :location: 92 Axial coolant node, `JNCN`\ , output on the plotting unit for coolant temperature, 1 ≤ `JNCN` ≤ MZC. .. sasinp:: JNSN :location: 93 Axial coolant node, `JNSN`\ , output on the plotting unit for structure temperature, 1 ≤ `JNSN` ≤ MZC. .. sasinp:: JRPRO :location: 94 Axial heat-transfer segment, `JRPRO`\ , 1 ≤ `JRPRO` ≤ MZ, output on the plotting unit for total radial profile (written each time the mass averaged fuel temperature, TBAR, increases by `DTFUEL` degrees). Not currently operational. .. sasinp:: IPSIG :location: 95 Hydrostatic pressure for fuel swelling: | = 1, Use SIGR. | = 2, Use (SIGR + SIGC)/ 2. | = 3, Use (SIGR + SIGC + SIGZ)/ 3. .. sasinp:: IHTPRS :location: 96 | = 1, Hot pressing of fuel to `PRSMIN`\ , not yet operational. | = 0, No hot pressing. (Recommended `IHTPRS` = 0) .. sasinp:: IPRD :location: 97 Controls the amount of DEFORM output in the transient calculation. (For steady-state control see `NSKIP`) | = 0, Only short form output. | = 1, Radial stress, total porosity, crack volume + short form. | = 2, All above + circumferential stresses retained fission-gas distribution, fission-gas porosity. | = 3, All above + axial stresses, grain size distribution, radial mesh locations. .. sasinp:: IDBFLG :location: 98-107 `IDBFLG`\ (4) > 0 gives reentry temperature debug print. (10) `IDBFLG`\ (5) > 2 gives TSCA debug print. `IDBFLG`\ (6) > 0 gives subassembly-subassembly heat transfer prints. `IDBFLG`\ (7) > 0 for film motion of debugs. `IDBFLG`\ (8) > 0 for Wallis flooding correlation debugs. `IDBFLG`\ (9) > 0 for sub-channel analysis coolant debugs `IDBFLG`\ (10) > 0 for sub-channel analysis heat transfer debugs .. sasinp:: IDBSTP :location: 108-117 TSCA debug print starts at coolant step `IDBSTP`\ (5). .. sasinp:: IEQMAS :location: 118 Radial fuel mesh size assumption. | = 0, Equal radial distances between points at which temperatures are calculated. | > 0, Equal cylindrical areas associated with each radial temperature node. .. sasinp:: IBLPRN :location: 119 Number of coolant dynamics time steps between boiling printouts. (See `IPO`, `IPOBOI`, and `IBLPRT`). Default: 100. .. sasinp:: IDBGBL :location: 120 `IDBGBL` > 3 gives boiling debug print. .. sasinp:: IDBLST :location: 121 Boiling debug print starts at coolant step `IDBLST`\ . .. sasinp:: ISSFU2 :location: 122 | = 0, Omit DEFORM calculation during the transient. (See `IAXEXP`\ ). | = 1, Use DEFORM calculation during the transient. | =-1, Simple bond gap conduction model. .. sasinp:: IHEALC :location: 123 | = 0, No crack healing. | = 1, Crack healing based on fuel swelling rate parameters. (Not operational) | = 2, Cracking healing based on 100% healed if temperature above `FTMPCH`\ \*\ `TMF`\ (IFUEL). .. sasinp:: IAXTHF :location: 124 Determine components active in the axial expansion calculation in DEFORM. | = 0, Only thermal effects. | = 1, Thermal and force effects. .. sasinp:: IDCLGO :location: 125 Value of ICOUNT (number of cladding time steps) when cladding debug print begins. .. sasinp:: IDCLSP :location: 126 Value of ICOUNT when CLAP debug print ends. .. sasinp:: IDCLDE :location: 127 CLAP debug is printed after every `IDCLDE` call to the CLAP module. .. sasinp:: IFILM :location: 128 Number of nodes dried out before switch from wet (a few boiling segments) to dry (larger boiling length) minimum film thickness. Suggested value: 3 or 4. Do not input 0. .. sasinp:: NZONF :location: 129-131 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: IFUELI :location: 132-155 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: NODSUM :location: 156-179 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: IFUOPT :location: 180 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: IAXEXP :location: 181 Simple axial expansion reactivity feedback model. Can not be used with DEFORM-4. See `ISSFUE` and `ISSFU2`. See `MODEEX` for model choice. | = 0, No simple axial expansion feedback. | = 1, Calculate feedback. | = 2, Calculate and print simple axial expansion feedback for each channel. .. sasinp:: IMOMEN :location: 182 LEVITATE option referring to the convective momentum flux formulation. | = 0, Central formulation (recommended). | = 1, Upstream formulation. .. sasinp:: JSTRDX :location: 183 Axial node number in structure corresponding to the above core load pad. Use only if `IRADEX` = 1,2,3 or -1,-2,-3. .. sasinp:: IFAE :location: 184 Fuel adjacency effect in Kramer-DiMelfi cladding failure model. | = 0, No | = 1, Yes .. sasinp:: ICLADK :location: 185 Cladding thermal conductivity option. | = 0, Table lookup. | = 1, Functional form cladding conductivity option. (Not currently operational, use = 0) .. sasinp:: IFRFAC :location: 186 | >0, Add turbulent and laminar friction factors for liquid sodium. .. sasinp:: IRDEXP :location: 187 | = 0, Use this channel in the radial expansion feedback calculation. | = 1, Skip this channel. .. sasinp:: IBUGPN :location: 188 Debug flag, should currently always be 0. .. sasinp:: IMETAL :location: 189 Indicates fuel type. | = 0, Oxide fuel. | > 0, Metal fuel. | = 1, Uranium-fissium metal fuel. | = 2, U-Pu-Zr ternary alloy fuel. | = 3, U-Zr binary alloy fuel. .. sasinp:: IPNPLT :location: 190 | =1, The PINACLE module produces a printer plot of the axial fuel distribution with every full printout. .. sasinp:: IFUELO :location: 191 Option for annular zone formation model in U-Pu-Zr alloy fuel (for the case of `IMETAL` = 2 only). | = 0, User input zonal compositions and radii (See `IFUELC`\ , `IZNC`\ , `IZNM`\ , `MFTZN`\ , `RIZNC`\ , and `RIZNM`\ . See also `PUZRTP`\ , `RHOZN`\ , `XLOGNA`\ , `PRSTY`\, `TFSOL`\ , and `TFLIQ`\ ). | = 1, Zonal composition and radii computed using the SSCOMP physical model (See `TTRANM`\ , `TTRANC`\ , `POROSS`\ , `PORMSS`\ , `PORCSS`\ , `FPORNA`\ , `RHOREF`\ , `WUREF`\ , `WPUREF`\ , `WZRREF`\ , `PUBYU`\ , `CPCM`\ , `CPMO`\ , `CZCM`\ , `CZMO`\ , `CUCM`\ , `CUMO`\ , `EPSMS`\ , `EPSCOM`\ , `IDSSC`\ , and `BURNFU`\ ). .. sasinp:: IFUELM :location: 192 Option for the thermal properties of the U-Pu-Zr alloy fuel (for the case of `IMETAL` > 1 only). | = 0, Use properties interpolated from the IFR metallic fuels handbook data. | = 1, Use properties in the report ANL/RAS 85-19. | = 2, Use Mark-V fuel or U-10Zr fuel properties (depending on `IMETAL` = 2 or 3) based on the metallic fuels handbook data .. sasinp:: IFUELC :location: 193 User input fuel zone specification flag. | = 0, Single radial fuel zone (See `IFUELV`\ , `IFUELB`\ , `MZLB`\ , `MZUB`\ ). | = 1, Multiple radial fuel zones (See `IZNC`\ , `IZNM`\ , `MFTZN`\ , `RIZNC`\ , `RIZNM`\ ). | = 2, Each radial mesh interval is a unique fuel zone for `IMETAL` > 1, with input mesh point porosities and compositions determined in interface routine LIFEIF. .. sasinp:: IPNGO :location: 194 Between cycles `IPNGO` and `IPNSTP` a full PINACLE output is obtained at cycle intervals containing `IPNNEW` cycles. .. sasinp:: IPNSTP :location: 195 See `IPNGO`. .. sasinp:: IPNNEW :location: 196 See `IPNGO`. .. sasinp:: IDM51 :location: 197-202 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: IDKCRV :location: 203 Power or decay heat curve for this channel. .. sasinp:: ITP20 :location: 204 Fuel, cladding, and coolant temperatures and voiding data are written on unit 20 every `ITP20` time steps. If `ITP20` ≤ 0, no unit 20 output. **CHANNEL-TO-CHANNEL HEAT TRANSFER** .. sasinp:: NCHCH :location: 205 Number of other channels that this channel is in contact with for duct wall-to-duct wall heat transfer. Maximum 8. If `NCHCH` < 0, Q(ICH to JCH) = -Q(JCH to ICH) .. sasinp:: ICHCH :location: 206-213 Channel number of the K-th channel that this channel is in contact with. See also `HACHCH`. If `ICHCH` < 0, then -\ `ICHCH` is a bypass channel number. If `ICHCH`\ (1) < -8, then -\ `ICHCH`\ (K) is the temperature of a constant temperature heat sink in axial zone K. If `ICHCH` > 500000, transfer heat from structure of ICH to coolant of `ICHCH` - 500000. If `ICHCH` > 750000, transfer heat from coolant of ICH to coolant of `ICHCH` - 750000. **MULTIPLE PIN OPTION** .. sasinp:: JJMLTP :location: 214 Multiple pin option. | =0, No multiple pin treatment for this subassembly. Use single-pin model. | >0, This is the first of `JJMLTP` channels used to represent the subassembly. | <0, This is one of the additional channels used to represent the subassembly. Notes: | 1) `JJMLTP` and `ICHCH` refer to different phenomena: Intra-subassembly heat transfer and inter-subassembly heat transfer. | 2) `JJMLTP` is used for intra-subassembly coolant-to-coolant heat transfer from channel I to I + 1 and from I to I - 1. `UACH1` and `UACH2` must be supplied to determine the heat transfer coefficients. | 3) If M channels are used to represent a subassembly, then they must be consecutive channels, starting with channel ICHN and going to channel ICHN + M - 1. For channel ICHN, `JJMLTP` = M. For channels ICHN + 1 through ICHN + M - 1, `JJMLTP` is negative. | 4) The maximum value of M is 56 (no more than 56 channels can be used to represent a subassembly). | 5) The axial zones outside the pin section go only with the first channel (channel ICHN). In these zones, the coolant flow area per pin and the reflector and structure perimeters per pin must be based on the number of pins in channel ICHN. The reflector zones are ignored for channels ICHN + 1 to ICHN + M - 1. | 6) `ICHCH` refers to subassembly-to-subassembly heat transfer from the current channel to channel `ICHCH`. This heat transfer is from outer surface node to outer surface node. `ICHCH` > 1000 is an exception. This exception was included for modeling the thimble flow region of the XX09 subassembly in EBR-II. If `ICHCH` ≠ 0 then the heat transfer coefficient times area per unit height is specified by `HACHCH`. **DETAILED COOLANT SUB-CHANNEL MODEL** .. sasinp:: JCHMPN (K) :location: 215-218 Other channel this coolant sub-channel is in contact with. Used only if `ISCH` = 1, `JJMLTP` ≠ 0 Reserved for the detailed coolant sub-channel model. .. sasinp:: NUMKLT :location: 219 Number of other channels this coolant sub-channel is in contact with. Used only if `ISCH` = 1, `JJMLTP` ≠ 0 Reserved for the detailed coolant sub-channel model. .. sasinp:: KSWIRL :location: 220 Value of K in `JCHMPN`\ (K) for swirl flow. Normally `KSWIRL`\ =0 except in an edge or corner sub-channel. Used only if `ISCH` = 1, `JJMLTP` ≠ 0 Reserved for the detailed coolant sub-channel model. .. sasinp:: NULST1 :location: 221 Number of time steps in a null transient for this subassembly or group of channels. Used only if `ISCH` = 1, `JJMLTP` ≠ 0. Reserved for the detailed coolant sub-channel model. **SSCOMP METAL FUEL BEHAVIOR MODEL** .. sasinp:: IPORC :location: 222 Options to control open porosity considerations in metal fuel axial swelling during transient calculation. | = 0, Close open porosity by fraction given in `FCLOP` before axial movement takes place. | = 1, Treat open porosity like closed porosity. .. sasinp:: IDSSC :location: 223 | = 0, Debug output from SSCOMP routine (for computing the pre-transient formation of annular zones of different compositions in U-Pu-Zr alloy fuel) not printed. | = 1, Debug output from SSCOMP routine (for computing the pre-transient formation of annular zones of different compositions in U-Pu-Zr alloy fuel) printed. **END SSCOMP METAL FUEL BEHAVIOR MODEL** .. sasinp:: IDRY :location: 224 | = 1, For film motion. .. sasinp:: ICTYPE :location: 225 Cladding material indicator. | = 1, 316 | = 2, D9 | = 3, HT9 | = 4, 15-15Ti (only if `IDEFOPT` > 0) `ICTYPE` = 1, 2, and 3 is used for metal fuel models (DEFORM-5 and FPIN). In DEFORM-4, the default cladding is 316. If `IDEFOPT` > 0 and `ICTYPE` = 4, 15-15Ti is selected. **SUBASSEMBLY-TO-SUBASSEMBLY HEAT TRANSFER** .. sasinp:: IOPCHC (K) :location: 226-233 Subassembly-to-subassembly heat transfer option. | = 0, Q(JCH,ICH) = - Q(ICH,JCH) | = 1, Q(JCH,ICH) not set by Q(ICH,JCH) .. sasinp:: KTRANC :location: 234-249 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: KTRANM :location: 250-273 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: IPRSKP :location: 274 Skip the prints for channel ICH if `IPRSKP` is nonzero. To be used to reduce the volume of printed output from TSPRNT. .. sasinp:: ITREAT :location: 275 For use with oxide fuel TREAT experiment analysis. | = 1, Completely crack fuel at start of transient. .. sasinp:: IOPPL :location: 276 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: IBUBND :location: 277 | = 0, Form bubbles at node mid-points. | = 1, Form bubbles at node boundaries. .. sasinp:: IGASRL :location: 278 | = 0, No gas release. | = 1, Gas release in the boiling model, requires DEFORM-5 life fraction calculation and `FRUPT`\ (1). | = 2, Gas release in the boiling model by pin group at the times given by `TMFAIL` at axial node `INDFAL`\ . .. sasinp:: IGRLTM :location: 279 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: IRAPEN :location: 280 Rapid eutectic formation rate assumption. | = 0, Use exponential eutectic formation rate formula for all temperatures (i.e. no eutectic formation temperature threshold and no rapid eutectic penetration allowed). | = 1, Allow rapid eutectic penetration if molten fuel is available (i.e. cladding temperature above fuel solidus temperature) and temperatures are in rapid penetration region (1353K to 1506K). | > 1, Use exponential eutectic formation rate formula above 923K (650 deg. C) and allow rapid eutectic penetration in the range from 1353K to 1506K (EBR-II Mark-V safety case). .. sasinp:: LCHTYP :location: 281 Core channel designator. | = 1, Fuel channel. | = 2, Reflector channel. | = 3, Control rod channel. .. sasinp:: IGSPRS :location: 282 Controls fission gas assumptions used with metal fuel pins. | = 0, Equilibrium maintained between plenum and axial segments of fuel by instantaneous gas relocation. | = 1, After initiation of equilibrated pressure during first transient time stop, gas remains in axial segments and may locally pressurize. .. sasinp:: INDFAL :location: 283 Failure node number on the fuel pin axial mesh for pin failure and gas release if `IGASRL`\ =2. .. sasinp:: IAXCON :location: 284 Axial coolant heat conduction option. | = 0, No axial heat conduction in the coolant. | = 1, Axial heat conduction in the coolant. Only operative with the multiple pin option (\ `JJMLTP` not equal to 0). **FPIN-2 INPUT** .. sasinp:: IFPIN2 :location: 285 | = 0, Do not use FPIN2 metal fuel model. | = 1, Use FPIN2 metal fuel model. No other data required when `IFPIN2`\ =0. .. sasinp:: IFPI01 :location: 286 | = 0, Use FPIN2 in interfaced mode. | = 1, Use FPIN2 in stand-alone mode. No other data required when `IFPI01`\ =1. .. sasinp:: IHTFLG :location: 287 | = 0, Bypass FPIN2 heat transfer calculation. | = 1, Include FPIN2 heat transfer calculation (for debugging purposes only). .. sasinp:: LHTOPT :location: 288 | = 0, Perform heat transfer calculation including coolant and structure. | = 1, Perform heat transfer calculation with input values of cladding outer surface temperature. This input is required only for `IHTFLG`\ =1. .. sasinp:: LCRACK :location: 289 Fuel cracking option. | = 0, No cracking. | = 1, Radial cracks included. .. sasinp:: LFPLAS :location: 290 Option for creep-plastic strains in fuel. | = 0, Allow creep-plastic strains. | = 1, Suppress creep-plastic strains. .. sasinp:: LCPLAS :location: 291 Option for creep-plastic strains in cladding. | = 0, Allow creep-plastic strains. | = 1, Suppress creep-plastic strains. .. sasinp:: LFSWEL :location: 292 Option for swelling-hotpressing strains in fuel. | = 0, Allow swelling-hotpressing strains. | = 1, Suppress swelling-hotpressing strains. .. sasinp:: LCSWEL :location: 293 Option for swelling strains in cladding. | = 0, Allow swelling strains. | = 1, Suppress swelling strains. .. sasinp:: LLRGST :location: 294 Option for strain analysis. | = 0, Large strain analysis. | = 1, Small perturbation analysis. .. sasinp:: LFCSLP :location: 295 | = 0, Fuel-cladding locked when gap is closed. | = 1, Independent fuel-cladding axial displacement. .. sasinp:: LOUTSW :location: 296 Print option. | = 0, No detailed printing of results - summary only. | = 1, Normal detailed printout under `LFREQA`\ , `MFREQA`\ , and `LFREQB` control. .. sasinp:: LFREQA :location: 297 Initial print frequency, number of time steps between normal detailed printout. .. sasinp:: MFREQA :location: 298 Total number of time steps under `LFREQA` control. .. sasinp:: LFREQB :location: 299 Final print frequency. .. sasinp:: LGRAPH :location: 300 Graphics file option. | = 0, Do not write graphics file. | = 1, Write a graphics datafile. .. sasinp:: LDBOUT :location: 301 | = 0, No debug output. | = 1, Add debug output to regular `LOUTSW`\ =2 output. .. sasinp:: LDBSTP :location: 302 | = 0, FPIN2 calculation stops when molten cavity freezes. | = 1, Ignore this program stop. .. sasinp:: LDBFPL :location: 303 | = 0, Use recommended fuel flow stress. | = 1, Simple power law fuel creep (EPSDOT=C0\*SIGE\*\*C1). See `XFPLC0` and `XFPLC1`. .. sasinp:: LDBFDV :location: 304 | = 0, Use recommended fuel swelling - hot pressing. (Fuel swelling option for metal fuel is the simple grain boundary swelling model, ANL-IFR-27 and ANL/RAS 83-33). | = 1, Use equilibrium swelling model (ANL-IFR-6 & -23). | = 2, Simple power law fuel swelling (EPVDOT=C0\*SIGM\*\*C1). See `XFDVC0` and `XFDVC1` . .. sasinp:: LDBCPL :location: 305 | = 0, Use recommended cladding flow stress. | = 1, Ideal plastic flow for cladding (SIGY=C0+C1\*EPBAR). See `XCIPL0` and `XCIPL1` . | = 2, Use high-temperature power-law creep. | = 3, Use simple power law cladding creep (EPSDOT=C0\*SIGE\*\*C1). See `XCIPL0` and `XCIPL1` . .. sasinp:: LGPRES :location: 306 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: LGAPCL :location: 307 | = 0, Use fuel-cladding opening/closure model. | = 1, Fuel-cladding gap always closed. .. sasinp:: LCPROP :location: 308 | = 0, Use material property correlations. | = 1, Use temperature independent material properties. (SAS thermal properties are used for `IFPI01`\ =0). .. sasinp:: LSKIPM :location: 309 | = 0, Perform mechanical calculations. | = 1, Bypass mechanical calculations. .. sasinp:: LGCLOS :location: 310 | = 0, Use gap closure routine at 100% fuel melting. | = 1, Do not close gap (if open) at 100% fuel melting. .. sasinp:: LDBOTA (J) :location: 311-334 Axial debug print vector. | = 0, No print. | = 1, Print. .. sasinp:: LDBOTF (IF) :location: 335-345 Fuel radial debug print vector. | = 0, No print. | = 1, Print. .. sasinp:: LDBOTC (IC) :location: 346-348 Clad radial debug print vector. | = 0, No print. | = 1, Print. .. sasinp:: NONE :location: 349-360 Reserved. **PRIMAR-4 MULTIPLE INLET/OUTLET PLENA** .. sasinp:: NSEGMP :location: 361 PRIMAR-4 segment number to which this channel is assigned in the multiple inlet/outlet plena model (See `IFMIOP`\ ). **CONTROL ROD DRIVE FEEDBACK** .. sasinp:: ICHUIS :location: 362 | = 0, Coolant from channel ICH is included in the upper internal structure temperature calculation for control rod drive expansion reactivity. | = 1, This channel is not used. **PINACLE** .. sasinp:: LQSLTP :location: 363 | = 0, Wall friction is not considered in calculating the velocity of the sodium slug above the fuel. | = 1, Wall friction is considered. **POWER AND REACTIVITY MESH** .. sasinp:: IPOWRZ :location: 364 Axial power shape input option. | = 0, Enter channel axial power shape in array `PSHAPE` on the MZ axial mesh; JMAX=24. | = 1, Enter channel axial power shapes for core and axial blanket fuel in arrays `PSHAPC` (core fuel power shape) and `PSHAPB` (blanket fuel power shape) on the MZC axial mesh; JMAX=48. .. sasinp:: IREACZ :location: 365 Axial reactivity worth input option. | = 0, Enter channel axial reactivity worth for Doppler, coolant void, cladding motion, fuel motion, and structure motion in arrays `WDOPA`\ , `VOIDRA`\ , `CLADRA`\ , `FUELRA`\ , and `STRCRA` on the MZ axial mesh; JMAX=24. | = 1, Enter channel axial reactivity worth for Doppler, coolant void, cladding motion, fuel motion, and structure motion in arrays `WDOPA`\ , `VOIDRA`\ , `CLADRA`\ , `FUELRA`\ , and `STRCRA` on the MZC axial mesh; JMAX=48. **FUEL ZONE TYPE ASSIGNMENT** .. sasinp:: IZNC (J) :location: 366-389 Outermost radial mesh interval of central zone at axial segment J. Maximum value = `NT`\ . See also `RIZNC`\ . Used only for `IFUELC`\ = 1. .. sasinp:: IZNM (J) :location: 390-413 Outermost radial mesh interval of middle (intermediate) zone at axial segment J. Maximum value = `NT`\ . See also `RIZNM`\ . Used only for `IFUELC`\ = 1. .. sasinp:: MFTZN (L,J) :location: 414-485 Fuel type (IFUEL) assignment to radial zones at axial segment J. Maximum value = 8. Used only for `IFUELC`\ = 1. L=1, fuel type assigned to central (inner) zone. L=2, fuel type assigned to middle intermediate) zone. L=3, fuel type assigned to outer zone. Note: A maximum of three radial zones may be specified at each axial level. Fewer than three zones may also be specified, with a minimum of a single zone assigned to all the fuel in the pin at a given axial location. Zones are assigned assuming azimuthal symmetry; the central (inner) zone begins at the fuel centerline and extends outward radially through radial mesh interval `IZNC`\ (J). The middle (intermediate) zone begins at radial mesh interval `IZNC`\ (J)+1 and extends outward radially through radial mesh interval `IZNM`\ (J). The outer zone begins in radial mesh interval `IZNM`\ (J)+1 and extends outward radially to the fuel surface (radial temperature node `NT`\ ). The central zone may be eliminated by setting `IZNC`\ (J) = 0. The middle zone may be eliminated by setting `IZNM`\ (J) = `IZNC`\ (J). The outer zone may be eliminated by setting `IZNM`\ (J) = `NT`\ . Both inner and middle zones may be eliminated by setting `IZNC`\ (J) = `IZNM`\ (J) = 0. The central zone is present only if `IZNC`\ (J) > 0. The middle zone is present only if `IZNM`\ (J) > `IZNC`\ (J). The outer zone is present only if `IZNM`\ (J) < `NT`\ . The `MFTZN` array assigns a fuel type to a zone; fuel types and zones have a one- to-one correspondence at each axial level. The fuel types assigned here specify the fuel thermo-physical properties to be used in the solution of the fuel pin heat transfer equations. See `IFUELC`\ . .. sasinp:: IPINFG :location: 486 Metal fuel fission gas model flag. | = 0, Use DEFORM-5 fission gas formulation. | > 0, Use PINACLE fission gas formulation. .. sasinp:: IPINRE :location: 487 PINACLE ejected fuel re-entry flag. | = 0, Re-entry of fuel ejected into above-core region not permitted. | > 0, Allow re-entry into active core region of fuel ejected into above-core region. .. sasinp:: IPORFG :location: 488 Density correction to porosity in DEFORM-5 fission gas model. | = 0, Neglect transient temperature/density impact on open porosity volume. | > 0, Adjust open porosity volume accounting for transient temperature/density changes. .. sasinp:: IPRSS1 :location: 489 Steady state fuels characterization initial values print in subroutine SSINC1. | = 0, Print initial values for pointwise fuel mass and porosity; Pu content for `IMETAL` = 2; Zr content for `IMETAL` = 2 or 3; Fe and Ni content for `IMETAL` = 2 and `IFUELO` = 1; Na content for `IMETAL` > 0. | = 1, No prints. .. sasinp:: IMKVPL :location: 490 EBR-II Mark-V safety case plotting data. | = 0, Do not save data for post-processing. | > 0, Compute and save maximum fuel temperature in low Zr zone, maximum inner cladding temperature, and minimum coolant saturation temperature in the channel on each main time step (Entry TSPLT1 in subroutine TSPLOT). Compute and save reactor power, flow, and power-to-flow ratio on each main time step (Entry TSPLT3 in subroutine TSPLOT). .. sasinp:: MZCHCH :location: 491 See FED. .. sasinp:: KZEMFM :location: 492 See FED. .. sasinp:: MTREAT :location: 493 TREAT fuel channel modeling flag. | = 0, Use standard fuel channel models. | > 0, Use special TREAT fuel channel models. See also `CFLAT` and `FFLAT`\ . `RBR`\ , `RER`\ , and `ROUTFP` contain TREAT fuel assembly half-thickness dimensions. In fuel and cladding heat transfer calculations, the correct periphery will be used in place of the circumference. The structure field will be eliminated. The fission gas plenum will be eliminated. Air properties will be used for the coolant. The coolant pressure drop calculation will be eliminated. One pin per channel will be used. The DEFORM, PRIMAR, and multiple pin models are not allowed. Only equally-spaced radial heat transfer mesh (\ `IEQMAS`\ =0) is allowed. .. sasinp:: IFLOOD :location: 494 | = 0, Use `FVAPM` to determine the friction factor multiplier for the vapor. | = 1, Use Wallis flooding correlation to determine whether to use the Wallis friction factor multiplier for the vapor. This option should only be used with the film motion model, `IDRY` = 1. **DETAILED COOLANT SUB-CHANNEL MODEL** `ISCH` = 1 and `JJMLTP` ≠ 0 .. sasinp:: IFT24 :location: 495 Output detailed coolant sub-channel model variables on fort.24 every `IFT24` time steps. If `IFT24` = 0, no output on fort.24. Reserved for the detailed coolant sub-channel model .. sasinp:: ILATF :location: 496 Always use `ILATF` = 0 to include lateral flow terms in the momentum equation for the detailed coolant sub-channel model. Reserved for the detailed coolant sub-channel model. .. sasinp:: IDEFOPT :location: 497 | = 0, use default DEFORM-4 models | > 0, use extended DEFORM-4 models. Note that the extended DEFORM-4 models will be fully available at later versions. Currently, only 15-15Ti cladding models (`ICTYPE` = 4) are supported. .. sasinp:: IDEFSTFAL :location: 498 | = 0, do not use stochastic clad damage evaluation model | > 0, use stochastic clad damage evaluation model as a sidebar analysis. Only applicable when `IDEFOPT` > 0 and `ICTYPE` = 4. .. sasinp:: IDMICH :location: 499 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: LDETL :location: 500 Visualization Data Detail Flag: | = 0, Do not write visualization data for this channel | = 1, Write coolant temperatures only | = 2, Coolant and duct wall (structure) temperatures | = 3, Coolant, structure, and bulk fuel temperatures | = 4, Coolant, structure, average fuel, and detailed radial fuel temperatures. .. sasinp:: NFT24 :location: 501 Number of items to be output on fort.24 Reserved for the detailed coolant sub-channel model. .. sasinp:: JCFT24 (K) :location: 502-521 Axial node for the Kth output on fort.24. Reserved for the detailed coolant sub-channel model. .. sasinp:: ITYP24 (K) :location: 522-541 Variable type for the Kth output on fort.24 | = 1, PCBAR2 (coolant pressure, middle of the node) | = 2, W2RT2 (coolant flow rate) | = 3, TCOOL2 (coolant temperature at the bottom of the node) | = 4, TCBAR2 (coolant temperature at the middle of the node) | = 5, PCOOL2 (coolant pressure, bottom of the node) | = 6, WLAT2(1) (coolant lateral flow rate to first adjacent subchannel | = 7, WLAT2(2) (coolant lateral flow rate to second adjacent subchannel | = 8, WLAT2(3) (coolant lateral flow rate to third adjacent subchannel | = 9, WLAT2(4) (coolant lateral flow rate to fourth adjacent subchannel | =10, NITER (number of iterations for the last solution in SOLVIT Reserved for the detailed coolant sub-channel model. .. sasinp:: NULPT1 :location: 542 Print results every `NULPT1` steps for the null transient (see `NULST1`\ ) Reserved for the detailed coolant sub-channel model. .. sasinp:: IDMICH :location: 543-600 Not currently used.