================================================================================ Block 63 --- PMATCH --- Channel-Dependent Properties Input ================================================================================ .. default-role:: sasinp .. sasblock:: PMATCH 63 .. sasinp:: TIMCNS :location: 1 :units: s Time constant for fuel pin heat transfer. Default = 0.1. .. sasinp:: AHBPAR :location: 2 :units: W/m^2-K\ \ \ m^2-K/W-m If all three parameters are not equal to 0.0, the bond correlation is of the form: HB = `AHBPAR` + 1.0/(\ `BHBPAR` +(gap size + `CHBPAR`\ )/\ `HBPAR`\ ) .. sasinp:: BHBPAR :location: 3 see `AHBPAR` .. sasinp:: CHBPAR :location: 4 see `AHBPAR` .. sasinp:: HBMAX :location: 5 :units: W/m^2-K Maximum value of bond conductance when a gap exists; minimum value when a gap does not exist. Default when `AHBPAR`\ , `BHBPAR`\ , and `CHBPAR` > 0.0: | `HBMAX` = `AHBPAR` | + 1.0/(\ `BHBPAR`\ +\ `CHBPAR`\ /\ `HBPAR`\ ) .. sasinp:: HBMIN :location: 6 :units: W/m^2-K Minimum value of bond conductance. .. sasinp:: HBPAR :location: 7 :units: W/m-K If all three parameters in `AHBPAR`, `BHBPAR`, and `CHBPAR` are zero, then the bond conductance equation when a gap exists is of the form: Bond conductance = `HBPAR`\ /gap. .. sasinp:: HSNK :location: 8 Should be set to 0.0. .. sasinp:: TSNK :location: 9 Should be set to 0.0. .. sasinp:: DPRSTY :location: 10 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: XKSTIZ (KZ) :location: 11-17 :units: W/m-K Inner structure thermal conductivity in zone KZ. .. sasinp:: XKSTOZ (KZ) :location: 18-24 :units: W/m-K Outer structure thermal conductivity in zone KZ. .. sasinp:: DEL :location: 25 :units: W/m^2-K^4 Stefan-Boltzmann's constant\*emissivity. (See `STEBOL`, `EMSF`, and `EMSC`). .. sasinp:: DGO :location: 26 :units: m Initial grain size. Suggested value: 1.0E-05. .. sasinp:: P0GAS :location: 27 :units: Pa Initial plenum gas pressure at reference temperature TR. .. sasinp:: XKRF (KZ) :location: 28-34 :units: W/m-K Thermal conductivity of reflector for values of KZ not equal to KZPIN. `XKRF`\ (KZPIN) = thermal conductivity of cladding in the gas plenum region. .. sasinp:: DENSS :location: 35 Density of solid cladding at the reference temperature TR. .. sasinp:: COOLDN :location: 36 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: RHOCSI (KZ) :location: 37-43 :units: J/m^3-K Density \* heat capacity for the inner structure. .. sasinp:: RHOCSO (KZ) :location: 44-50 :units: J/m^3-K Density \* heat capacity for the outer structure. .. sasinp:: RHOCR (KZ) :location: 51-57 :units: J/m^3-K Density \* heat capacity for the reflector. For KZ = KZPIN (the pin zone), `RHOCR` is for the cladding in the gas plenum. .. sasinp:: RHOCG :location: 58 :units: J/m^3-K Density \* heat capacity for the gas in the gas plenum.. .. sasinp:: RG :location: 59 :units: m^2-K/W Thermal resistance of plenum gas, typical value = 0.06. .. sasinp:: FGMIN :location: 60 Fraction of retained fission gas that assists non-equilibrium fission gas bubble induced fuel swelling (burnup dependent). .. sasinp:: RST :location: 61 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: WRF :location: 62 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: RREF :location: 63 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: EMF :location: 64 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: EMS :location: 65 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: EMNA :location: 66 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: HMELT :location: 67 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: FCLOP :location: 68 Fraction of open porosity that must be removed before axial movement allowed with metal fuels 0 ≤ `FCLOP` ≤ 1. =0, Open porosity volume remains constant. =1, All open porosity volume used before axial movement allowed. .. sasinp:: TSEP1 :location: 69 :units: K Fuel plasticity temperature = `TSEP1` + `TSEP2` \* (fuel-cladding interface pressure - plenum gas pressure). The fuel pellet annulus at this temperature does not move radially inward or outward during calculations of fuel mesh boundaries. Suggested value: 2700 for oxide fuel. .. sasinp:: TSEP2 :location: 70 :units: K/Pa Pressure adjustment to plasticity temperature. Recommended value: 10\ :sup:`-8`. .. sasinp:: BONDNA :location: 71 :units: kg Mass of sodium added to fuel pin to produce the fuel-cladding bond. .. sasinp:: REFDEN :location: 72 :units: kg/m^3 Theoretical density of metal fuel at the reference temperature. Used for `IFUELM` = 2. .. sasinp:: FUELEX :location: 73 :units: 1/K Fuel axial expansion coefficient. Used only with simple axial expansion feedback calculation. (See `IAXEXP`). Typical value: 1.1E-5. .. sasinp:: CLADEX :location: 74 :units: 1/K Cladding axial expansion coefficient. Used only with simple axial expansion feedback calculation. (See `IAXEXP`). Typical value: 2E-5. .. sasinp:: YFUEL :location: 75 :units: Pa Fuel young's modulus. Typical value: 1.5E11. Used with simple axial expansion and EBR-II feedback calculations. .. sasinp:: YCLAD :location: 76 :units: Pa Cladding Young's modulus. Typical value: 1.4E11. Used with simple axial expansion and EBR-II feedback calculations. .. sasinp:: FULREX :location: 77 :units: 1/K Fuel linear expansion coefficient for bond gap conductance calculation. .. sasinp:: CLDREX :location: 78 :units: 1/K Cladding linear expansion coefficient for bond gap conductance calculation. Note: `FULREX` and `CLDREX` are used only if `ISSFU2` = -1 and `IHGAP` = 0. .. sasinp:: EXPCFF :location: 79 Effective axial expansion multiplier, for simple axial expansion feedback model only. .. sasinp:: TTRANM :location: 80 :units: K Transition temperature for determining the outer boundary of the middle fuel zone in the SSCOMP model for `IFUELO` = 1. .. sasinp:: TTRANC :location: 81 :units: K Transition temperature for determining the outer boundary of the central fuel zone in the SSCOMP model for `IFUELO` = 1. .. sasinp:: HACHCH :location: 82-89 Channel-to-channel (duct wall-to-duct wall) heat transfer coefficient x area per unit height. Used only if `NCHCH` > 0. Note: Use the total duct wall contact area for all subassemblies involved. .. sasinp:: POROSS :location: 90 Porosity of the outer zone of metal fuel at the end of steady-state irradiation. Used in the SSCOMP model for `IFUELO` = 1. See also `PORMSS` and `PORCSS`. .. sasinp:: PORMSS :location: 91 Porosity of the middle zone of metal fuel at the end of steady-state irradiation. Used in the SSCOMP model for `IFUELO` = 1. See also `POROSS` and `PORCSS`. .. sasinp:: PORCSS :location: 92 Porosity of the central zone of metal fuel at the end of steady-state irradiation. Used in the SSCOMP model for `IFUELO` = 1. See also `POROSS` and `PORMSS`. .. sasinp:: FPORNA :location: 93-103 Ratio of sodium filled porosity to total porosity in the metal fuel by radial mesh node at the end of the pre-transient irradiation. Used in SSCOMP for `IFUELO` = 1. .. sasinp:: TAUINV :location: 104 :units: 1/s Inverse of heat transfer time constant. Degree of implicitness, THETA2, is: THETA2 = ( 1 + X )/( 2 + X ) X = DT \* `TAUINV` DT = time step size Currently only used with the multiple pin option (\ `JJMLTP` not equal to 0). Suggested value: 5.0 for metal fuel, 1.0 for oxide fuel. **FPIN-2 INPUT** .. sasinp:: XEUTHR :location: 105 :units: K Eutectic threshold temperature (K). Default value = 988. (See `FSPEC` for consistent input). .. sasinp:: XGBFRA :location: 106 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: XCLDHR (J) :location: 107-130 Pre-transient hardness parameter used in cladding flow stress calculation. Default value is 0.223, the value appropriate to 20% CW un-irradiated stainless steel. .. sasinp:: XFPLC0 :location: 131 Fuel power law creep constant C0. .. sasinp:: XFPLC1 :location: 132 Fuel power law creep constant C1. .. sasinp:: XFDVC0 :location: 133 Fuel power law swelling constant C0. .. sasinp:: XFDVC1 :location: 134 Fuel power law swelling constant C1. .. sasinp:: XCIPL0 :location: 135 Cladding idealized flow stress constant C0. .. sasinp:: XCIPL1 :location: 136 Cladding idealized flow stress constant C1. .. sasinp:: XHTERR :location: 137 Relative convergence criterion for heat transfer calculation. Default value = 0.0005. .. sasinp:: XEPSCA :location: 138 Relative convergence criterion for cavity pressure. Default value = 0.001. .. sasinp:: XEPSFE :location: 139 Relative convergence criterion for finite element analysis. Default value = 0.0005. .. sasinp:: XEPTES :location: 140 Relative convergence criterion for plastic creep strains. Default value = 0.0005. .. sasinp:: XEVTES :location: 141 Relative convergence criterion for swelling strains. Default value = 0.0005. **END FPIN-2 INPUT** .. sasinp:: XMCFMC :location: 142 Reserved by FED. .. sasinp:: HACIFM :location: 143 Reserved by FED. .. sasinp:: HACOFM :location: 144 Reserved by FED. .. sasinp:: HAFMOP :location: 145 Reserved by FED. .. sasinp:: HAGPFM :location: 146 Reserved by FED. .. sasinp:: TOPLSS :location: 147 Reserved by FED. .. sasinp:: StructEX :location: 148 :units: 1/K Structure axial expansion coefficient. Used only with simple axial expansion feedback calculation. (See `IAXEXP`). .. sasinp:: CDOSECONV :location: 149 Conversion factor from clad fast neutron flux (n/cm\ :sup:`2`/s/1.0E+22) to dose rate (dpa/s). Only applicable if `IDEFOPT` > 0 and `ICTYPE` = 4 (15-15Ti cladding). .. sasinp:: COCOR :location: 150 :units: m Clad outer corrosion thickness prior to transient initiation. Only applicable if `IDEFOPT` > 0 and `ICTYPE` = 4 (15-15Ti cladding). .. sasinp:: CDFMEAN :location: 151 Mean value of the normal distribution, describing the predicted fraction of the fuel pins failed due to creep rupture as a function of Common Logarithm of CDF. Only applicable if `IDEFOPT` > 0 and `ICTYPE` = 4 (15-15Ti cladding). .. sasinp:: CDFSIGMA :location: 152 Standard deviation value of the normal distribution describing the predicted fraction of the fuel pins failed due to creep rupture as a function of common logarithm of CDF. Only applicable if `IDEFOPT` > 0 and `ICTYPE` = 4 (15-15Ti cladding). .. sasinp:: DUMPCH :location: 153-200 Not currently used.