Block 12 --- POWINA --- Power, Decay-Heat, and Reactivity Input

.. default-role:: sasinp

.. sasblock:: POWINA 12

.. sasinp:: POW
	:location: 1
	:units: W

	Steady-state power in the peak axial fuel pin segment. (sum of fuel + cladding + coolant + structure power; See IPOWOP).
	Note: `POW`\ =\ `POWTOT`\ \*\ `FRPR`\ /POWSUM where POWSUM=sum over `NCHAN` channels of (\ `NPIN`\ \*\ `NSUBAS`\ \*(sum over MZ of `PSHAPE`\ )). (See MZ, `NCHAN`\ , `PSHAPE`\ , `NPIN`\ , `FRPR`\ , and `NSUBAS`\ ).

.. sasinp:: GENTIM
	:location: 2
	:units: s

	Prompt neutron lifetime.

.. sasinp:: POWTOT
	:location: 3
	:units: W

	Total reactor power.

.. sasinp:: BETADN (L)
	:location: 4-9

	Effective delayed neutron fraction for delayed neutron precursor family L. L =1,...,\ `NDELAY`\ .

.. sasinp:: DECCON (L)
	:location: 10-15
	:units: 1/s

	Decay constant for delayed neutron precursor family L.
	L =1, …, `NDELAY`\ .

.. sasinp:: OLDBDK (L)
	:location: 16-21

	Not currently used.

.. sasinp:: OLDDKL (L)
	:location: 22-27

	Not currently used.

.. sasinp:: OLDBDT
	:location: 28

	Not currently used.

.. sasinp:: PREATB (L)
	:location: 29-48

	Transient external reactivity or power table utilized by function PREA for `NPREAT` > 0. If reactivity is input, entries are in dollars. If power is input, entries are normalized to nominal power (so that for `PREATM` = 0.0, `PREATB` = 1.0). L = 1, …, `NPREAT`\ .

.. sasinp:: PREATM (L)
	:location: 49-68
	:units: s

	Transient problem times at which values in `PREATB` table are to be applied. L = 1, …, `NPREAT`\ .

.. sasinp:: FRPR
	:location: 69

	Fraction of total reactor power represented by sum of all channels.

.. sasinp:: FRFLOW
	:location: 70

	Fraction of total reactor coolant flow represented by sum of all channels.

.. sasinp:: CRDLEN
	:location: 71
	:units: m

	Length of control rod drives washed by outlet sodium, for `ICREXP` = 1 (single node model). Typical value: 6 m.

.. sasinp:: CRDEXP
	:location: 72
	:units: 1/K

	Thermal expansion coefficient of control rod drives. Typical value: 2 x 10\ :sup:`-5`.

.. sasinp:: ACRDEX
	:location: 73
	:units: $/m

	Control rod expansion feedback = `ACRDEX` \* DZ + `BCRDEX` \* DZ\ :sup:`2`.

.. sasinp:: BCRDEX
	:location: 74
	:units: $/m^2

	See `ACRDEX`\ .

.. sasinp:: CRDMC
	:location: 75
	:units: J/K

	Control rod drive mass times specific heat, for `ICREXP` = 1. Typical value: 5.6 x 10\ :sup:`4` J/K.

.. sasinp:: CRDHA
	:location: 76
	:units: W/K

	Control rod drive surface area times heat- transfer coefficient, for `ICREXP` = 1. Typical value: 2300.

.. sasinp:: UIVOL
	:location: 77
	:units: m^3

	Coolant volume in the upper internal structure region. Typical value: 25.
	Note: Locations 71 - 77 are only used if `ICREXP` > 0.

.. sasinp:: RDEXPC
	:location: 78
	:units: $/K

	Coefficient in simple radial expansion feedback model.

.. sasinp:: XMCXAC
	:location: 79

	XMC/XAC in simple radial expansion feedback model.
	XMC: Distance from nozzle support point to core midplane.
	XAC: Distance from nozzle support point to above core load pad.

.. sasinp:: SCRTAB
	:location: 80-89
	:units: $

	Scram reactivity table (See `ASCRAM`\ , `PSCRAM`\ , `GSCRAM`\ ).

.. sasinp:: SCRTME
	:location: 90-99
	:units: s

	Times for `SCRTAB`\ . Zero time corresponds to TSCRAM+DELSCR, where TSCRAM is the time for scram initiation determined by `ASCRAM`\ , `PSCRAM`\ , or `GSCRAM`\ .

.. sasinp:: PRETB2 (K,IPW)
	:location: 100-179

	Normalized power table for power type IPW (K = 1-20, IPW = 2-5). Note: Table for type 1 is in `PREATB`\ .

.. sasinp:: PRETM2 (K,IPW)
	:location: 180-259
	:units: s

	Times for `PRETB2` table.

.. sasinp:: BETADK (L,IPW)
	:location: 260-289

	Decay heat precursor yield for group L in decay heat curve IPW.
	1 ≤ L ≤ Min(\ `NDKGRP`\ , 6), 1 ≤ IPW ≤ `NPOWDK`
	Only decay heat curves with six or fewer groups may be defined by `BETADK`\ . For curves consisting of more terms, see `DKBET2`.

.. sasinp:: DKLAM (L,IPW)
	:location: 290-319
	:units: 1/s

	Decay heat decay constant for `BETADK`\ (L,IPW).

.. sasinp:: BETAHT (IPW)
	:location: 320-324

	Sum of decay heat precursor yields for user-supplied decay heat curve IPW. If `BETAHT`\ (IPW) > 0.0, precursor yields for curve IPW are renormalized to `BETAHT`\ (IPW). `BETAHT` applies to precursor yields defined by `BETADK` or `DKBET2`.

.. sasinp:: POWLVL (K,IPR)
	:location: 325-364

	Table of normalized total power for initializing decay power in decay heat region IPR.
	1 ≤ K ≤ `NPDKST` ≤ 8
	1 ≤ IPR ≤ Min(NDKREG, 5)
	NDKREG is the number of decay heat regions as determined internally by the code based on user-supplied decay heat input (see `DKFRAC` below). Only the first five regions are included in this table (see `PWLVL2`\ /\ `PWTIM2` below to specify the remaining regions).
	Zero values in this table will initialize decay heat based on zero total power. To calculate infinite, steady-state initialization for all regions, set `NPDKST` to zero.

.. sasinp:: POWTIM (K,IPR)
	:location: 365-404
	:units: s

	Duration (in seconds) of initializing power level `POWLVL`\ (K,IPR).

.. sasinp:: PUBYU
	:location: 405

	Not currently used.

.. sasinp:: HAUIS
	:location: 406
	:units: W/K

	Heat transfer coefficient \* area for upper internal structure to hot pool heat transfer. Used for `ICREXP` > 0.

.. sasinp:: XMCUI
	:location: 407
	:units: J/K

	Mass \* specific heat of steel in the upper internal structure region. Used for `ICREXP` > 0.


.. sasinp:: SLLMAX
	:location: 408
	:units: m/m

	Maximum allowable slope of subassembly at grid plate with respect to vertical based on subassembly nozzle/grid plate clearances; default: 2.0 x 10\ :sup:`-4`.

.. sasinp:: PITCHG
	:location: 409
	:units: m

	Subassembly pitch at the grid at the reference temperature `TR` \.

.. sasinp:: PITCHA
	:location: 410
	:units: m

	Flat-to-flat dimension across the above core load pad at the reference temperature `TR`\ .

.. sasinp:: PITCHT
	:location: 411
	:units: m

	Flat-to-flat dimension across the top load pad at the reference temperature `TR`\ .

.. sasinp:: RDEXCF
	:location: 412
	:units: $/m

	Radial expansion coefficient for uniform core dilation.

.. sasinp:: TLPRRC
	:location: 413
	:units: m

	Clearance between the top load pad and the restraint ring.
	Default: 2.54 x 10\ :sup:`-3` m.

.. sasinp:: BNDMM1
	:location: 414
	:units: 1/m

	Applied bending moment at the top of the core region, representing the flat-to-flat temperature difference at the outer edge of the active core.
	Default: 1.4 x 10\ :sup:`-3`.

.. sasinp:: BNDMM2
	:location: 415
	:units: 1/m

	Applied bending moment in the region above the core, representing the flat-to-flat temperature difference in this region for subassemblies at the outer edge of the active core.
	Default: 1.4 x 10\ :sup:`-3`.

.. sasinp:: TINSRT
	:location: 416
	:units: s

	Time interval over which `REAINS` dollars of reactivity is inserted. Default: 1.0.

.. sasinp:: REAINS
	:location: 417
	:units: $

	Amount of reactivity to be inserted linearly during time interval `TINSRT`\ .

.. sasinp:: TLIMIT
	:location: 418
	:units: K

	Control rod drive line temperature at which insertion of reactivity `REAINS` is to begin.


.. sasinp:: DFLTCS
	:location: 419
	:units: m

	Subassembly displacement at the above-core load pad at zero power resulting from creep and irradiation swelling history, positive outward, for subassemblies at the outer edge of active core.

.. sasinp:: DFLTSS
	:location: 420
	:units: m

	Subassembly displacement at the top load pad at zero power resulting from creep and irradiation swelling history, positive outward, for the subassemblies at the outer edge of active core.

.. sasinp:: ACLPRC
	:location: 421
	:units: m

	Clearance between the compacted above-core load pads and the restraint ring at the above-core load pad elevation, if any. If no above-core restraint ring, enter 0.

.. sasinp:: FCDTR1
	:location: 422

	Nominal steady-state above-core restraint ring temperature, expressed as a fraction of the average coolant temperature rise through the core.

.. sasinp:: FCDTR2
	:location: 423

	Nominal steady-state top restraint ring temperature, expressed as a fraction of the coolant temperature rise through the core.

.. sasinp:: FCDTRF
	:location: 424

	Nominal steady-state reflector load pad temperature, expressed as a fraction of the coolant temperature rise through the core.

.. sasinp:: DRCOLL
	:location: 425
	:units: m

	Additional clearance between the subassembly and its load pad, known as a "floating collar".

.. sasinp:: CRSAC
	:location: 426
	:units: m

	Additional clearance in the interior of the core, or the difference between the actual core radius and the ideal core radius. Default: 6.35 x 10\ :sup:`-4`.

.. sasinp:: RR1TC
	:location: 427
	:units: s

	Thermal response time constant for the above-core restraint ring.

.. sasinp:: RR2TC
	:location: 428
	:units: s

	Thermal response time constant for the top restraint ring.



.. sasinp:: RODID
	:location: 429
	:units: m

	Outside diameter of control rod driveline.

.. sasinp:: RODOD
	:location: 430
	:units: m

	Outside diameter of control rod driveline.

.. sasinp:: SHRDLN (K)
	:location: 431-433
	:units: m

	Length of section K of the control rod, section is deleted if zero.

.. sasinp:: SHRDID (K)
	:location: 434-436
	:units: m

	Inside diameter of section of control rod shroud, no shroud assumed if zero.

.. sasinp:: SHRDOD (K)
	:location: 437-439
	:units: m

	Outside diameter of section of control rod shroud, no shroud is assumed if zero.

.. sasinp:: RHOCRD
	:location: 440
	:units: kg/m^3

	Density of control rod structure.

.. sasinp:: HTCPCR
	:location: 441
	:units: J/kg-K

	Heat capacity of control rod structure.

.. sasinp:: CONDCR
	:location: 442
	:units: W/m-K

	Thermal conductivity of control rod structure.

.. sasinp:: VFCRD
	:location: 443

	Structure volume fraction in driveline core, remainder is sodium.

.. sasinp:: HFILM
	:location: 444
	:units: W/m^2-K

	Film coefficient on outer control rod shroud surface.

.. sasinp:: FLSHRD
	:location: 445
	:units: kg/s

	Flowrate in shroud annulus.

.. sasinp:: AREACR
	:location: 446
	:units: m^2

	Discharge area for segment representing control rod assembly(s).

.. sasinp:: FLOEXP
	:location: 447

	Exponent on flow in the CRD shroud friction pressure drop equation.



.. sasinp:: ACLPEL
	:location: 448
	:units: m

	Elevation of the center of the above-core load pad with respect to the bottom of the fueled region, zone 'KZPIN', at the reference temperature `TR`\ .

.. sasinp:: TLPEL
	:location: 449
	:units: m

	Elevation of the center of the top load pad with respect to the bottom of the fueled region, zone 'KZPIN', at the reference temperature `TR`\ .

.. sasinp:: PTCHRA
	:location: 450
	:units: m

	Flat-to-flat dimension across the above-core load pad for subassemblies exterior to the last row of driver subassemblies at the reference temperature `TR`\ .

.. sasinp:: PTCHRT
	:location: 451
	:units: m

	Flat-to-flat dimension across the top load pad for subassemblies exterior to the last row of driver subassemblies at the reference temperature `TR`\ .

.. sasinp:: RCBARR
	:location: 452
	:units: m

	Core barrel radius at the reference temperature `TR`\ .

.. sasinp:: FCDTCB
	:location: 453

	Nominal steady-state core barrel temperature, expressed as a fraction of the coolant temperature rise through the core.

.. sasinp:: CB2TC
	:location: 454
	:units: s

	Thermal response time constant for the core barrel.


.. sasinp:: YKNF
	:location: 455
	:units: ∆k/(∆n/n)

	Fuel number-density coefficient of reactivity.

.. sasinp:: YKHF
	:location: 456
	:units: ∆k/(∆h/h)

	Fuel change in reactivity per fractional change in core fuel height.

.. sasinp:: YKNNA
	:location: 457
	:units: ∆k/(∆n/n)

	Sodium number-density coefficient of reactivity.

.. sasinp:: YKNSS
	:location: 458
	:units: ∆k/(∆n/n)

	Steel number-density coefficient of reactivity.

.. sasinp:: YRCUR
	:location: 459
	:units: ∆k/K

	Upper-reflector coefficient of reactivity.

.. sasinp:: YLCLR
	:location: 460
	:units: ∆k/K

	Lower-reflector coefficient of reactivity.

.. sasinp:: YRCRR
	:location: 461
	:units: ∆k/K

	Radial-reflector coefficient of reactivity.

.. sasinp:: YRCCR
	:location: 462
	:units: ∆k/K

	Control-rod-flow coefficient of reactivity.

.. sasinp:: YRCGP
	:location: 463
	:units: ∆k/K

	Grid-plate coefficient of reactivity.

.. sasinp:: YRCDOP
	:location: 464
	:units: ∆k

	Non-linear Doppler-effect of reactivity.

.. sasinp:: YDELT0
	:location: 465
	:units: K

	Nominal core delta T at full reactor power.

.. sasinp:: YABOW
	:location: 466

	Coefficient of non-linear core bowing effect.
	P = B Delta T/Delta T Deg. + A.
	(See `YBBOW`).

.. sasinp:: YBBOW
	:location: 467

	Coefficient of non-linear core bowing effect.
	P = B Delta T/Delta T Deg. + A.
	(See `YABOW`).

.. sasinp:: FCR
	:location: 468

	Control-rod feedback parameter: 0 ≤ FCR ≤ 1.

.. sasinp:: YTCUT
	:location: 469

	The normalized core temperature rise below which the bowing feedback is 0. For instance, if `YTCUT`\ =0.5, then for core temperature increases that are less than 1/2 of the nominal core temperature rise (103.5 K) reactor feedback due to bowing is 0$.


.. sasinp:: RHOZRO
	:location: 470
	:units: $

	Initial subcritical reactivity for point kinetics external source.
	=0, No external source.
	<0, Initial external source will be set to give a steady initial steady state with the reactivity equal to `RHOZRO`\ .

.. sasinp:: EXSOTB (L)
	:location: 471-490

	Relative point and spatial kinetics external source values at times given in `EXSOTM`\ .

.. sasinp:: EXSOTM (L)
	:location: 491-510
	:units: s

	Times for point and spatial kinetics external source values given in `EXSOTB`\ .
	See also `NEXSO` and `RHOZRO`\ . The time dependence for the point kinetics external source specified by `RHOZRO` will be given by the pairs of values entered in `EXSOTB` and `EXSOTM`\ . For RHOZRO < 0 and NEXSO = 0, a constant external source will be used. The `EXSOTB` values will be normalized to unity at t = 0.
	The time dependence for the spatial kinetics external source specified on the FIXSRC FILE will be given by the pairs of values entered in `EXSOTB` and `EXSOTM`\ . For NEXSO = 0, a constant external source will be used. The `EXSOTB` values will be normalized to unity at t = 0.

.. sasinp:: DKBET2 (L,IPW)
	:location: 511-630

	Decay heat precursor yield for group L in decay heat curve IPW.
	1 ≤ L ≤ `NDKGRP` ≤ 24
	1 ≤ IPW ≤ `NPOWDK` ≤ 5
	Decay heat data for curve IPW may be present in either `BETADK`\ /\ `DKLAM` or `DKBET2`\ /\ `DKLAM2`\ . If data is present in both locations, values in `DKBET2`\ /\ `DKLAM2` will be used.

.. sasinp:: DKLAM2 (L,IPW)
	:location: 631-750
	:units: 1/s

	Decay heat decay constant for `DKBET2`\ (L,IPW).

.. sasinp:: DKFRAC (IPR,IPW)
	:location: 751-800

	Fraction of *user-supplied* decay heat curve IPW to be used in decay heat region IPR.
	1 ≤ IPR ≤ NDKREG ≤ 10
	1 ≤ IPW ≤ `NPOWDK` ≤ 5
	NDKREG is determined internally by the code based on the input of `DKFRAC` and `DKANSI` (below). A maximum of 10 regions can be defined. By default, `DKFRAC` is a `NPOWDK` by `NPOWDK` identity matrix, providing compatibility with old input files. (Regions and curves have the same meaning in this case).

.. sasinp:: DKANSI (IPR,N)
	:location: 801-880

	Fraction of *built-in* ANS standard decay curve N to be used in decay heat region IPR.

	| N = 1: U-235 thermal fission
	| N = 2: Pu-239 thermal fission
	| N = 3: U-238 fast fission
	| N = 4: Pu-241 thermal fission
	| 5 ≤ N ≤ 8 is reserved for future standard curves.

.. sasinp:: PWLVL2 (K,IPR-5)
	:location: 881-920

	Table of normalized total power for initializing decay power in decay heat region IPR.
	1 ≤ K ≤ `NPDKST` ≤ 8
	6 ≤ IPR ≤ NDKREG ≤ 10
	`PWLVL2` is a continuation of table `POWLVL`\ . 

.. sasinp:: PWTIM2 (K,IPR-5)
	:location: 921-960
	:units: s

	Duration of initializing power level `PWLVL2`\ (K,IPR-5). `PWTIM2` is a continuation of table `POWTIM`\ .

.. sasinp:: QETOT (N)
	:location: 961-968
	:units: MEV/fission

	Total recoverable energy per fission for the fissionable isotope associated with built-in standard decay curve N. See `DKANSI`. Default is 200 MeV/fission.

	| N = 1: U-235 thermal fission
	| N = 2: Pu-239 thermal fission
	| N = 3: U-238 fast fission
	| N = 4: Pu-241 thermal fission
	| 5 ≤ N ≤ 8 is reserved for future standard curves.

.. sasinp:: DUMPNA
	:location: 969-1000

	Not currently used.