.. _TableLookupHX: .. _section-5.4.5: Table Look-Up for Steam Generators or Intermediate Heat Exchangers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Table look-ups for steam generators or intermediate heat exchangers are used when the behavior of these components is known from other sources or when the details of the temperature distributions within the components are not important for the case at hand. The user supplies a table of normalized temperature drops vs. time and also a table of elevation of the thermal center vs. time. The thermal center of the steam generator or intermediate heat exchanger is the point above which the circulating fluid is assumed to have the density corresponding to the inlet temperature and below which it is assumed to have the density corresponding to the outlet temperature. The outlet temperature of the steam generator or intermediate heat exchanger is calculated from the inlet temperature by .. math:: :label: eq-5.4-81 T_{\text{out}} \left( t \right) = T_{\text{in}} \left( t \right) + f \left( t \right) \left\lbrack T_{\text{out}} \left( t = 0 \right) - T_{\text{in}}\left( t = 0 \right) \right\rbrack where :math:`f \left( t \right)` is obtained by linear interpolation from the user-supplied table of temperature drops. Also .. math:: :label: eq-5.4-82 f \left( t = 0 \right) = 1.0 For the table look-up steam generator there is an option in the code for the user to specify the steam generator outlet temperature directly instead of specifying the temperature drop. For this option the user supplies a table of steam generator outlet temperature vs. time. The gravity head is calculated from .. math:: :label: eq-5.4-83 \Delta p_{\text{gr}} \left( t \right) = \rho_{\text{in}} \left( t \right) g\left\lbrack z_{\text{c}} \left( t \right) - z_{\text{in}} \right\rbrack + \rho_{\text{out}} \left( t \right) g \left\lbrack z_{\text{out}} - z_{\text{c}} \left( t \right) \right\rbrack where :math:`\rho_{\text{in}} \left( t \right), \rho_{\text{out}} \left( t \right)` = the densities of the inlet and outlet fluids at the inlet and outlet temperatures :math:`z_{\text{c}} \left( t \right)` = the user-supplied table of the elevation of the thermal center as a function of time :math:`z_{\text{in}}`, :math:`z_{\text{out}}` = the inlet and outlet elevations :math:`g` = the acceleration of gravity .. _section- .. include:: input-TabHX.rst