================================================================================ Block 65 --- FUELIN --- Channel-Dependent Fuel Input ================================================================================ .. default-role:: sasinp .. sasblock:: FUELIN 65 .. sasinp:: FSPEC :location: 1 Fuel-pin failure criterion, threshold value. `IERSTP` (See also `FMELTM` and `PCFAIL`). See `MFAIL`. .. sasinp:: FMELTM :location: 2 The minimum fuel melt fraction that must exist at the failure node before PLUTO2 or LEVITATE is allowed to be called. Suggested value: 0.2 (must be input > 0). .. sasinp:: DENS :location: 3 :units: kg/m^3 Liquid cladding density at the liquidus. .. sasinp:: AE :location: 4 :units: 1/K Coefficient of linear expansion of solid cladding (=1/3 volume coefficient). .. sasinp:: RHOCD :location: 5 :units: 1/K Volumetric coefficient of expansion for liquid cladding. .. sasinp:: VISMC :location: 6 :units: Pa-s Viscosity of cladding at liquidus temperature. At higher temperatures, viscosity= `VISMC`\ \*EXP( `AVISC` / `TELIQ` - `AVISC` /T). .. sasinp:: VISTR :location: 7 :units: Pa-s Viscosity of cladding at solidus temperature. Between solidus and liquidus, viscosity=(\ `VISTR`\ -\ `VISMC`\ )\* (1-FMELTC)\*\* `XVISC` + `VISMC` where FMELTC is the melt fraction. .. sasinp:: VISSC :location: 8 :units: Pa-s Viscosity of refrozen cladding. This is used as viscosity below solidus. .. sasinp:: XVISC :location: 9 Exponent in viscosity equation. .. sasinp:: CLADFR :location: 10 Moody friction factor for the molten cladding during turbulent cladding flow over the fuel rod. .. sasinp:: REBRK :location: 11 Laminar to turbulent transition Reynolds number for molten cladding flow. .. sasinp:: GMULTF :location: 12 Constants in molten cladding and sodium vapor two-phase friction multiplier. Multiplier = CHOR\*(1.0+\ `GMULTF`\ \*(1.0-MAX(ALPH, `ALPHCR` ))) where ALPH is void fraction. The incoherence (time delay) factor is: CHOR=MAX(0.01,MIN(1.0,(FPS/ `FPS0` )\*\* `EXPFPS` )) where FPS is the time in full-power seconds since cladding first moved in the channel. .. sasinp:: ALPHCR :location: 13 See `GMULTF`. .. sasinp:: FPS0 :location: 14 See `GMULTF`. .. sasinp:: EXPFPS :location: 15 See `GMULTF`. .. sasinp:: AMELT :location: 16 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: CLSTHR :location: 17 Multiplier for frozen cladding-structure heat transfer. Suggested value: 1.0. .. sasinp:: FRACPD :location: 18 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: PCFAIL :location: 19 :units: Pa Pin cavity pressure at pin failure time. Only necessary if the transient DEFORM calculation is not used (\ `ISSFU2` .NE.1) or if CLAP preceded LEVITATE in this channel. May also be useful for overriding the DEFORM calculated cavity pressure for parametric studies. For `PCFAIL` < 1, the DEFORM calculated cavity pressure is used in PLUTO and LEVITATE. This is the recommended option when it can be used. .. sasinp:: AVISC :location: 20 :units: K Constant in viscosity equation. (See `VISMC`). .. sasinp:: CPC :location: 21 :units: J/kg-K Specific heat capacity of molten cladding at the liquidus temperature. .. sasinp:: FPINAC :location: 22 Areal fraction of fuel, with enthalpy exceeding the melting threshold of at least `FNMELT` of the heat of fusion, required to initiate PINACLE ; i.e. for in-pin pre-failure fuel motion to begin. See `FNMELT` and `CPINAC` . Recommended value: 2 radial nodes. .. sasinp:: CPINAC :location: 23 Also, at least 3 contiguous axial nodes must satisfy the condition: Molten fuel fraction > `FPINAC` x `CPINAC` in order to initiate PINACLE. Recommended value: 0.5. .. sasinp:: RHOREF :location: 24 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: WUREF :location: 25 Fabricated uranium weight fraction in the metal fuel in the SSCOMP model (\ `IFUELO` = 1). .. sasinp:: WPUREF :location: 26 Fabricated plutonium weight fraction in the metal fuel in the SSCOMP model (\ `IFUELO` = 1). .. sasinp:: WZRREF :location: 27 Fabricated zirconium weight fraction in the metal fuel in the SSCOMP model (\ `IFUELO` = 1). .. sasinp:: DFUELX :location: 28-51 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: FUSLDT :location: 52 :units: m Maximum axial displacement of the upper fuel blanket or/and sodium slug above the fuel active top. .. sasinp:: FUSLMA :location: 53 :units: kg/pin Total mass of the upper fuel blanket or/and sodium slug above fuel pin top. .. sasinp:: BURNFU :location: 54 :units: at\% Axially averaged fuel pin burnup for metal fuel pins used in the SSCOMP model (\ `IFUELO` = 1). Also used for `IFUELM` = 2. | = 0, `FPDAYS` and `FLTPOW` used to calculate cladding fluence. | > 0, `BURNFU` determines cladding fluence. .. sasinp:: XPUZR :location: 55-198 Post-zone formation plutonium and Zirconium weight fractions in the central zone, followed by those in the middle zone and those in the outer zone. Not currently used. .. sasinp:: GASRTM :location: 199 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: TIRRFU :location: 200 :units: K Cladding steady state irradiation temperature at the top of the fuel region for metal fueled pins. Used in life fraction calculation. | ≤ 0, Maximum temperature during steady state at each axial node used. | > 0, And `ISSFUE` = 0, value applied to each axial node .. sasinp:: DFUELI :location: 201-300 Not currently used.