================================================================================ Block 61 --- GEOMIN --- Channel-Dependent Geometry Data ================================================================================ .. default-role:: sasinp .. sasblock:: GEOMIN 61 .. sasinp:: ACCZ (KZ) :location: 1-7 :units: m^2 Coolant flow area per fuel-pin in zone KZ. For example, core plus axial blankets plus fission-gas plenum, i.e., the whole fuel-pin length, is one zone. Each axial reflector is a separate zone. .. sasinp:: AXHI (J) :location: 8-31 :units: m Length of axial segment J, 1 ≤ J ≤ MZ. MZ is the number of axial segments in core plus blankets. Note: All should be as equal in size as possible. .. sasinp:: DHZ (KZ) :location: 32-38 :units: m Hydraulic diameter in zone KZ. .. sasinp:: DSTIZ (KZ) :location: 39-45 :units: m DSTI (thickness of inner structure node) in zone KZ. (See `FNSROS` for consistent input). .. sasinp:: DSTOZ (KZ) :location: 46-52 :units: m DSTO (thickness of outer structure node) in zone KZ. (See `FNSROS` for consistent input) .. sasinp:: PLENL :location: 53 :units: m Length of fission-gas plenum. .. sasinp:: RBR (J) :location: 54-77 :units: m Cladding inner radius for axial segment J, 1 ≤ J ≤ MZ. Note: If all values are the same, only the first must be input. .. sasinp:: RER (J) :location: 78-101 :units: m Cladding outer radius for axial segment J, 1 ≤ J ≤ MZ. Note: If all values are the same, only the first must be input. .. sasinp:: RBRPL :location: 102 :units: m Cladding inner radius in gas plenum. .. sasinp:: RERPL :location: 103 :units: m Cladding outer radius in gas plenum. .. sasinp:: RINFP (J) :location: 104-127 :units: m Fuel inner radius for axial segment J, 1 ≤ J ≤ MZ. (Minimum of 1.0E-6 if `ISSFUE` = 1). Note: If all values are the same, only the first must be input. .. sasinp:: ROUTFP (J) :location: 128-151 :units: m Fuel outer radius for axial segment J, 1 ≤ J ≤ MZ. Note: If all values are the same, only the first must be input. .. sasinp:: ZONEL (KZ) :location: 152-158 :units: m Length of zone KZ. .. sasinp:: SRFSTZ (KZ) :location: 159-165 :units: m SFR, structure perimeter in zone KZ per pin. .. sasinp:: AREAPC :location: 166 :units: m^2 APC, coolant plus pin area per pin, in the pin section. .. sasinp:: CFLAT :location: 167 :units: m Beveled corner dimension on outer cladding surface for `MTREAT` > 0. .. sasinp:: FFLAT :location: 168 :units: m Beveled cormer dimension on outer fuel surface for `MTREAT` > 0. .. sasinp:: DRFO (KZ) :location: 169-175 :units: m KZ = 1, NZONE. For KZ not equal to KZPIN , `DRFO` is the thickness of the outer reflector node in zone KZ. Note that a two-node, slab-geometry treatment is used for heat transfer to the reflector. (See `DRFI` for the inner node thickness). For KZ = KZPIN, `DRFO` = cladding thickness in the plenum region (\ `RERPL` - `RBRPL`\ ). .. sasinp:: STCOR :location: 176 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: VFPLNT :location: 177 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: VFLREF :location: 178 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: VFUREF :location: 179 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: RBR0 :location: 180 :units: m Nominal cladding inner radius. .. sasinp:: RER0 :location: 181 :units: m Nominal cladding outer radius. .. sasinp:: SER (KZ) :location: 182-188 :units: m For KZ not equal to KZPIN, `SER` is the reflector perimeter per pin wetted by coolant in the reflector zone. For KZ = KZPIN, `SER` is the pin perimeter in the gas plenum region. .. sasinp:: DRFI (KZ) :location: 189-195 :units: m KZ = 1,…,NZONE. `DRFI` is the thickness of the inner reflector node in zone KZ. .. sasinp:: VFC :location: 196 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: RAFUZ :location: 197-220 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: ZCHOBT :location: 221 Axial coordinates lower end of the hodoscope field of view referenced to the fuel pin bottom. Used only for TREAT experiment analysis. .. sasinp:: ZCHOTP :location: 222 Axial coordinates upper end of the hodoscope field of view referenced to the fuel pin bottom. Used only for TREAT experiment analysis. .. sasinp:: ZOFFST :location: 223 :units: m Axial (Z) offset, elevation of the bottom of the lower blanket. Default = 0. .. sasinp:: RIZNC (J) :location: 224-247 :units: m Outer radius of central zone corresponding to `IZNC`\ (J). Default value of zero results in central zone outer radius being set by `IZNC`\ (J) and the assumption of an equal delta R radial mesh. Used only for `IFUELC` = 1. .. sasinp:: RIZNM (J) :location: 248-271 :units: m Outer radius of intermediate zone corresponding to `IZNM`\ (J). Default value of zero results in intermediate zone outer radius being set by `IZNM`\ (J) and the assumption of an equal delta R radial mesh. Used only for `IFUELC` = 1 .. sasinp:: TWASTI :location: 272 :units: m Initial wastage thickness on the cladding inner surface. Used in DEFORM-5 and FPIN2. .. sasinp:: TWASTO :location: 273 :units: m Initial wastage thickness on the cladding outer surface. Used in DEFORM-5 and FPIN2. .. sasinp:: XXNPIN :location: 274 Number of pins per subassembly. Used only by the multiple pin model. See also `NPIN`. If `XXNPIN` is 0.0, then the code will set `XXNPIN` = `NPIN` . If `XXNPIN` is not 0.0, then `NPIN` will be set to `XXNPIN`\ , rounded (not truncated) to the nearest integer. .. sasinp:: DZEMFM :location: 275-284 See FED. .. sasinp:: DUMGEO :location: 285-350 Not currently used.