================================================================================ Block 11 --- OPCIN --- Channel-Independent Floating-Point Input ================================================================================ .. default-role:: sasinp .. sasblock:: OPCIN 11 .. sasinp:: EPSTEM :location: 1 :units: K Steady-state temperature convergence delta. The steady-state temperatures in the fuel-pin must converge such that \|T' - T\| <= `EPSTEM`\ , where T' is the temperature on the last iteration and T is the temperature on the previous iteration. Suggested value: 0.1. .. sasinp:: EPSREA :location: 2 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: EPSPOW :location: 3 Neutron flux amplitude convergence criterion. .. sasinp:: EPSGAM :location: 4 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: DT0 :location: 5 :units: s Initial and maximum main time step length. .. sasinp:: DTMXB :location: 6 :units: s Maximum heat-transfer time step length after coolant boiling inception. Suggested value: 0.01 s. Maximum value: 0.02 s. .. sasinp:: TIMAX :location: 7 :units: s Maximum problem time. Restart file is saved when time `TIMAX` is reached if `NSTEP`\ > 0. .. sasinp:: REAITR :location: 8 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: TCOSTP :location: 9 :units: s Number of CPU seconds reserved at end of run for writing of restart file when `NSTEP` > 0. .. sasinp:: DTFUEL :location: 10 :units: K Maximum fuel temperature change per heat-transfer time step. Suggested value: 50.0 for `IMETAL` = 0, 5.0 for `IMETAL` > 0. .. sasinp:: DTCLAD :location: 11 :units: K Maximum cladding temperature change per heat-transfer time step. Suggested value: 30.0. .. sasinp:: TCLMAX :location: 12 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: DTP0 :location: 13 :units: s Initial PRIMAR time step size. .. sasinp:: DTPMAX :location: 14 :units: s Maximum PRIMAR time step size before boiling starts. .. sasinp:: DTPBOI :location: 15 :units: s Maximum PRIMAR step size after start of boiling. .. sasinp:: DTPLEV :location: 16 :units: s Maximum PRIMAR step size after LEVITATE starts. .. sasinp:: DTPFCI :location: 17 :units: s Maximum PRIMAR step size after PLUTO-2 starts. .. sasinp:: TPRFCI :location: 18 :units: s Time after PLUTO-2 initiation when PRIMAR step can be increased to `DTPBOI`\ . .. sasinp:: DPINMX :location: 19 :units: Pa Maximum change in inlet pressure per PRIMAR step. .. sasinp:: DTINMX :location: 20 :units: K Maximum change in inlet temperature per PRIMAR step. .. sasinp:: DTMMXB :location: 21 :units: s Maximum main time step after the onset of boiling. .. sasinp:: DPWMAX :location: 22 Maximum fractional change in power per main time step, only used if `IPOWER`\ = 1. .. sasinp:: ASCRAM :location: 23 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: PSCRAM :location: 24 Normalized total power for scram initiation. Relevant for `IPOWER`\ =0, `NPK`\ =0. .. sasinp:: GSCRAM :location: 25 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: DTSSCP :location: 26 :units: s Time step size for the null transient to initialize component-component heat transfer in PRIMAR-4. .. sasinp:: EPSSCP :location: 27 Component-component heat transfer convergence criterion for the null transient. .. sasinp:: DXMAPR :location: 28-87 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: DTNULL :location: 88 :units: s Time step size for the null transient for steady-state core channel thermal hydraulics. Not used if `ISSNUL`\ =0. .. sasinp:: TPCOST :location: 89 :units: s Time to start writing PINACLE data for core image (PNPICO subroutine). .. sasinp:: TPCOLE :location: 90 :units: s Time to start writing LEVITATE data for core image (LEPICO subroutine). .. sasinp:: TPCOEN :location: 91 :units: s Time to stop writing data for core images. .. sasinp:: DTPICP :location: 92 :units: s Time interval for writing data for core images while PINACLE is active. .. sasinp:: DTPICL :location: 93 :units: s Time interval for writing data for core images while LEVITATE is active. .. sasinp:: DTMMAX :location: 94 :units: s Maximum main time step length. Default = `DT0`\ . .. sasinp:: DTMIN (I) :location: 95-104 :units: s Main time step table. `DTMIN`\ (I) is the length of the main time step to be used in the problem time interval from `TDTMIN`\ (I) to `TDTMIN`\ (I+1). For times before `TDTMIN`\ (1), `DT0` is used as the main time step. If J is the index of the last entry in the `DTMIN` table, then the main time step for times after `TDTMIN`\ (J) is `DTMIN`\ (J). If there are no entries in the `DTMIN` table, the automatic main time step selection algorithm will be used. .. sasinp:: TDTMIN (I) :location: 105-114 :units: s See `DTMIN` above. .. sasinp:: TMAINS :location: 115-149 :units: s Problem times for forced main time step termination. .. sasinp:: DELSCR :location: 150 :units: s Time delay after scram initiation (\ `ASCRAM`\ , `PSCRAM`\ , `GSCRAM`\ ) for scram reactivity table (\ `SCRTAB`\ , `SCRTME`\ ) application and for external source (\ `KQSCRA`\ ) changes. .. sasinp:: DELPUM :location: 151 :units: s Time delay after scram initiation (\ `ASCRAM`\ , `PSCRAM`\ , `GSCRAM`\ ) for beginning of `PUHALF` pump coastdown. .. sasinp:: PUHALF :location: 152 :units: s Flow halving time after TSCRAM+DELPUM. F(t)=F(0)/(1+t/\ `PUHALF`\ ), where t is the time after TSCRAM+DELPUM. Only for `IFLOW` > 0. .. sasinp:: OPCDUM :location: 153-250 Not currently used. **DEFAULT VALUES** .. list-table:: :header-rows: 0 :align: center :widths: auto * - `DTP0` - 1.0 * - `DTPBOI` - 0.01 * - `DTPLEV` - 0.004 * - `DTPFCI` - 0.001 * - `TPRFCI` - 0.05 * - `DPINMX` - 25000.0 * - `DTINMX` - 5.0 * - `DTPMAX` - 1.0 * - `DTMMXB` - 0.02