================================================================================ Block 13 --- PMATCM --- Fuel and Cladding Properties ================================================================================ .. default-role:: sasinp .. sasblock:: PMATCM 13 **Note: Suggested values refer to oxide fuel.** .. sasinp:: COEFDS (1) :location: 1 :units: kg/m^3 Solid fuel theoretical density at the reference temperature. Suggested value: 11.08E+3. Theoretical fuel density = `COEFDS`\ (1) / [1.0 + (\ `COEFDS`\ (2) + `COEFDS`\ (3) \* (TK-273.15)) \* (TK-273.15)]. .. sasinp:: COEFDS (2) :location: 2 :units: 1/K First-order solid fuel volumetric thermal expansion coefficient, ALPHA1. Suggested value: 2.04E-5. .. sasinp:: COEFDS (3) :location: 3 :units: 1/K^2 Second-order solid fuel volumetric thermal expansion coefficient, BETA1 Suggested value: 8.70E-9. Used only if `IRHOK` > 0. .. sasinp:: COEFK (1-7) :location: 4-10 Fuel thermal conductivity coefficients. Fuel thermal conductivity = ((\ `COEFK`\ (1) - FDEN) \* FDEN - 1.0) \* ((\ `COEFK`\ (2) + `COEFK`\ (3) \* TK)\ :sup:`-1` + `COEFK`\ (4) \* TK\ :sup:`3`) if FDEN ≤ 0.95, and thermal conductivity = (3.0 \* FDEN -1.0) \* ((\ `COEFK`\ (5) + `COEFK`\ (6) \* TK)\ :sup:`-1` + `COEFK`\ (7) \* TK\ :sup:`3`) if FDEN > 0.95, where FDEN is fractional fuel density. Suggested values: 2.1, 2.88E-3, 2.52E-5, 5.83E-10, 5.75E-2, 5.03E-4, 2.91E-11. Used only if `IRHOK` = 2. .. sasinp:: EXKTB (L,ICLAD) :location: 11-70 :units: W/m-K Table of clad thermal conductivity values for clad *ICLAD*, 1 ≤ *L* ≤ 20. See `EXKTM` for corresponding temperature values. If only `EXKTB`\ (1) is entered, property is temperature-independent. (1 ≤ *ICLAD* ≤ `ICLAD1`\ ) .. sasinp:: EXKTM (L) :location: 71-90 :units: K Temperature values for `EXKTB` table, 1 ≤ *L* ≤ 20. .. sasinp:: RHOTAB (L,IFUEL) :location: 91-250 :units: kg/m^3 Table of theoretical fuel density for fuel *IFUEL*, 1 ≤ *L* ≤ 20. See `RHOTEM` for corresponding temperature values. Used for `IMETAL` = 0. See `RHOZN`\ for `IMETAL` > 0. .. sasinp:: RHOTEM (L,IFUEL) :location: 251-410 :units: K Temperature values for `RHOTAB` table, 1 ≤ *L* ≤ 20, for fuel *IFUEL*. Note: If fuel solidus and liquidus temperatures are defined for fuel melting (see `TFSOL` and `TFLIQ`), then two adjacent entries for these temperatures should be provided in this table. .. sasinp:: TMF (IFUEL) :location: 411-418 :units: K Not to be input. It is set to fuel solidus temperature in the code. See `TFSOL`. .. sasinp:: TR :location: 419 :units: K Reference design point temperature. Temperature at which pin dimensions are measured. Suggested value: 300. .. sasinp:: XKTAB (L,IFUEL) :location: 420-579 :units: W/m-K Table of fuel thermal conductivity values for fuel *IFUEL*, 1 ≤ *L* ≤ 20. See `XKTEM` for corresponding temperature values. If only `XKTAB`\ (1) is entered, property is temperature-independent. (1 ≤ *IFUEL* ≤ `IFUEL1`\ ) .. sasinp:: XKTEM (L) :location: 580-599 :units: K Temperature values for `XKTAB` table, 1 ≤ *L* ≤ 20. .. sasinp:: FGMM :location: 600 :units: g/mol Molecular weight of fission-gas atom. Suggested value: 131. .. sasinp:: GATPF :location: 601 Gas atoms generated per fission. Suggested value: 0.246. .. sasinp:: ENPF :location: 602 :units: MeV Energy per fission. Suggested value: 197. .. sasinp:: RLEQ :location: 603 Fraction of the as-fabricated porosity which defines the equiaxed / columnar fuel boundary. Suggested value: 0.6. PRSTY2 < `RLEQ` \* `PRSTY` - columnar fuel PRSTY2 > `RLEQ` \* `PRSTY` - equiaxed fuel .. sasinp:: RUEQ :location: 604 Grain size ratio at the equiaxed / as-fabricated boundary. Suggested value: 1.2. DGR2 < `RUEQ` \* `DGO` - as-fabricated DGR2 ≥ `RUEQ` \* `DGO` - equiaxed .. sasinp:: PRSMIN :location: 605 Minimum attainable porosity during restructuring. Suggested value: 0.02. .. sasinp:: CPFTAB (L,IFUEL) :location: 606-765 :units: J/kg-K Table of fuel specific heat values for fuel *IFUEL*, 1 ≤ *L* ≤ 20. See `CPFTEM` for corresponding temperature values. If only `CPFTAB`\ (1) is entered, property is temperature-independent. (1 ≤ *IFUEL* ≤ `IFUEL1`\ ) .. sasinp:: CPFTEM (L) :location: 766-785 :units: K Temperature values for `CPFTAB` table, 1 ≤ *L* ≤ 20. .. sasinp:: TFSOL (IFUEL) :location: 786-793 :units: K Fuel solidus temperature. .. sasinp:: TFLIQ (IFUEL) :location: 794-801 :units: K Fuel liquidus temperature. .. sasinp:: UFMELT (IFUEL) :location: 802-809 :units: J/kg Fuel heat of fusion. .. sasinp:: TESOL (ICLAD) :location: 810-812 :units: K Cladding solidus temperature. .. sasinp:: TELIQ (ICLAD) :location: 813-815 :units: K Cladding liquidus temperature. .. sasinp:: UEMELT (ICLAD) :location: 816-818 :units: J/kg Cladding heat of fusion. .. sasinp:: CPCTAB (L,ICLAD) :location: 819-878 :units: J/kg-K Table of clad specific heat values for clad *ICLAD*, 1 ≤ *L* ≤ 20. See `CPCTEM` for corresponding temperature values. If only `CPCTAB`\ (1) is entered, property is temperature-independent. (1 ≤ *ICLAD* ≤ `ICLAD1`\ ) .. sasinp:: CPCTEM (L) :location: 879-898 :units: K Temperature values for `CPCTAB` table, 1 ≤ *L* ≤ 20. .. sasinp:: TME (ICLAD) :location: 899-901 :units: K Not to be input. Set to cladding solidus temperature in the code. See `TESOL`. .. sasinp:: UMELT (IFUEL) :location: 902-909 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: YLDTAB (L,ICLAD) :location: 910-969 :units: Pa Table of clad yield values for clad *ICLAD*, 1 ≤ *L* ≤ 20. See `YLDTEM` for corresponding temperature values. If only `YLDTAB`\ (1) is entered, property is temperature-independent. (1 ≤ *ICLAD* ≤ `ICLAD1`\ ) .. sasinp:: YLDTEM (L) :location: 970-989 :units: K Temperatures values for `YLDTAB` table. .. sasinp:: CROETB (L,ICLAD) :location: 990-1049 :units: J/m^3-K Specific heat \* density for cladding in table location L, 1 ≤ *L* ≤ 20. See `CROETM` for corresponding temperature values. If only `CROETB`\ (1) is entered, property is temperature-independent. .. sasinp:: CROETM (L) :location: 1050-1069 :units: K Temperature values for `CROETB` table. .. sasinp:: CE (ICLAD) :location: 1070-1072 :units: J/kg-K Cladding specific heat at solidus temperature for CLAP cladding motion module. 1 ≤ ICLAD ≤ 3. Suggested value: 690. .. sasinp:: PRSTY (IFUEL) :location: 1073-1080 As-fabricated porosity for each fuel type. IFUEL ≤ 8. .. sasinp:: AC :location: 1081 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: QSWL :location: 1082 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: APORE :location: 1083 :units: m^2-K^1.5/s Pre-exponential factor in pore velocity. VPORE = `APORE` \* (dT/dr) \* exp(-\ `QPORE`\ /(\ `RGASSI` \* T)) / (T \*\* `ABC`\ ) Suggested value: 20.704. .. sasinp:: QPORE :location: 1084 :units: J/gm-mole Pore migration activation energy Suggested value: 4.5281E05. .. sasinp:: ABC :location: 1085 Exponent of temperature factor in pore velocity. Suggested value: 1.5. .. sasinp:: RGASSI :location: 1086 :units: J/gm-mole-K Ideal gas constant. Suggested value: 8.31434. .. sasinp:: GAMMA :location: 1087 :units: J/m^2 Fuel surface tension. Suggested value: 0.45. See `SUFU`. .. sasinp:: APG :location: 1088 :units: Pa Pre-exponential factor in bubble radius parameterization. Suggested value: 5.0E04. | RB = (2 \* `GAMMA`\ /\ `APG`\ ) \* exp (-\ `QPG` / (\ `RGASSI` \* TEMP)) .. sasinp:: QPG :location: 1089 :units: J/mole Temperature dependence of bubble radius. Suggested value: 5.65065E04. .. sasinp:: GK :location: 1090 :units: m^3/s Pre-exponential factor in unlimited grain growth rate. DG \*\* `NGRAIN` = `DGO` \*\* `NGRAIN` + `GK` \* TIME \* exp (- `QV` / (\ `RGASSI` \* TEMP)) Suggested value: 1.717E10. .. sasinp:: QV :location: 1091 :units: J/gm-mole Activation energy of unlimited grain growth rate. Suggested value: 3.87E05. .. sasinp:: GK1 :location: 1092 :units: m^2/s Pre-exponential factor in limited grain growth rate. (Ainscough et al. model). Suggested value: 1.45556E-08. .. sasinp:: QV1 :location: 1093 :units: J/mole-K Temperature dependence in limited grain growth rate. Suggested value: 2.67E+5. .. sasinp:: GRAINK :location: 1094 :units: m Pre-exponential factor in maximum grain size. DMAX = `GRAINK` \* exp(-\ `GRAINQ` / (\ `RGASSI`\ \* TEMP)) .. sasinp:: GRAINQ :location: 1095 :units: J/gm-mole Temperature dependence in maximum grain size. Suggested value: 6.3375E+04. .. sasinp:: CVXE :location: 1096 :units: J/kg-K Xenon specific heat at constant volume. Suggested value: 94.69. .. sasinp:: CVHE :location: 1097 :units: J/kg-K Helium specific heat at constant volume. Suggested value: 3.13E+03. .. sasinp:: ROFF :location: 1098 :units: m Surface roughness of fuel. Suggested value: 3.3E-06. .. sasinp:: ROFC :location: 1099 :units: m Surface roughness of inner cladding. Suggested value: 1.78E-06. .. sasinp:: AZEROX :location: 1100 Calibration factor in solid-solid conductance. Not currently used. .. sasinp:: GAMGS :location: 1101 Cp/Cv parameter in jump distance calculation. Suggested value: 1.66. .. sasinp:: HARDNS :location: 1102 :units: Pa Meyer's hardness of the softer contacting surface in solid-solid gap conductance. This is set to 3 \* yield stress within the code. .. sasinp:: ET :location: 1103 Exponent of the pressure dependence in solid-solid conductance. Suggested value: 1. .. sasinp:: ACCHE :location: 1104 Accommodation coefficient of helium. Suggested value: 0.15. .. sasinp:: ACCXE :location: 1105 Accommodation coefficient of xenon. Suggested value: 0.805. .. sasinp:: CZERO :location: 1106 Calibration constant for surface roughness in gap conductance calculation. Suggested value: 1.98. .. sasinp:: STEBOL :location: 1107 :units: W/m^2-K^4 Stefan-Boltzmann constant. Suggested value: 5.67E-08. .. sasinp:: EMSF :location: 1108 Fuel emissivity. Suggested value: 0.9. .. sasinp:: EMSC :location: 1109 Cladding emissivity. Suggested value: 0.8. .. sasinp:: QA1 :location: 1110 :units: K Parameter in Weisman fission-gas release model. Probability of escaping directly without being trapped, KPRIME = exp(-\ `QA1`\ / TEMP - `QA2` - `QA3` \* DEN) where DEN = percent of fuel theoretical density. Suggested value: 6.92E+3. .. sasinp:: QA2 :location: 1111 Parameter in Weisman fission-gas release model. Suggested value: 33.95. .. sasinp:: QA3 :location: 1112 Parameter in Weisman fission-gas release model. Suggested value: 0.338. .. sasinp:: QA4 :location: 1113 :units: K Parameter in Weisman fission-gas release model. Probability of trapped fission-gas atom getting released from trap and then escaping per second, K = exp(-\ `QA4`\ / TEMP - `QA5`\ ). K is in units of 1/s. Suggested value: 1.48E+04. .. sasinp:: QA5 :location: 1114 Parameter in Weisman fission-gas release model. Suggested value: 9.575. .. sasinp:: ALFSS :location: 1115 :units: 1/s Pre-exponential factor in isotropic fission- gas release model. Fractional release rate= `ALFSS` \* exp(-\ `BETSS`\ /TEMP). Suggested value: 2.0E-04. .. sasinp:: BETSS :location: 1116 :units: K Temperature dependence in isotropic fission-gas release model. Suggested value: 1.1E+04. .. sasinp:: CNU :location: 1117 Cladding Poisson ratio. Suggested value: 0.3. .. sasinp:: FNU :location: 1118 Fuel Poisson ratio. Suggested value: 0.3265. .. sasinp:: AM :location: 1119 Stress exponent in the fuel creep law for stress relaxation calculation. Strain rate = AONE \* stress \*\* `AM` \* exp(-\ `QLAX`\ /(\ `RGASSI` \* Temp)). "AONE" is evaluated in the code depending on fractional fuel density and fuel grain size. Suggested value: 1.0. .. sasinp:: QLAX :location: 1120 :units: J/mole Activation energy for diffusion creep. Suggested value: 3.77E+05. .. sasinp:: QLAX2 :location: 1121 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: DDX :location: 1122 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: DDX2 :location: 1123 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: RGAS :location: 1124 :units: Pa-m^3/kg-K Gas constant per kilogram for fission-gas (as in PV = MRT). Suggested value: 65 for high burnups. **PLUTO2 AND LEVITATE** Input (1125-1199, 1206-1217, 1229-1257) .. sasinp:: CINAF0 :location: 1125 Fraction of the coolant flow area occupied by the liquid sodium film left behind by moving coolant slugs in PLUTO2. This is also the maximum value in the voided channel. `CINAF0` must be < `CIVOID`\ . See `WFS00` and `WF0` to input consistent values. Suggested value: 0.15. .. sasinp:: CIBBIN :location: 1126 If the liquid fuel volume fraction in the channel is greater than `CIBBIN`\ , the fuel flow regime is treated as a bubbly flow regime. See `VFNALQ` and `CIANIN`. .. sasinp:: CIREFU :location: 1127 Reynolds number for annular or bubbly fuel flow above which the friction factor is assumed to be constant and equal to `CIFRFU`. .. sasinp:: CIFRFU :location: 1128 Moody friction factor for turbulent bubbly fuel flow (See `CIREFU`). .. sasinp:: CIFUMO :location: 1129 Fraction of the axial momentum of the fuel flow in the pin which is retained by the fuel which is ejected into the coolant channel. .. sasinp:: CIVOID :location: 1130 If the sodium void fraction in the coolant channel is less than `CIVOID` the heat-transfer and friction between sodium and cladding are based on single- phase correlations for the homogeneous mixture of the two phases of sodium. `CIVOID` must be > `CINAF0` and < `CIA4`\ . For sodium void fractions greater than `CIVOID` see `CIA4` and `HCFFMI`. See :numref:`table-14.4-2`. .. sasinp:: CIA1 :location: 1131 Constant in the fuel particle-to-sodium heat-transfer coefficient. H = `CIA1`\ \*(conductivity of fuel)/(particle radius) \* (1-Na void fraction) \*\* `CIA2`\ . (See Eqs. :ref:`14.4-94` and :ref:`14.4-98`). .. sasinp:: CIA2 :location: 1132 (See `CIA1`\ ). .. sasinp:: CIA3 :location: 1133 Constant in the molten fuel-to-cladding and molten fuel-to-solid fuel heat-transfer coefficient. Constant for oxide fuel but strongly dependent on Reynolds number for metal fuel. (See Eqs. :ref:`14.2-29`, :ref:`14.4-118`, and :ref:`14.4-125`). .. sasinp:: CIA4 :location: 1134 If the sodium void fraction is greater than `CIA4`\ , the heat-transfer coefficient between two-phase sodium and cladding, moving fuel and fuel crust is based on an interpolation. `CIA4`\ must be > `CIVOID`\ . (See Eqs. :ref:`14.4-88`, :ref:`14.4-103` and :ref:`14.4-107` in the documentation). .. sasinp:: CIA5 :location: 1135 Constant in the fuel particle-to-sodium / fission-gas drag which controls the dependence on the void fraction. (See Eq. :ref:`14.4-163` in the documentation). Suggested value: -1.7. .. sasinp:: CIA6 :location: 1136 Constant in the bubbly fuel flow drag calculation (See Eq. :ref:`14.4-170`). Suggested value: 0.4272. .. sasinp:: CIFN :location: 1137 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: FNFUAN :location: 1138 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: CPFU :location: 1139 :units: J/kg-K Average specific heat of moving liquid or solid fuel. .. sasinp:: CDFU :location: 1140 :units: J/m-s-K Average thermal conductivity of moving liquid or solid fuel. .. sasinp:: CMNL :location: 1141 :units: Pa^-1 Average compressibility of liquid sodium at roughly the sodium temperature at the time of pin failure in the vicinity of failure. .. sasinp:: CDNL :location: 1142 :units: J/m-s-K Average thermal conductivity of liquid sodium at roughly the sodium temperature at the time of pin failure in the vicinity of failure. .. sasinp:: CIETFU :location: 1143 Effectiveness of fuel particles to entrain or tear off a liquid sodium film. `CIETFU` = 1.0 means that the fuel acts as a gas with the gas density equal to the fuel smear density. For `CIETFU` = 0.1 only one tenth of the fuel density is used. .. sasinp:: CDVG :location: 1144 :units: J/m-s-K Average thermal conductivity of the sodium vapor / fission-gas mixture at temperatures roughly 200-300 K higher than the sodium temperature at the time of pin failure in the vicinity of failure. Used only in Dittus-Boetter correlation for Nusselt numbers. At present, use sodium vapor value. .. sasinp:: VIFI :location: 1145 :units: kg/m-s Average viscosity of fission-gas. .. sasinp:: CFNACN :location: 1146 :units: J/m^2-s-K Sodium condensation coefficient. .. sasinp:: CFNAEV :location: 1147 :units: J/m^2-s-K Sodium evaporation coefficient. Should be larger than the above condensation coefficient. .. sasinp:: FIFNGB :location: 1148 Fraction of the fission-gas entering the cavity with the melting-in fuel which is on grain boundaries. This fraction of the fission-gas becomes immediately available, whereas the remainder becomes available only after a coalescence time. Suggested value: 0.10. (See `CIRTFS`\) .. sasinp:: VINL :location: 1149 :units: kg/m-s Average viscosity of liquid sodium at roughly the sodium temperature at the time of pin failure in the vicinity of failure. .. sasinp:: VIVG :location: 1150 :units: kg/m-s Average viscosity of the fission-gas/ sodium-vapor mixture. (For temperature range and other comments, see `CDVG`). .. sasinp:: EGFUSO :location: 1151 :units: J/kg Internal energy of fuel at the solidus point. .. sasinp:: DZPLIN :location: 1152 :units: m Minimum length of the edge cells in the interaction region of PLUTO-2 and LEVITATE. Values between 0.005 and 0.05 meter are allowed. `DZPLIN` has to be smaller than the shortest mesh cell in all channels. Recommended and default value: 0.02. .. sasinp:: CFCOFV :location: 1153 Condensation heat-transfer coefficient for fuel vapor. :units: J/m^2-s-K .. sasinp:: CFFURH :location: 1154 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: C1VIPR :location: 1155 A dimensionless constant in the artificial viscous pressure calculation inside the pin. (See Eq. :ref:`14.2-38a`) .. sasinp:: C2VIPR :location: 1156 A dimensionless constant in the artificial viscous pressure calculation inside the pin. (See Eq. :ref:`14.2-38`) .. sasinp:: SUFU :location: 1157 :units: J/m^2 Molten fuel surface tension. (See `GAMMA`) .. sasinp:: RAFPLA :location: 1158 :units: m Radius of initial fuel particles. .. sasinp:: RAFPSM :location: 1159 :units: m Radius of fuel particles after fragmentation, after `TIFP` s from initial injection. .. sasinp:: VFNALQ :location: 1160 Liquid sodium volume fraction in the coolant channels below which a continuous (annular or bubbly) fuel flow regime can be initiated (See `CIBBIN`, `CIANIN`, and `EGMN` used in determining fuel flow regimes). .. sasinp:: EGBBLY :location: 1161 :units: J/kg If the fuel flow regime is annular or bubbly, fuel freezing may be initiated when the fuel internal energy drops below EGBBLY. Its value should be above the solidus energy. .. sasinp:: VIFULQ :location: 1162 :units: kg/m-s Viscosity of the fuel above the fuel liquidus. .. sasinp:: VFNARE :location: 1163 Liquid sodium volume fraction above which a continuous fuel flow becomes a particulate flow again. Suggested value: >0.5. (See :numref:`figure-14.4-3`) .. sasinp:: DTPLIN :location: 1164 :units: s Initial and minimum PLUTO2 and LEVITATE time step. Suggested value: 2.E-5. Minimum value: 1.E-6. Maximum value: 2.E-4. .. sasinp:: AXMX :location: 1165 :units: m^2 Reference area for PLUTO2 and LEVITATE. This area times 1 meter is the volume to which all volume fractions in PLUTO2 or LEVITATE are referenced. It makes the volume fractions more meaningful if this area is equal to the area encompassing everything inside the outer perimeter of the subassembly wall (not per fuel-pin but per fuel subassembly). .. sasinp:: EPCH :location: 1166 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: TIPLMX :location: 1167 :units: s Time after PLUTO2 initiation when full PLUTO2 calculations are switched off and only the PLUTO2 energy equations are solved for all components which are then assumed to remain stagnant. Necessary for transient overpower calculations in which the lead channel fails many seconds before any other channel. .. sasinp:: DTPLP :location: 1168 :units: s Full PLUTO2 or LEVITATE printout every `DTPLP` seconds. .. sasinp:: FNMELT :location: 1169 Molten fuel is added to the cavity when it has gone through a fraction `FNMELT` of the heat of fusion. Suggested value: 0.9 (for TREAT experiment analysis lower values may be necessary). .. sasinp:: CIRTFS :location: 1170 :units: 1/s Determines how fast dissolved fission-gas in the pin cavity coalesces and becomes free gas: Mass of fission-gas coalescing per unit time = `CIRTFS` \* current mass of dissolved fission-gas in this node. Suggested value: 16.667. .. sasinp:: CISP :location: 1171 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: CIFUFZ :location: 1172 Controls the mode of fuel freezing in PLUTO2. | = 0, Conduction type freezing. | = 1, Bulk type freezing. Allowed range between 0.0 to 1.0. Suggested value: 1. .. sasinp:: TIFP :location: 1173 :units: s Time delay for fragmentation of larger particles into smaller ones (relative to initial fuel injection time, see `IPSIZE`). .. sasinp:: CIANIN :location: 1174 Channel fuel (moving fuel + frozen fuel) volume fraction above which the whole perimeter of the channel is wetted by molten fuel in annular flow. .. sasinp:: TEFAIL :location: 1175 :units: K Cladding temperature of a node above which the cladding failure propagates to this node if the pin pressure is greater than the channel pressure + `PRFAIL` and also the areal fuel melt fraction greater than `FNARME`. Both cladding nodes must exceed this temperature. Relevant only if axial pin failure propagation is determined by input, if `KFAILP` = 1. Suggested value: Steel solidus temperature `TESOL`\ . .. sasinp:: FNARME :location: 1176 Relevant for both axial pin failure propagation options (\ `KFAILP` = 0 or 1). FARME is the minimum areal fuel melt fraction of a node above which a cladding failure can propagate into this node if additional conditions depending upon the value of `KFAILP` are satisfied. .. sasinp:: PRFAIL :location: 1177 :units: Pa Relevant only if `KFAILP` = 1. (See `TEFAIL`). .. sasinp:: EGMN :location: 1178 :units: J/kg The continuous fuel flow regimes cannot be initiated below this fuel internal energy. Its value should be above the solidus energy. .. sasinp:: HCFFMI :location: 1179 :units: J/m^2-s-K Convective heat-transfer coefficient from the surface of a frozen fuel crust to two-phase sodium/fission-gas mixture (liquid sodium in the form of dispersed drops) with a void fraction > `CIVOID`. .. sasinp:: HCFUBB :location: 1180 :units: J/m^2-s-K Convective heat-transfer coefficient between the interior of the molten fuel and two-phase sodium/fission gas mixture bubble surfaces in the bubbly flow regime. .. sasinp:: FNHTFU :location: 1181 Fraction of the convective heat-transfer coefficient between liquid fuel and cladding which remains effective when the moving fuel consists of solid chunks. .. sasinp:: XPL5 :location: 1182 For future use in PLUTO2. .. sasinp:: XPL6 :location: 1183 For future use in PLUTO2. .. sasinp:: TECLMN :location: 1184 :units: K Maximum outer cladding node temperature above which freezing fuel cannot stick to the cladding (the same input value limits the freezing on the inner structure node). (this is used in PLUTO2 only). .. sasinp:: TECLRL :location: 1185 :units: K Temperature of the middle cladding node above which plated-out fuel is released. (this is used in PLUTO2 only). .. sasinp:: CIHCFU :location: 1186 Dimensionless coefficient in the Deissler heat-transfer correlation for inpin fuel motion. Nu = `CIHCFU`\ \*Pr\*Re\ :sup:`0.8` .. sasinp:: HCCLMI :location: 1187 :units: J/m^2-s-K Convective heat-transfer coefficient from hotter cladding to two-phase sodium/ fission-gas mixture (liquid sodium in the form of dispersed drops) with a void fraction > `CIVOID`\ . .. sasinp:: CMFU :location: 1188 :units: Pa^-1 Average adiabatic compressibility of liquid fuel. .. sasinp:: XPL7 :location: 1189 For future use in PLUTO2. .. sasinp:: XLP8 :location: 1190 For future use in PLUTO2. .. sasinp:: XLP9 :location: 1191 For future use in PLUTO2. .. sasinp:: XPL10 :location: 1192 For future use in PLUTO2. .. sasinp:: XPL11 :location: 1193 For future use in PLUTO2. .. sasinp:: XPL12 :location: 1194 For future use in PLUTO2. .. sasinp:: CDCL :location: 1195 :units: J/m-s-K Average conductivity of the solid cladding. .. sasinp:: CPCL :location: 1196 :units: J/kg-K Average specific heat of the solid cladding. .. sasinp:: CPCLRH :location: 1197 :units: J/m^3-K Average specific heat times density of the solid cladding. .. sasinp:: RHSLBT :location: 1198 :units: kg/m^3 Average physical density of the lower liquid sodium slug. .. sasinp:: RHSLTP :location: 1199 :units: kg/m^3 Average physical density of the upper liquid sodium slug. .. sasinp:: COEFDL (1) :location: 1200 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: COEFDL (2) :location: 1201 :units: 1/K Molten fuel volumetric thermal expansion coefficient, ALPHA2. (DEFORM uses with `COEFDS`\ (1)) Suggested value: 9.3E-5. Rho = `COEFDS`\ (1)/(1+\ `COEFDL`\ (2) \*(T-273.15)) .. sasinp:: QSTAR :location: 1202 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: ABCPU :location: 1203 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: QPU :location: 1204 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: DPUO :location: 1205 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: RHSSLQ :location: 1206 :units: kg/m^3 Density of steel in the fuel crust. (See `CPCL`, `CPCLRH`, and `RHSSSO`). Suggested value: 6000. .. sasinp:: CIBBDI :location: 1207 Liquid fuel volume fraction above which the transition from annular to bubbly fuel flow regime occurs in disrupted regions (i.e., regions having no pin geometry). Suggested value: 0.2. .. sasinp:: CIANDI :location: 1208 Liquid fuel volume fraction above which the transition from partial perimeter annular to full perimeter fuel flow regime occurs in disrupted regions. Suggested value: 0.1. .. sasinp:: CIVIMT :location: 1209 The fuel viscosity at solidus is set equal to `CIVIMT` times the value at liquidus (See `VIFULQ`). The fuel viscosity between solidus and liquidus is evaluated by interpolation between these two values. Suggested value: 200. .. sasinp:: EGSESO :location: 1210 :units: J/kg Solidus energy of steel. Suggested value: 8.18E+5. .. sasinp:: EGSELQ :location: 1211 :units: J/kg Liquidus energy of steel. Suggested value: 1.076E+6. .. sasinp:: CPSE :location: 1212 :units: J/kg-K Specific heat of molten steel. (See `CPCTAB`, `CE`, `CPCL`, and `CPCLRH`). Suggested value: 768. .. sasinp:: FRMRSE :location: 1213 The fraction of latent heat of fusion to be satisfied for steel to be considered a moving fluid in LEVITATE. Suggested value: 0.5. .. sasinp:: FNSROS :location: 1214 Initial fraction of structure in the inner node (facing the channel). (See `DSTIZ` and `DSTOZ` for consistent input). Suggested value: 0.1 to 0.9. .. sasinp:: RHSSSO :location: 1215 :units: kg/m^3 Density of solid steel. (See `CPCL`, `CPCLRH` and `RHSSLQ`). Suggested value: 6.95E+3. .. sasinp:: RGFV :location: 1216 :units: J/kg-K Gas constant for the fuel vapor. Suggested value: 31. .. sasinp:: RGSV :location: 1217 :units: J/kg-K Gas constant for the steel vapor. Suggested value: 145. .. sasinp:: TMIDFG :location: 1218 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: FGSPRD :location: 1219 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: FGPORX :location: 1220 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: WST :location: 1221 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: HECOND :location: 1222 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: FGCOND :location: 1223 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: AKCOND :location: 1224 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: HEMM :location: 1225 Molecular mass of helium atom. Suggested value: 4. .. sasinp:: EPSSFP :location: 1226 :units: Per^a/o burn-up Volume swelling fraction due to solid fission products. Suggested value: 3E-03. .. sasinp:: HEMASX :location: 1227 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: ZSWFAC :location: 1228 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: FNDISR :location: 1229 Ratio of molten cavity radius to fuel pellet radius needed for disrupting pins in LEVITATE. Pins can also disrupt if the outermost fuel node is above the solidus. (\ `DTDISR` must also be met). .. sasinp:: DTDISR :location: 1230 :units: K Fuel-pin disruption in LEVITATE is allowed if the cladding middle node temperature is greater than cladding solidus temperature minus `DTDISR`\ . (\ `FNDISR` must also be met). Not currently used. .. sasinp:: SRFMLE :location: 1231 If `SRFMLE` = 0.0, liquid sodium film on structure is thrown away in LEVITATE. If `SRFMLE` > 1.E-10, the sodium in the structure film is conserved. LEVITATE mixes the sodium film with the sodium vapor in the channel. This can lead to an excessive pressure event in the channel due to fuel/sodium interactions. .. sasinp:: XLE4 :location: 1232 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: XLE5 :location: 1233 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: XLE6 :location: 1234 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: XLE7 :location: 1235 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: XLE8 :location: 1236 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: XLE9 :location: 1237 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: XLE10 :location: 1238 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: XLEPT1 :location: 1239 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: XLEPT2 :location: 1240 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: XLEPT3 :location: 1241 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: XLEPT4 :location: 1242 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: XLEPT5 :location: 1243 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: XLEPT6 :location: 1244 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: XLEPT7 :location: 1245 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: XLEPT8 :location: 1246 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: XLEPT9 :location: 1247 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: PLUT1 :location: 1248 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: PLUT2 :location: 1249 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: PLUT3 :location: 1250 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: PLUT4 :location: 1251 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: PLUT5 :location: 1252 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: PLUT6 :location: 1253 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: PLUT7 :location: 1254 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: PLUT8 :location: 1255 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: PLUT9 :location: 1256 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: PLUT10 :location: 1257 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: FAXIAL :location: 1258 Fraction of calculated axial expansion to be actually used by DEFORM. Suggested value: 1. (See `EXPCOF`). .. sasinp:: FCLDWK :location: 1259 Initial cold-work strain of the cladding. (Required if `IYLD` = 1). .. sasinp:: FMELTD :location: 1260 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: FSTRAN :location: 1261 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: FTMPCH :location: 1262 Fraction of fuel or blanket melt temperature (\ `TMF`\ (IFUEL)) at which crack healing is assumed. (Required if IHEALC = 2). .. sasinp:: EXPCOF :location: 1263 Fraction of the axial expansion reactivity calculated by DEFORM to be used for feedback effects. (See `FAXIAL`). 0.0 ≤ `EXPCOF` ≤ 1.0. Suggested value: 1.0. .. sasinp:: PRTSTR :location: 1264 :units: s Time for the first transient printout if `IPROPT` = 1. .. sasinp:: PRTDEL :location: 1265 :units: s Time interval between printouts if `IPROPT` = 1. .. sasinp:: FIRLIM :location: 1266 Failure fraction at which the main time step is cut to DTFALL. For each fuel pin failure option a time-dependent fraction between 0.0 and 1.0 called failure fraction is defined for each fuel axial segment which indicates how close to pin failure the axial segment is at the current time. Failure fraction is 0.0 at the beginning of the transient, and equals 1.0 at the time of pin failure. (See `MFAIL`). .. sasinp:: SECLIM :location: 1267 Failure fraction at which the main time step is cut to `DTFAL2`\ . .. sasinp:: THRLIM :location: 1268 Failure fraction at which the main time step is cut to `DTFAL3`\ . .. sasinp:: DTFAL1 :location: 1269 :units: s Main time step when `FIRLIM` ≤ failure fraction < `SECLIM`\ . .. sasinp:: DTFAL2 :location: 1270 :units: s Main time step when `SECLIM` ≤ failure fraction < `THRLIM`\ . .. sasinp:: DTFAL3 :location: 1271 :units: s Main step when `THRLIM` ≤ failure fraction < 1.0. .. sasinp:: AKD :location: 1272 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: CKD :location: 1273 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: QKD :location: 1274 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: FGFI :location: 1275 Mole fraction of fission gas in the initial fill-gas. (Assumed same molecular weight as `FGMM`). .. sasinp:: CIPINJ :location: 1276 Controls the ejection of molten fuel/ fission gas from the pin cavity when the mechanistic ejection model is not used. See INRAEJ. Suggested value: 2.5E4. .. sasinp:: DTPNIN :location: 1277 :units: s Initial and minimum PINACLE time step. Suggested value: 2.E-5. .. sasinp:: TIPNMX :location: 1278 :units: s PINACLE maximum time. Not currently used. .. sasinp:: DTPNP :location: 1279 :units: s Full PINACLE printout every `DTPNP` seconds. .. sasinp:: ASRALU :location: 1280 Aspect ratio of cylindrical chunks = 2R/L. Recommended value = 1. .. sasinp:: UN1281 :location: 1281 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: UN1282 :location: 1282 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: UN1283 :location: 1283 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: RALUDI :location: 1284 Radius of chunks generated by pin disruption. .. sasinp:: RALUFZ :location: 1285 Radius of chunks generated by freezing and crust break-up. If set to zero the code provides default values based on local geometry. Recommended value: 0. .. sasinp:: CINAPN :location: 1286 | = 0, All the sodium vapor pressure is added to the local pressure. | = 1, Only the excess of the sodium vapor pressure over the fission gas and fuel vapor pressure is added to the local pressure. Note: This variable is relevant only if `INAPN` is equal to 1. .. sasinp:: CPCM :location: 1287 Chemical equilibrium coefficient of Pu at center-to-middle zone interface used in computing zone formation in U-Pu-Zr alloy fuel. Suggested value: 1.177. .. sasinp:: CPMO :location: 1288 Chemical equilibrium coefficient of Pu at center-to-outer zone interface used in computing zone formation in U-Pu-Zr alloy fuel. Suggested value: 1.0723. .. sasinp:: CZCM :location: 1289 Chemical equilibrium coefficient of Zr at center-to-middle zone interface. Suggested value: 9.79. .. sasinp:: CZMO :location: 1290 Chemical equilibrium coefficient of Zr at center-to-outer zone interface. Suggested value: 7.84. .. sasinp:: CUCM :location: 1291 Chemical equilibrium coefficient of U at center-to-middle zone interface. Suggested value: 0.448. .. sasinp:: CUMO :location: 1292 Chemical equilibrium coefficient of U at center-to-outer zone interface. Suggested value: 0.5866. .. sasinp:: EPSMS :location: 1293 :units: kg Criterion for zonal fuel mass convergence in computing zone formation in U-Pu-Zr alloy fuel. Suggested value: 1.0E-6 .. sasinp:: EPSCOM :location: 1294 Criterion for the convergence of zonal weight fractions of Pu and Zr. Suggested value: 1.0E-3 .. sasinp:: CIPNTP :location: 1295 Controls the calculation of the fuel pin top boundary temperature, which is important in triggering the axial in-pin fuel relocation. | = 0, Boundary temperature is equal to the temperature of the material in the node above the active fuel. | = 1, The boundary temperature is the same as the temperature of the central top node of the active fuel. | = 2, This option is available for metal fuel pins only. The in-pin fuel motion is triggered by a mechanistic model using 2-d temperature distributions for the top fuel node. (This option is not yet available.) .. sasinp:: ROGSPI :location: 1296 Mass of fission gas generated in the fuel pin per unit volume of the original pin and percent burnup. Used to set the fission gas arrays only if DEFORM is not used (\ `ISSFUE` = 0). .. sasinp:: PRSFTN :location: 1297 Partial pressure of dissolved gas, due to surface tension. This pressure is calculated as 2 x SIGMA/R. The recommended value for oxide fuel is 320 x 10\*\*5 Pa. (SIGMA = 400 x 10\ :sup:`-3` N/m, R = 250 x 10\*\*-10 m). .. sasinp:: COLFAC :location: 1298 Multiplier on the sodium density in the coolant reactivity calculation. Suggested value: 1.0. .. sasinp:: GAMGAS :location: 1299 Cp/Cv for pin plenum gas, P\*V\*\*\ `GAMGAS` = constant for adiabatic changes. Typical values: 1.3 - 1.6. **METAL FUEL PROPERTIES DATA** .. sasinp:: PUZRTP (L,IFUEL) :location: 1300-1315 Metal fuel plutonium and zirconium weight fractions by fuel type (IFUEL). Used for `IMETAL` > 1. L=1, Plutonium weight fraction. L=2, Zirconium weight fraction. .. sasinp:: RHOZN (IFUEL) :location: 1316-1323 Metal fuel theoretical density at the reference temperature (TR) by fuel type (IFUEL). Used for `IMETAL` > 1. If `RHOZN` = -1.0, then it is internally evaluated based on the input composition (\ `PUZRTP`\ ). If `RHOZN` = 0.0, then the fuel type IFUEL does not use the IFR Handbook-interpolated U-Pu-Zr alloy fuel properties of input option `IFUELM` = 0. .. sasinp:: XLOGNA (IFUEL) :location: 1324-1331 Metal fuel porosity fraction logged by bond sodium by fuel type (IFUEL). Used for `IMETAL` > 1. .. sasinp:: XSIGMC :location: 1332 To account for uncertainties in IFR handbook data for U-Pu-Zr and U-Zr alloy fuel heat capacity, add \|\ `XSIGMC`\ \| standard deviations (subtract if `XSIGMC` is negative) to the best estimate. .. sasinp:: XSIGMK :location: 1333 To account for uncertainties in IFR handbook data for U-Pu-Zr and U-Zr alloy fuel thermal conductivity, add \|\ `XSIGMK`\ \| standard deviations (subtract if `XSIGMK` is negative) to the best estimate. The standard deviation depends on fuel burnup (See `BURNFU`\ ). .. sasinp:: XSIGMD :location: 1334 To account for uncertainties in IFR handbook data for U-Pu-Zr and U-Zr fuel theoretical density, add \|\ `XSIGMD`\ \| standard deviations (subtract if `XSIGMD` is negative) to the best estimate. .. sasinp:: APROPI (I) :location: 1335-1394 Coefficients for user-defined coolant properties. `APROPI`\ (1:59) corresponds to the :math:`A_i` defined in the coolant property equations of :numref:`section-12.13`. `APROPI`\ (60) normally corresponds to the coolant critical temperature, :math:`T_c`. See :eq:`NaLiqHeatCapacity`. .. sasinp:: DUMPMC :location: 1395-1725 Not currently used.