================================================================================ Block 62 --- POWINC --- Channel-Dependent Power and Reactivity Input ================================================================================ .. default-role:: sasinp .. sasblock:: POWINC 62 .. sasinp:: FPDAYS :location: 1 Effective full power days during the steady state irradiation. Used with `FLTPOW` to determine cladding fluence when `BURNFU` is not used. .. sasinp:: GAMSS :location: 2 Fraction of total power in direct heating of structure. .. sasinp:: DUM002 :location: 3 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: GAMTNC :location: 4 Fraction of total power in direct heating of coolant. .. sasinp:: GAMTNE :location: 5 Fraction of total power in direct heating of cladding. .. sasinp:: PSHAPE (J) :location: 6-29 Ratio of pin power at axial segment J to the power `POW` in the peak axial fuel pin segment, 1 ≤ J ≤ MZ. MZ is the number of axial heat transfer segments in the core plus axial blankets. Enter only for `IPOWRZ` = 0. The first entered segment value (J=1) is for the lower-most segment in the lower axial blanket. Values are normalized to `POW` or `POWTOT` using `NPIN`\ , `NSUBAS`\ , and `PRSHAP` at the initial steady-state. .. sasinp:: PSHAPR (I) :location: 30-44 Radial power shape within pin by radial node, I, normalized power per unit fuel mass, 1 ≤ I ≤ `NT`\ . .. sasinp:: PLIN (M) :location: 45-52 Relative power level at the end of the M steady-state division. It is required that `PLIN` is 1.0 at the end of the steady-state. It is assumed that during power change periods, the power varies linearly over the time interval from the previous value to the current `PLIN`\ (M) value. (M = 1, `MSTEP`\ ) .. sasinp:: TPLIN (M) :location: 53-60 Time (from fresh start-up) at the ends of the M steady-state divisions (seconds). M = 1, `MSTEP`\ . .. sasinp:: FLTPOW :location: 61 :units: (\#/m^2-s)/(W/m) Fast flux to linear power ratio. .. sasinp:: ADOP :location: 62 :units: ∆k/K Doppler coefficient for this channel when part of the core represented by this channel is not voided. .. sasinp:: BDOP :location: 63 :units: ∆k/K Doppler coefficient for this channel when part of the core represented by this channel is fully voided. .. sasinp:: WDOPA (J) :location: 64-111 Doppler axial weighting factor. Enter MZ values for `IREACZ`\ =0. Enter MZC-1 values for `IREACZ`\ =1. .. sasinp:: VOIDRA (J) :location: 112-159 :units: ∆k/k-kg Coolant void reactivity worth per unit coolant mass. Enter MZ values for `IREACZ`\ =0. Enter MCZ-1 values for `IREACZ`\ =1. .. sasinp:: CLADRA (J) :location: 160-207 :units: ∆k/k-kg Cladding reactivity worth per unit cladding mass. Enter MZ values for `IREACZ`\ =0. Enter MCZ-1 values for `IREACZ`\ =1. .. sasinp:: FUELRA (J) :location: 208-255 :units: ∆k/k-kg Fuel reactivity worth per unit fuel mass. Enter MZ values for `IREACZ`\ =0. Enter MCZ-1 values for `IREACZ`\ =1. .. sasinp:: PRSHAP :location: 256 Ratio of power per subassembly averaged over this channel to the power per sub- assembly averaged over all channels. Note: These values are normalized by the code over all assemblies such that the average is 1.0. .. sasinp:: PSHPTP (J) :location: 257-261 In PINACLE, PLUTO2, and LEVITATE for `IPOWRZ`\ =0, ratio of active fuel power at axial segment KCORE2+J to the power `POW` in the peak axial fuel segment. 1 ≤ J ≤ 5. KCORE2 is the top active fuel node. This array is used when active fuel relocates above the original active fuel, either in-pin (PINACLE) or ex-pin (PLUTO2, LEVITATE). .. sasinp:: PSHPBT (J) :location: 262-266 In PLUTO2 and LEVITATE for `IPOWRZ`\ =0, ratio of active fuel power at axial segment KCORE1 - J to the power `POW` in the peak axial fuel segment. 1 ≤ J ≤ 5. KCORE1 is the bottom active fuel node. This array is used when active fuel relocates below the original active fuel due to ex-pin fuel motion (PLUOT2, LEVITATE). .. sasinp:: FLOWBU :location: 267 Fraction of subassemblies in channel that have low (<2.9 at.%) burnup. .. sasinp:: XRFSHP :location: 268 Relative reactivity worth of fuel in the channel. Used in EBR-II feedback model. .. sasinp:: XRNSHP :location: 269 Relative reactivity worth of sodium in the channel. Used in EBR-II feedback model. .. sasinp:: XRSSHP :location: 270 Relative reactivity worth of stainless steel in the channel. Used in EBR-II feedback model. .. sasinp:: PSHAPC (J) :location: 271-318 Ratio of core fuel pin power at axial segment J to the power `POW` in the peak axial fuel pin segment, 1 ≤ J ≤ MZC-1. MZC-1 is the number of axial coolant segments. Enter only for `IPOWRZ` = 1. The first entered segment value (J=1) is for the lower-most segment in the lower axial reflector. Values are normalized to `POW` or `POWTOT` using `NPIN`\ , `NSUBAS`\ , `PRSHAP`\ , `PSHAPB`\ , and the core fuel and blanket fuel mass distributions at the initial steady-state. .. sasinp:: PSHAPB (J) :location: 319-366 Ratio of blanket fuel pin power at axial segment J to the power `POW` in the peak axial fuel pin segment, 1 ≤ J ≤ MZC-1. MZC-1 is the number of axial coolant segments. Enter only for `IPOWRZ` = 1. The first entered segment value (J=1) is for the lower-most segment in the lower axial reflector. Values are normalized to `POW` or `POWTOT` using `NPIN`\ , `NSUBAS`\ , `PRSHAP`\ , `PSHAPC`\ , and the core fuel and blanket fuel mass distributions at the initial steady-state. **EBR-II MK-V SAFETY CASE INPUT** .. sasinp:: FHTCLD :location: 367 Cladding steady-state hot channel factor. .. sasinp:: FUNKCL :location: 368 Transient cladding thermal conductivity uncertainty factor. .. sasinp:: FUNKFU :location: 369 Transient fuel thermal conductivity uncertainty factor. Used for `IMETAL` > 0 and `IFUELM` = 2. .. sasinp:: FUNFLM :location: 370 Transient film heat transfer uncertainty factor. .. sasinp:: FHTFUL :location: 371 Fuel steady-state hot channel factor. .. sasinp:: FUNCOL :location: 372 Transient coolant flow uncertainty factor. .. sasinp:: FPKNG :location: 373 Peaking factor. .. sasinp:: FUNPOW :location: 374 Transient power uncertainty factor. **END OF EBR-II MK-V SAFETY CASE INPUT** .. sasinp:: COILP0 :location: 375 See FED. .. sasinp:: COILP1 :location: 376 See FED. .. sasinp:: COILP2 :location: 377 See FED. .. sasinp:: STRCRA (J) :location: 378-425 :units: ∆k/k-kg Structure reactivity worth per unit structure mass. Enter MZ values for `IREACZ`\ =0. Enter MCZ-1 values for `IREACZ`\ =1.