.. _section-4.3: Delayed-Neutron Precursors -------------------------- The net rate of change of the delayed-neutron precursor population is given by (4.3‑1) .. _eq-4.3-1: .. math:: {\dot{C}}_{\text{i}}\left( t \right) = \frac{\beta_{\text{i}}\phi\left( t \right)}{\Lambda} - \lambda_{\text{i}}C_{\text{i}}\left( t \right) where :math:`\beta_{\text{i}}` is the effective delayed-neutron fraction for precursor :math:`i`, and the initial, normalized steady precursor population is given by (4.3‑2) .. _eq-4.3-2: .. math:: C_{\text{i}}\left( 0 \right) = \frac{\beta_{\text{i}}}{\lambda_{\text{i}}\Lambda} In terms of the individual precursor delayed-neutron fractions, the total effective delayed-neutron fraction is given as (4.3‑3) .. _eq-4.3-3: .. math:: \beta = \sum_{\text{i}}\beta_{\text{i}} The number of delayed neutron precursors is entered in input variable :sasinp:`NDELAY`, the effective delayed neutron fractions are entered in input array :sasinp:`BETADN`, and the delayed neutron precursor decay constants are entered in input array :sasinp:`DECCON`. The prompt neutron lifetime is entered in input variable :sasinp:`GENTIM`.