.. _section-5.12: Subroutine Descriptions and Flow Charts --------------------------------------- .. _section-5.12.1: Subroutine Listing and Description ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The subroutines used in the PRIMAR-4 module are listed in :numref:`table-5.12-1`. The driver for the transient subroutines is PRIMAR, and the driver for the steady-state subroutines is SSPRM4. .. _section-5.12.2: PRIMAR-4 Module Flow Chart ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The main subroutines in the PRIMAR-4 module are linked as shown in :numref:`figure-5.12-1`. .. _figure-5.12-1: .. figure:: media/Module_Flow_Chart_image.svg :align: center :figclass: align-center PRIMAR-4 Module Flow Chart. .. _table-5.12-1: .. list-table:: PRIMAR-4 Subroutines :header-rows: 1 :align: center :widths: auto * - Routine - Description * - ANETMP - Annular element temperatures * - AVGVAL - Average motor torque over a time step for centrifugal pump * - BYPSTM - Temperatures of the coolant, reflectors, and duct wall for a bypass channel; called after the flow is known * - CKVLFL - Check valve flow coefficients * - COREFL - Estimates core channel flow * - CPCPHT - Component to component heat transfer * - CUTBAK - Re-initializes variables when the PRIMAR time step is cut back * - CVTEMP - Liquid temperatures for a compressible volume, using a one-point perfect mixing model * - DRACSF - Shell-side flow coefficients for DRACS heat exchanger * - DRACTF - Tube-side flow coefficients for DRACS heat exchanger * - GRVHED - Gravity head * - IHXSHF - Flow coefficients for IHX shell-side * - IHXTBF - Flow coefficients for IHX tube-side * - INCPVF - Pressure coefficients for an almost incompressible liquid volume with no cover gas * - INITST - Initializes arrays for a sub-interval * - INPLNF - Inlet plenum pressure coefficients * - LIQCV - Pressure coefficients for a compressible volume with no cover gas * - LIQFIN - Compressible volume pressure at end of sub-interval, with liquid only and no cover gas * - LQGSFN - Compressible volume pressure at end of sub-interval, with liquid plus cover gas * - OUTNGF - Pressure coefficients for a compressible outlet plenum, no cover gas * - OUTPLF - Pressure coefficients for an outlet plenum with cover gas * - PIPEFL - Pressure coefficients for pipe flow with friction * - PIPTMP - Pipe temperatures using Lagrangian mesh * - PMPBLF - Pressure coefficients for a pump bowl with cover gas * - PMSTRT - Initializes arrays for a sub-interval * - POOLFL - Pressure coefficients for a pool * - PRESDR - Pressure drop in a flow element * - PRIMAR - Main driver for the module * - PRIMR1 - Simple PRIMAR-1 option, with user-specified driving head vs. time, or flow vs. time * - PRMADJ - Adjusts inlet and outlet plenum variables to account for the differences between estimated and computed channel flows * - PRMEND - Puts final sub-interval results into permanent arrays for storage * - PRMPRT - Prints PRIMAR-4 results * - PRSRZF - Pressure coefficients for a pressurized (expansion tank) * - PRSTEP - Finds the next PRIMAR time-step size or decides to cut back the current step size * - PUMPFL - Pump head and flow coefficients * - PUMPFN - Pump impeller speed and head calculation at the end of a sub-interval * - RUPSKF - Pressure coefficients for a pipe rupture sink, guard vessel with cover gas * - RUPSRF - Pipe rupture source pressure coefficients * - SELECT - Chooses average and final inlet/outlet temperature into/from a compressible volume, according to segment flow directions * - SSADHX - Steady-state air dump heat exchanger * - SSBYPS - Bypass channel steady-state coolant and wall temperatures, given steady-state flow rate and steady-state power * - SSCKVL - Steady-state check valve pressure coefficents * - SSCPNL - Steady state null transient driver * - SSIHX - Steady-state IHX temperatures * - SSIHXC - Steady-state IHX temperatures, simple model * - SSLQSG - Steady-state initialization of the elements in a liquid segment * - SSPMLP - Steady-state initialization of primary loop flows, pressures, and temperatures * - SSPRM4 - Steady-state initialization of PRIMAR-4 variables -- driver for the steady-state routines * - SSPRPL - Initilization for file 15 binary output * - SSPRSR - Steady-state pressure and pump head for one segment of an intermediate loop * - SSPUMP - Steady-state initialization of pump parameters * - SSP4PR - Steady-state PRIMAR-4 printout * - SSP4TH - Initialization of node volumes, VOLNDT(ITGP), coolant and wall temperatures, and liquid and wall temperature arrays for pipe-type temperature groups * - SSSCLP - Steady-state initializaton of the intermediate sodium loops, and also calls the steam generator initialization routines * - SSSTDR - Steady-state steam generator driver * - SSSTGN - Steady-state steam generator initialization of simple table look-up option * - SSVALV - Steady-state valve pressures * - STEPFN - Finishes liquid flows and temperatures for a sub-interval * - STEPGS - Gas flow between compressible volumes and storage tanks for a sub-interval * - STEPLQ - Driver for liquid flow and pressure calculations * - STEPTM - Driver for liquid temperature calculations * - STGNFL - Steam generator flow coefficients, sodium side * - STRATV - Stratified volume calculations * - STRGVH - Calculates gravity heads in a stratified volume * - SUBSIZ - Sets the PRIMAR time sub-interval size * - TSDRCS - DRACS temperatures * - TSIHX - IHX temperatures, shell and tube sides, and gravity head * - TSIHXC - IHX temperatures and gravity head, simple model * - TSPRPL - Writes binary arrays to file 15 for later use * - TSSTGN - Steam generator temperatures and gravity head, simple model * - VALVAJ - Steady-state valve pres. drop adjustment. If needed, between compressible volumes connected by several liquid segments * - VALVFL - Valve pressure coefficients