.. _section-A11: Appendices ---------- .. _section-A11.1: Appendix 11.1: Explicit Formulas for Stiffness Matrix and Load Vector ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The stiffness matrix is defined in :numref:`section-`, Eq. :ref:`11.2-78`. (A11.1‑1) .. _eq-A11.1-1: .. math:: \left\lbrack K \right\rbrack = \int_{\text{A}_{\text{c}}}{\left\lbrack B \right\rbrack^{T} \left\lbrack C \right\rbrack \left\lbrack B \right\rbrack \text{dA}} where the form of [B] and [C] matrices depends on the type of fuel element considered. Introducing new variables (A11.1‑2) .. _eq-A11.1-2: .. math:: d = \frac{b}{r} - 1 (A11.1‑3) .. _eq-A11.1-3: .. math:: e = 1 - \frac{a}{r} the matrix [B] can be written in a compact form as (A11.1‑4) .. _eq-A11.1-4: .. math:: \left\lbrack B \right\rbrack = \frac{1}{l}\begin{bmatrix} - 1 & 1 & 0 \\ d & e & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 \\ \end{bmatrix} where :math:`a`, :math:`b`, and :math:`l` are explained in :numref:`figure-11.2-2`. As noted in :numref:`section-`, this form of matrix [B] is valid for both continuous and cracked elements. Expanding the matrix triple product in Eq. :ref:`A11.1-1` and using the symmetry of [C] yields (A11.1‑5) .. _eq-A11.1-5: .. math:: \left\lbrack K \right\rbrack = \frac{1}{l^{2}}\int_{A_{c}}^{}\begin{bmatrix} \left( C_{11} - 2C_{12}d + C_{22}d^{2} \right) & \left( - C_{11} + C_{12}\left( d - e \right) + C_{22}\text{ed} \right) & \left( - C_{13} + C_{23}d \right)l \\ \left( - C_{11} + C_{12}\left( d - e \right) + C_{22}\text{ed} \right) & \left( C_{11} - 2C_{12}e + C_{22}e^{2} \right) & \left( - C_{13} + C_{23}e \right)l \\ \left( - C_{13} + C_{23}d \right)l & \left( C_{13} + C_{23}e \right)l & C_{33}l^{2} \\ \end{bmatrix} \text{dA} Inspection of this equation indicates that all elements of :math:`\left\lbrack K \right\rbrack` can be expressed in terms of following six integrals (A11.1‑6) .. _eq-A11.1-6: .. math:: I \equiv \int_{\text{A}_{\text{c}}}{\text{dA} = \pi l \left( a + b \right)} (A11.1‑7) .. _eq-A11.1-7: .. math:: I_{\text{d}} \equiv \int_{\text{A}_{\text{c}}}{\left( d \right) \text{dA} = \pi l^{2}} (A11.1‑8) .. _eq-A11.1-8: .. math:: I_{\text{d}2} \equiv \int_{\text{A}_{\text{c}}}{\left( d^{2} \right) \text{dA} = \pi l \left\lbrack \frac{2b^{2}}{l} \ln\left( \frac{b}{a} \right) - 3b + a \right\rbrack} (A11.1‑9) .. _eq-A11.1-9: .. math:: I_{\text{e}} \equiv \int_{\text{A}_{\text{c}}}{\left( e \right) \text{dA} = \pi l^{2}} (A11.1‑10) .. _eq-A11.1-10: .. math:: I_{\text{e}2} \equiv \int_{\text{A}_{\text{c}}}{\left( e^{2} \right) \text{dA} = \pi l \left\lbrack b - 3a + \frac{2a^{2}}{l} \ln\left( \frac{b}{a} \right) \right\rbrack} (A11.1‑11) .. _eq-A11.1-11: .. math:: I_{\text{ed}} \equiv \int_{\text{A}_{\text{c}}}{\left( \text{ed} \right) \text{dA} = \pi l \left\lbrack a + b - \frac{2ab}{l} \ln\left( \frac{b}{a} \right) \right\rbrack} The domain of these integrations is shown in :numref:`figure-11.2-2`. In terms these newly defined variables, the stiffness matrix can be rewritten as (A11.1‑12) .. _eq-A11.1-12: .. math:: \left\lbrack K \right\rbrack = \frac{1}{l^{2}}\begin{bmatrix} \left( C_{11}I - 2C_{12}I_{\text{d}} + C_{22}I_{\text{d}2} \right) & \left( - C_{11}I + C_{12}\left( I_{\text{d}} - I_{\text{e}} \right) + C_{22} I_{\text{ed}} \right) & \left( - C_{13}I + C_{23}I_{\text{d}} \right)l \\ \left( - C_{11}I + C_{12}\left( I_{\text{d}} - I_{\text{e}} \right) + C_{22}I_{\text{ed}} \right) & \left( C_{11}I - 2C_{12}I_{\text{e}} + C_{22} I_{\text{e}2} \right) & \left( C_{13}I + C_{23}I_{\text{e}} \right)l \\ \left( - C_{13}I + C_{23}I_{\text{d}} \right)l & \left( C_{13}I + C_{23}I_{\text{e}} \right)l & C_{33} I\ l^{2} \end{bmatrix} The load vector for a pressure load acting in the radial direction in given by Eq. :ref:`11.2-67` (A11.1‑13) .. _eq-A11.1-13: .. math:: t_{\text{i}} = \int_{\text{C}} \sigma_{\text{r}} N_{\text{i}} {\hat{i}}_{\text{r}} \cdot \hat{n}\text{dC} (i=1,2). The shape functions :math:`N_{1}` and :math:`N_{2}` are defined in Eqs. :ref:`11.2-63` and :ref:`11.2-64`, respectively. For the case of an element bordering the central cavity, the curve :math:`C` corresponds to the inner radius of the element, we have (A11.1‑14) .. _eq-A11.1-14: .. math:: \sigma_{\text{r}} = - p_{\text{cav}} (A11.1‑15) .. _eq-A11.1-15: .. math:: {\hat{i}}_{\text{r}} \cdot \hat{n} = {\hat{i}}_{\text{r}} \cdot \left( - {\hat{i}}_{\text{r}} \right) = - 1 (A11.1‑16) .. _eq-A11.1-16: .. math:: N_{1} = 1 (A11.1‑17) .. _eq-A11.1-17: .. math:: N_{2} = 0 (A11.1‑18) .. _eq-A11.1-18: .. math:: \int_{\text{C}}{\text{dC} = 2 \pi r_{\text{cav}}} Hence, (A11.1‑19) .. _eq-A11.1-19: .. math:: t_{1} = 2 \pi p_{\text{cav}} r_{\text{cav}} (A11.1‑20) .. _eq-A11.1-20: .. math:: t_{2} = 0 A similar derivation for an element experiencing a pressure :math:`p_{\text{out}}` directed radially inward shows that (A11.1‑21) .. _eq-A11.1-21: .. math:: t_{1} = 0 (A11.1‑22) .. _eq-A11.1-22: .. math:: t_{2} = 2 \pi p_{\text{cav}} r_{\text{out}} where :math:`r_{\text{out}}` is the outer radius of the element. .. _section-A11.2: Appendix 11.2: List of Input Variables for Standalone FPIN2 Calculation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \*\*\* Location Numbers for Integer Data \*\*\* (Number in parentheses following value name states maximum value) .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :align: center :widths: auto * - \*\*\* COMMON/INPUTI/ \*\*\* - - - * - Location Number - Name - Value - Description * - 1 - IFTYPE - =1 - Uranium - 5% fissium fuel * - - - =2 - Uranium - 10% zirconium fuel * - - - =3 - Uranium - 15% plutonium - 10% zirconium fuel * - - - =4 - User supplied mixture of U-Pu-Zr fuel (input required at loc. numb. 5001+ & 5401+) * - 2 - - - (Not currently used) * - 3 - ICTYPE - =1 - 20% CW type 316 cladding * - - - =2 - D9 cladding * - - - =3 - HT9 cladding * - 4 - - - (Not currently used) * - 5 - IDTOPT - =0 - Compute at equally spaced time values (use NDT and DTIME) * - - - =1 - Increments in time are user-supplied (use NDT and TTABLE) * - 6 - IHTOPT - =0 - Perform heat transfer calculation including coolant and wall * - - - =1 - Perform heat transfer calculation with input values of clad outer surface temperature. (Use NCLADT and COMMON/TEMPIN) * - 7-14 - - (8) - (Not currently used) * - 15 - ICRACK - =0 - No fuel cracking * - - - =1 - Radial fuel cracks included * - 16 - IFPLAS - =0 - Allow creep-plastic strains in fuel * - - - =1 - Suppress creep-plastic strains in fuel * - 17 - ICPLAS - =0 - Allow creep-plastic strains in clad * - - - =1 - Suppress creep-plastic strain in clad * - 18 - IFSWEL - =0 - Allow swelling-hotpressing strains in fuel * - - - =1 - Suppress swelling-hotpressing strains in fuel * - 19 - ICSWEL - =0 - Allow swelling strains in clad * - - - =1 - Suppress swelling strains in clad * - 20 - IDZ - =0 - Axial segments are of equal height DZ=Z/NDZ * - - - =1 - User-supplied axial segment heights * - 21 - ILRGST - =0 - Large strain analysis * - - - =1 - Small perturbation analysis * - 22 - IFCSLP - =0 - Fuel-clad locked when gap is closed * - - - =1 - Independent fuel-clad axial displacement * - 23 - - - (Not currently used) * - 24 - IOUTSW - =0 - No detailed printing of results - summary of results only * - - - =1 - Normal detailed printout under IFREQA, NFREQA, and IFREQB control * - 25 - IFREQA - - Initial print frequency, number of time steps between normal detailed printout * - 26 - NFREQA - - Total number of time steps under IFREQA control * - 27 - IFREQB - - Final print frequency * - 28 - IGRAPH - =0 - Do not write graphics file * - - - =1 - Write datafile FT12F001 for processing by a graphics program * - 29-30 - - (2) - (Not currently used) * - 31 - NDT - - No. of time steps or no. of entries in TTABLE. If IDTOPT=0, there is no limitation on NDT. If IDTOPT=1, NDT is limited to 1980. * - 32 - NDZ - (20) - No. of axial segments * - 33 - NDRF - (20) - No. of radial elements in cladding (minimum value is 6) * - 34 - NDRC - (10) - No. of radial elements in cladding (minimum value is 3) * - 35-40 - - (6) - (Not currently used) * - 41 - NQ - (25) - No. of values in power vs. time table * - 42 - NCOOLT - (25) - No. of values in coolant inlet temperature versus time table * - 43 - NCOOLF - (25) - No. of values in coolant inlet flow versus time table * - 44 - NCLADT - (50) - No. of values in clad outer surface temperature versus time table * - 45-100 - - (56) - (Not currently used) * - 101-500 - IETYPI(I,J) - (20,20) - Fuel element type. Required only when ICRACK=1, default element type is 1 (Loc. Numb. = 100+I+20\*(J-1)). \*\*\* Location Numbers for Decimal Data \*\*\* (Symbols in parentheses after array variables are maximum storage allocation and name of integer variable specifying dimension. Numbers within quotation marks are recommended values) .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :align: center :widths: auto * - \*\*\* COMMON/CNTLIN/ \*\*\* - - - * - Location Number - Name - Value - Description * - 1 - TZERO - - Initial time (sec) * - 2 - DTIME - =1 - Computation time step (if IDTOPT=0) (sec) * - 3-10 - - (8) - (Not currently used) * - 11-2000 - TTABLE - (1990 NDT) - Computation time steps (if IDTOPT=1) (sec) maximum of 1990 values | .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :align: center :widths: auto * - \*\*\* COMMON/GEOMIN/ \*\*\* - - - * - Location Number - Name - Value - Description * - 2001 - ZFUEL - - Length of fuel column (cm) * - 2002-2010 - - (9) - (Not currently used) * - 2011-2030 - DZ - (20 NDZ) - Height of axial segments (cm) (required only when IDZ=1) * - 2031-2050 - FUELIR - (20 NDZ) - Inner radius of fuel (cm) * - 2051-2070 - FUELOR - (20 NDZ) - Outer radius of fuel (cm) * - 2071-2090 - CLADIR - (20 NDZ) - Inner radius of clad (cm) * - 2091-2110 - CLADOR - (20 NDZ) - Outer radius of clad (cm) * - (Note: values #2111-2112 not required when IHTOPT=1) - - - * - 2111 - WALLIR - - Inner radius of outer wall (cm) * - 2112 - WALLOR - - Outer radius of outer wall (cm) * - 2113 - ZPLENM - - Total length of plenum (cm) * - 2114 - ZPLNA - - Length of sodium in plenum (cm) * - 2115 - PLGASR - - Gas constant for plenum gasses (Bar-cc/gm-K) * - 2116 - PLTREF - - Temperature at which PINT specified (K). Used to correct PINT to value consistent with initial plenum temperature. * - 2117-2200 - - (84) - (Not currently used) * - 2201-2600 - FECTI(I,J) - (20,20 NDZ) - Initial radial crack strain in fuel (required only when ICRACK=1) (Loc. Numb.=2200+I+20\*(J-1)) * - 2601-3000 - - (400) - (Not currently used) | .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :align: center :widths: auto * - \*\*\* COMMON /DRIVIN/ \*\*\* - - - * - Location Number - Name - Value - Description * - 3001 - PEXT - - External pressure. Assumed constant during transient. (Bar) * - 3002 - PINT - - Initial value of internal pin press. (Bar) * - 3003-3004 - - (2) - (Not currently used) * - (Note: values 3005-3006 not needed when IHTOPT=1) - - - * - 3005 - TSINK - - Temperature of outer heat sink (K) * - 3006 - HSINK - - Heat transfer coefficient-wall to outer heat sink (Watts/cm\ :sup:`2`-K) * - 3007 - QCONST - - Energy generation constant. The energy generation rate for fuel radial segment I, axial segment J at time K is calculated as: QCONST\*QR(I)\*QAX(J)\*QT(K) The method of dimensioning and normalizing the four factors is arbitrary so long as the product dimension is in Watts/gm. * - 3008 - BURNUP - - Peak fuel burnup (atom %) * - 3009-3010 - - (2) - (Not currently used) * - 3011-3410 - QR(I,J) - (20,20 NDZ) - Radial profile of energy generation rate. Values are required for NDRF radial elements in each axial segment. (See: QCONST for units) (Loc. Numb. = 3010+I+20\*(J-1)) * - 3411-3430 - QAX - (20 NDZ) - Axial profile of energy generation rate (see: QCONST) * - 3431-3455 - TQT - (25 NQ) - Time values in power vs. time table (sec) * - 3456-3480 - QT - (25 NQ) - Power values in power vs. time table (see: QCONST) * - (Note: values 3481-3580 not needed when IHTOPT=1) - - - * - 3481-3505 - TTIN - (25 NCOOLT) - Time values in coolant inlet temperature versus time table (sec) * - 3506-3530 - TIN - (25 NCOOLT) - Coolant inlet temperatures (K) * - 3531-3555 - TCFIN - (25 NCOOLF) - Time values in coolant inlet flow versus time table (sec) * - 3556-3580 - CFIN - (25 NCOOLF) - Coolant inlet flow (gm/cm\ :sup:`2`-sec) * - 3581-4000 - - (420) - (Not currently used) | .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :align: center :widths: auto * - \*\*\* COMMON /MISCIN/ \*\*\* - - - * - Location Number - Name - Value - Description * - 4001 - GBFRAC - - Fraction of FISGAS on grain boundaries (default value is 0.1) * - 4002-4039 - - (38) - (Not currently used) * - 4040 - GASCON - - Gas constant for central cavity gases (Bars-cc/gm-K) * - 4041-4060 - CLDFLU - (20 NDZ) - Axial profile of clad fluence used in subroutine CFAIL (10\ :sup:`22` n/cm\ :sup:`2`) * - 4061-4080 - CLDHRD - (20 NDZ) - Pre-transient hardness parameter used in clad flow stress calculation. (Default value is 0.223, the value appropriate to 20% CW unirradiated stainless steel.) * - 4081-4480 - PORES(I,J) - (20,20 NDZ) - Dist. of total fuel porosity same radial grid as QR (do not include crack volume input) (Loc. Numb. = 4080+I+20\*(J-1)) * - 4481-4880 - FISGAS(I,J) - (20,20 NDZ) - Dist. of fission gas (gm/cc) in fuel closed porosity and in solution on same radial grid as QR (do not include fission gas in open porosity). (Loc. Numb. = 4480+I+20\*(J-1)) * - 4881-5000 - - (120) - (Not currently used) * - 5001-5400 - FRACPU(I,J) - (20,20 NDZ) - Dist. of plutonium (wt. %) in fuel (required when IFTYPE=4) (Loc. Numb. = 5000+I+20\*(J-1)) * - 5401-5800 - FRACZR(I,J) - (20,20 NDZ) - Dist. of zirconium (wt. %) in fuel (required when IFTYPE=4) (Loc. Numb. = 5400+I+20\*(J-1)) * - 5801-6000 - - (200) - (Not currently used). | .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :align: center :widths: auto * - \*\*\* COMMON TEMPIN/ \*\*\* - - - * - Location Number - Name - Value - Description * - (Note: values 6001-7050 are only required when IHTOPT=1) - - - * - 6001-6050 - TVALUE - (50 NCLADT) - Time values for clad surface temperature table (include TZERO) (sec) * - 6051-7050 - TCSURF(J,K) - (20 NDZ, 50 NCLADT) - Clad outer surface temperature for axial segment J at time K (K) (Loc. Numb. = 6050+J+20\*(K-1)) \*\*\* Location Numbers for Debug Data \*\*\* (All debug options default to zero. Therefore, input is required only if a debug option is to be used. Debug input is identified with location numbers larger than 9000 and it follows same conventions as regular input. Integer debug data is read in with regular integer data and decimal debug data is read in with regular decimal data.) .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :align: center :widths: auto * - \*\*\* COMMON /DEBUGI/ --- Integer Debug Data \*\*\* - - - * - Location Number - Name - Value - Description * - 9001 - IDBOUT - =0 - No debug output * - - - =1 - Add debug output to regular IOUTSW=2 output * - 9002 - IDBSTP - =0 - Program stops when molten cavity freezes * - - - =1 - Ignore this program stop * - 9003 - IDBFPL - =0 - Use recommended fuel flow stress (Eq. :ref:`11.3-16`) * - - - =1 - Use simple power law fuel creep: :math:`\dot{\varepsilon} = C_{0}*\sigma_{\text{e}}^{C_{1}}` (Decimal values 9001 and 9002 are required) * - 9004 - IDBFDV - =0 - Use recommended fuel swelling - hotpressing (fuel swelling option for metal fuel is the simple grain boundary swelling model (ANL-IFR-27) & (ANL/RAS 83-33) * - - - =1 - Use equilibrium swelling model (ANL-IFR-6 and -23) * - - - =2 - Use simple power law fuel swelling: :math:`\dot{\varepsilon} = C_{0}*\sigma_{\text{m}}^{C_{1}}` (Decimal values 9003 & 9004 are required) * - 9005 - IDBCPL - =0 - Use recommended clad flow stress * - - - =1 - Use ideal plastic flow for clad: :math:`\sigma_{\text{y}} = C_{0} + C_{1}{\overline{\varepsilon}}^{p}` (Decimal values 9005 & 9006 are required) * - - - =2 - Use high-temperature power-law creep * - - - =3 - Use simple power law clad creep: :math:`\dot{\varepsilon} = C_{0}*\sigma_{\text{e}}^{C_{1}}` (Decimal values 9005 & 9006 are required) * - 9006 - IGPRES - =0 - Open fuel-clad gap pressure and plenum pressure remain at input values * - - - =1 - User supplied gap pressure. This option allows FPIN2 to calculate pressure transients in gas pressurized cladding tubes. Plenum pressure is set equal to :math:`p_{\text{gap}}`. * - 9007 - IGAPCL - =0 - Use fuel-clad opening/closure model * - - - =1 - Fuel-clad gap always closed * - 9008 - ICPROP - =0 - Use material property correlations * - - - =1 - Use temperature independent material properties * - 9009 - ISKIPM - =0 - Perform complete thermal/mechanical calculations * - - - =1 - Bypass mechanical calculation, heat trans. only * - 9010 - IGCLOS - =0 - Use gap closure routine at 100% fuel melting * - - - =1 - Do not close gap (if open) at 100% fuel melting * - 9011-9050 - - (40) - (Not currently used) * - 9051 - NGPRES - (25) - No. of values in :math:`p_{\text{gap}}` vs. time table * - 9052-9100 - - (49) - (Not currently used) * - 9101-9120 - IDBOTA - (20 NDZ) - Axial debug print vector (0=no prt, 1=prt) * - 9121-9140 - IDBOTF - (20) - Fuel radial debug print vector * - 9141-9150 - IDBOTC - (10) - Clad radial debug print vector | .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :align: center :widths: auto * - \*\*\* COMMON /DEBUGD/ --- Decimal Debug Data \*\*\* - - - * - Location Number - Name - Value - Description * - 9001 - FPLC0 - - Fuel power law creep constant :math:`C_{0}` * - 9002 - FPLC1 - - Fuel power law creep constant :math:`C_{1}` * - 9003 - FDVC0 - - Fuel power law swelling constant :math:`C_{0}` * - 9004 - FDVC1 - - Fuel power law swelling constant :math:`C_{1}` * - 9005 - CIPLC0 - - Clad idealized flow stress constant :math:`C_{0}` * - 9006 - CIPLC1 - - Clad idealized flow stress constant :math:`C_{1}` * - 9007 - HTERR - - Relative convergence criterion for heat transfer calculation (ND) "0.0005" * - 9008 - EPSCAV - - Rel. convergence criterion for cavity pressure (ND) "0.001" * - 9009 - EPSFE - - Rel. convergence criterion for finite element analysis (ND) "0.0005" * - 9010 - EPTEST - - Rel. convergence criterion for plastic-creep strains (ND) "0.0005" * - 9011 - EVTEST - - Rel. convergence criterion for swelling strains (ND) "0.0005" * - 9012-9020 - - (9) - (Not currently used) * - 9021-9045 - TGPRES - (25 NG PRES) - Time values in :math:`p_{\text{gap}}` table * - 9046-9070 - GPRES - (25 NGPRES) - Fuel-cladding gap pressure in :math:`p_{\text{gap}}` table