================================================================================ Nomenclature ================================================================================ .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :align: center :widths: auto * - Subscript - Description * - :math:`\text{l}` - Fully annealed material * - :math:`\theta` - Angular direction in cylindrical coordinates * - :math:`\theta,\text{o}` - Initial, reference * - :math:`\text{c}` - Cladding * - :math:`\text{ci}` - Cladding inner radius * - :math:`\text{e}` - Equivalent * - :math:`\text{f}` - Fuel * - :math:`\text{f}` - Failure * - :math:`\text{fo}` - Fuel out radius * - :math:`\text{g}` - Gas * - :math:`\text{gb}` - Grain boundary * - :math:`\text{i}` - Time step index * - :math:`\text{i}` - Radial element index * - :math:`\text{I, II}` - Element types * - :math:`\text{j}` - Axial segment index * - :math:`\text{m}` - Mean, average * - :math:`\text{n}` - Iteration index * - :math:`\text{N}` - Iteration index * - :math:`\text{Na}` - Sodium * - :math:`\text{pu}` - True plastic (strain) * - :math:`\text{r}` - Radial direction in cylindrical coordinates * - :math:`\text{r}` - Rupture * - :math:`\text{s}` - Saturation * - :math:`\text{th}` - Threshold * - :math:`\text{u}` - True/ultimate (stress) * - :math:`\text{z}` - Axial direction in cylindrical coordinates * - **Superscript** - **Description** * - :math:`\theta` - Thermal (strain) * - :math:`a` - Apparent (strain) * - :math:`c` - Crack (strain) * - :math:`C` - Cavity * - :math:`e` - Elastic (strain) * - :math:`ext` - External loads * - :math:`G` - Fuel-cladding gap * - :math:`i` - Iteration counter * - :math:`int` - Internal stress field * - :math:`IGL` - Ideal gas law * - :math:`MECH` - Mechanical analysis * - :math:`p` - Plastic (strain) * - :math:`ps` - Pseudo (stress) * - :math:`P` - Plenum * - :math:`ref` - Reference * - :math:`s` - Swelling (strain) * - :math:`t` - Total (strain) * - :math:`T` - Total * - **Notation** - **Description** * - ¯ (overline) - Equivalent * - \_ (underline) - Indicates a vector * - • (dot) - Indicates derivative with respect to time * - ˆ (hat) - Indicates a unit vector * - [ ] - Indicates a matrix * - {}\ :sup:`T` - Transpose of a vector * - :math:`\nabla` - Gradient * - **Symbol** - **Description** * - :math:`\alpha` - Thermal expansion coefficient * - :math:`\delta` - Nodal displacement * - :math:`\Delta L/L_{0}` - Linear thermal expansion * - :math:`\Delta t` - Time step size * - :math:`\varepsilon` - Strain * - :math:`\hat{\varepsilon}` - Cladding hardness parameter * - :math:`\phi` - Overpressure in grain boundary bubble growth model * - :math:`\phi` - Finite element displacement function * - :math:`\gamma` - Specific surface free energy in surface tension restraint term * - :math:`\nu` - Poisson's ratio * - :math:`\Omega` - Atomic volume in grain boundary bubble growth model * - :math:`\psi` - Constant in finite element displacement function in axial direction * - :math:`\rho` - Radius of curvature in surface tension restraint term * - :math:`\rho` - Density * - :math:`\sigma` - Stress * - :math:`\theta` - Intersection angle between the bubble surface and grain boundary * - :math:`\theta` - Initial hardening rate * - :math:`a` - Finite element inner radius * - :math:`A` - Area of intersection between the finite elements * - :math:`b` - Finite element outer radius * - :math:`B` - Matrix in equilibrium equation * - :math:`C` - Curve bounding A * - :math:`C` - Matrix in generalized Hooke's law * - :math:`C` - Material functions in secondary creep equation * - :math:`\text{d}\varepsilon` - Incremental strain * - :math:`\text{d}\lambda` - Proportionality factor for plastic strain increments * - :math:`\text{d}\sigma` - Incremental stress * - :math:`\text{dp}` - Pressure increment * - :math:`D` - Grain size * - :math:`D` - Diffusion coefficient in grain boundary bubble growth model * - :math:`E` - Young's modulus * - :math:`F` - Constitutive function for plastic strains * - :math:`F` - Force * - :math:`F` - Axial force * - :math:`\dot{F}` - Fission rate * - :math:`G` - Constitutive function for swelling strains * - :math:`G` - Shear modulus * - :math:`\hat{i}` - Unit vector in coordinate directions * - :math:`K` - Stiffness matrix * - :math:`K` - Bulk modulus * - :math:`L` - Finite element radial thickness * - :math:`M` - Rate sensitivity parameter in cladding yield and saturation flow stresses * - :math:`M` - Mass * - :math:`\dot{M}` - Eutectic penetration rate * - :math:`\hat{n}` - Outward normal to the finite element surface, S * - :math:`N` - Finite element shape function * - :math:`N` - Number density of gas bubbles in grain boundary bubble growth model * - :math:`P` - Pressure * - :math:`Q` - Activation energy in secondary creep equation * - :math:`Q` - Thermal modulus * - :math:`R` - Residual in iterative solution of equilibrium equations * - :math:`R` - Radius * - :math:`R` - Gas constant * - :math:`S` - Deviatoric stress * - :math:`S` - Surface area of finite element * - :math:`T` - Time * - :math:`T` - Elements of load vector in equilibrium equation expressing external forces * - :math:`T` - Temperature * - :math:`U` - Displacement in radial coordinate direction * - :math:`V` - Displacement in θ coordinate direction * - :math:`V` - Volume of finite element * - :math:`W` - Grain boundary thickness * - :math:`W` - Displacement in axial coordinate direction * - :math:`W` - Gradient vector for plastic strain increments * - :math:`Z` - Zener-Holloman parameter