.. _section-14.9: References ---------- 14-1. L. L. Smith, et al., Unpublished information, Argonne National Laboratory, 1975. 14-2. W. R. Bohl, Unpublished information, Argonne National Laboratory, 1974. 14-3. H. U. Wider, "An Improved Analysis of Fuel Motion During an Overpower Excursion," Ph.D. Thesis, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, June 1974. 14-4. H. U. Wider, et al., "An Improved Analysis of Fuel Motion During an Overpower Excursion," *Fast Reactor Safety*, CONF-740401-P3, Beverly Hills, California, p. 1541, April 1974. 14-5. A. B. Rothman, et al., "Results of Recent TOP and LOF Experiments in TREAT," *Proc. Int. Melting on Fast Reactor Safety and Related Physics*, Chicago, Illinois, CONF-761001, p. 1625, October 1976. 14-6. H. U. Wider and L. A. Semenza, "Analysis of TREAT Transient Overpower Experiments Using the PLUTO Codes," Specialists Workshop on Predictive Analysis of Material Dynamics in LMFBR Safety Experiments, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory Report, March 1979. 14-7. P. A. Pizzica and P. B. Abramson, "A Numerical Model of Reactor Fuel and Coolant Motions Following Pin Failure," *Nucl. Sci. Eng.*, vol. 64, p. 465-479, 1977. 14-8. P. A. Pizzica, P. L. Garner, and P. B. Abramson, "A User's Guide to EPIC, a Computer Program to Calculate the Motion of Fuel and Coolant Subsequent to Pin Failure in an LMFBR," ANL-80-47, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois, October 1979. 14-9. D. H. Cho, R. O. Ivins, and R. W. Wright, "Pressure Generation by Molten Fuel-Coolant Interactions Under LMFBR Accident Conditions," *Proc. Conf. on New Developments in Reactor Mathematics and Applications*, Idaho Falls, March 1971. 14-10. D. P. Weber and H. U. Wider Eds., Unpublished information, Argonne National Laboratory, 1977. 14-11. H. U. Wider, "PLUTO2: A Computer Code for the Analysis of Overpower Accidents in LMFBRs," *Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc.*, vol. 27, p. 533, November 1977. 14-12. H. U. Wider, A. M. Tentner, and P. A. Pizzica, "The PLUTO2 Overpower Excursion Code and a Comparison with EPIC," *Fast Reactor Safety Meeting*, Seattle, Washington, vol. 1, p. 120, August 1979. 14-13. R. J. Page, et al., Unpublished information, Argonne National Laboratory, 1978. 14-14. R. O. McNary, et al., Unpublished information, Argonne National Laboratory, 1979. 14-15. C. H. Bowers, H. U. Wider, and A. M. Tentner, "Analysis of TREAT Transient Tests L7 and L8 with SAS3D, LEVITATE, and PLUTO2," Specialists Workshop on Predictive Analysis of Material Dynamics in LMFBR Safety Experiments, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, March 1979. 14-16. A. M. Tentner, H. U. Wider, and C. H. Bowers, "A Mechanistic Model of Fuel Flow Regimes and Fuel Plateout in LMFBR Overpower Accidents," *Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc.*, vol. 30, p. 448, November 1978. 14-17. A. E. Wright, et al., Unpublished information, Argonne National Laboratory, 1978. 14-18. J, K. Bigelow, G. E. Russher, and S. E. Seeman, Unpublished information, Hanford Engineering Development Laboratory, 1980. 14-19. W. A. Ragland, et al., Unpublished information, Argonne National Laboratory, 1981. 14-20. P. C. Cacciabue, et al., "Comparative Analysis of a Hypothetical 9.1 $/sec Transient Overpower Accident in an Irradiated LMFBR Core Using Different Computer Models," EUR 8018 EN, Nuclear Science and Technology, Commission of the European Community, Luxembourg, 1982. 14-21. Argonne National Laboratory, Unpublished information, 1975. 14-22. R. B. Bird, W. E. Stewart, and E. N. Lightfoot, *Transient Phenomena*, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1960. 14-23. R. G. Deissler, "Analysis of Turbulent Heat Transfer, Mass Transfer, and Friction in Smooth Tubes at High Prandtl an Schmidt Numbers," NACA Report 1210, 1955. 14-24. A. E. Wright, et al., "Transient Overpower Test H5 on FFTF-Type Intermediate-Power Fuel," Unpublished information, Argonne National Laboratory, Illinois, June 1975. Also see A. E. Wright, et al., "Inpile Failure Threshold Experiment (H5) With Pre-Irradiated FFTF-Type Fuel," *Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc.*, vol. 18, p. 211, June 1975. 14-25. R. J. Page A. B. Rothman, and P. H. Froehle, Unpublished information, Argonne National Laboratory, 1979. 14-26. W. L. Hu, Unpublished information, Hanford Engineering Development Laboratory, 1983. 14-27. H. U. Wider, J. f. Jackson, and D. T. Eggen, "An Improved Viscous Pressure Formulation for Two-Phase Compressible Hydrodynamics Calculations," *Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc.*, vol. 17, p. 246, November 1973. 14-28. R. E. Henry, M. A. Grolmes, and H. K. Fauske, "Pressure Pulse Propagation in Two-Phase One- and Two-Component Mixtures," ANL-7792, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois, March 1971. 14-29. L. L. Smith, Unpublished information, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, 1980. 14-30. J. H. Stuhmiller and R. E. Ferguson, "Comparison of Numerical Methods for Fluid Flows," EPRI NP-1236, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, California, November 1979. 14-31. Patrick J. Roache, *Computational Fluid Dynamics*, Hermosa Publishers, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1976. 14-32. H. U. Wider, J. F. Jackson, and W. R. Bohl, "The Slip Flow Treatment in the PLUTO Code," *Proc. Conf. on Computational Methods in Nuclear Engineering*, Charleston, South Carolina, CONF-760413, Vol. 1, pp. II-125 to II-144, April 1975. 14-33. M. Ishii and M. A. Grolmes, "Inception Criteria for Droplet Entrainment in Two-Phase Concurrent Film Flow," *AICHE J.*, vol. 21, no. 2, p. 308-317, March 1975. 14-34. M. Ishii and M. A. Grolmes, Unpublished information, Argonne National Laboratory, 1974. 14-35. R. N. Knoopman, et al., Unpublished information, Argonne National Laboratory, 1977. 14-36. A. E. Wright, et al., Unpublished information, Argonne National Laboratory, 1976. 14-37. H. U. Wider and A. E. Wright, "Analysis of a Sodium Reentry Event in the H4 TREAT Tests," *Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc.*, vol. 22, p. 428, November 1975. 14-38. B. W. Spencer, et al., "Fuel Motion in the CAMEL TOP-Simulation LMFBR Safety Tests," *Proc. Intl. Meeting on Fast Reactor Safety*, Seattle, Washington, vol. 4, p. 1756-1765, August 1979. 14-39. Argonne National Laboratory, Unpublished information, 1980. 14-40. S. J. Board and R. W. Hall, "Recent Advances in Understanding Large Scale Vapor Explosions," *Proc. Third Specialist Meeting on Sodium/Fuel Interaction in Fast Reactors*, Tokyo, Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation Report PNC N251 65-12, vol. 1, pp. 249-284, March 1976. 14-41. H. Jacobs, "Computational Analysis of Fuel-Sodium Interaction With an Improved Method," *Proc. Int. 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Wallis, *One-Dimensional Two-Phase Flow*, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1969. 14-50. M. M. El-Wakil, *Nuclear Power Engineering*, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1962. 14-51. Kalimullah and H. U. Wider, Unpublished information, Argonne National Laboratory, 1983. 14-52. G. L. Bordner, et al., Unpublished information, Argonne National Laboratory, 1978. 14-53. A. K. Fisher, et al., "Fuel Dynamics Loss-of-Flow Test L3," ANL-76-79, Argonne National Laboratory, Illinois, June 1976. 14-54. J. G. Eberhart, et al., Unpublished information, Argonne National Laboratory, 1976. 14-55. Argonne National Laboratory, Unpublished information, 1980. 14-56. R. Courant and K. O. Friedrichs, *Supersonic Flow and Shock Waves*, Interscience Publishers, Inc., New York, 1948. 14-57. Argonne National Laboratory, Unpublished information, Argonne National Laboratory, 1977. 14-58. M. Ishii, Argonne National Laboratory, personal communication, 1980. 14-59. Argonne National Laboratory, Unpublished information, Argonne National Laboratory, 1976. 14-60. J. K. Fink, M. G. Chasanov, and L. Leibowitz, Unpublished information, Argonne National Laboratory, 1982. 14-61. G. H. Golden and J. V. Tokar, "Thermophysical Properties of Sodium," ANL-7323, Argonne National Laboratory, Illinois, August 1967. 14-62. J. O. Hirschfelder, C. F. Curtiss, and R. B. Bird, *Molecular Theory of Gases and Liquids*, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1954. 14-63. Kalimullah and A. M. Tentner, Unpublished information, Argonne National Laboratory, 1984.