.. _section-16.8: Input Parameters Relevant to LEVITATE ------------------------------------- The input parameters relevant to LEVITATE are summarized in :numref:`table-16.8-1`. A description of these parameters can be found in the SAS4A input listing attached to this document. :numref:`table-16.8-1` lists the recommended values for these parameters and the sections and equations were those parameters are mentioned in the text. This list of equations is not necessarily exhaustive, and some input parameters might appear in other equations, in addition to those listed in the table (e.g., AXMX appears in many places and it was not possible to list all occurrences). Comments have been also added occasionally to complement the description given in the SAS4A input listing. .. _table-16.8-1: .. list-table:: Input Description :header-rows: 1 :align: center :widths: auto * - Input Location - FORTRAN Variable - Symbol - Section Reference - Equation Reference - Suggested Value (MKS) - Comments * - **Block 1, INPCOM** - - - - - - * - 37 - KFAILP - - :numref:`%s` - - :math:`0` - Controls the axial pin failure propagation calculation. * - 38 - NCPLEV - - :numref:`%s` :ref:`` :ref:`` - - :math:`3` - Switch from PLUTO2 to LEVITATE when NCPLEV axial clad nodes have exceeded the cladding liquidus temperature. * - 39 - NFUELD - - :numref:`%s` - - :math:`-5` - Number of dollars of fuel reactivity which has to be reached to terminate the calculation. * - 42 - NSLEEX - - :numref:`%s` - - :math:`10` - Number of fully molten hexcan cells in a subassembly which has to be reached to terminate the calculation. * - 44 - INRAEJ - - :numref:`%s` - - :math:`1` - If INRAEJ=1 the ejection of in-pin fuel is calculated using a mechanistic model. If 0 the parametric fuel ejection calculation is used (see :sasinp:`CIPINJ`\ ). * - 47 - ICHUNK - - - - :math:`0` - If ICHUNK=1 the chunk model is operational. Although the physical picture is more complete when ICHUNK-1, the chunk model has not yet been thoroughly validated. When ICHUNK=0 the chunk model is disabled. * - 48 - ILUBLK - - - - :math:`0` - This variable is relevant only when the chunk model is active i.e. ICHUNK=1. If ILUBLK=1 the bulk fuel freezing leads to chunk formation when no solid support for crust formation is available. If ILUBLK=0 no chunk formation occurs under the circumstances mentioned above. * - **Block 13, PMATCM** - - - - - - * - 1126 - CIBBIN - - :numref:`%s` - - :math:`0.7` - * - 1127 - CIREFN - - :numref:`%s` - :ref:`16.4-179` - :math:`2100` - * - 1128 - CIFRFU - - :numref:`%s` - :ref:`16.4-179` - :math:`0.03` - * - 1129 - CIFUMO - - :numref:`%s` - :ref:`16.4-186` - :math:`1` - Some of the in-pin axial momentum might be lost during the ejection process, due to interactions with the stationary components. * - 1133 - CIA3 - - :numref:`%s` :ref:`` :ref:`` - :ref:`16.4-270` :ref:`16.4-273` :ref:`16.4-278` - - * - 1135 - CIA5 - - :numref:`%s` - :ref:`16.4-155` - :math:`-2.7` - * - 1136 - CIA6 - - :numref:`%s` - :ref:`16.4-153` :ref:`16.4-154` - :math:`0.1068` - * - 1139 - CPFU - :math:`c_{\text{p,fu}}` - :numref:`%s` - :ref:`16.4-246` :ref:`16.4-248` - :math:`500.0` - * - 1140 - CDFL - :math:`k_{\text{fu}}` - :numref:`%s` :ref:`` - :ref:`16.4-251` :ref:`16.4-252` :ref:`16.4-266` - :math:`3.0` - * - 1141 - CMNL - :math:`C_{\Delta \text{P,Na}}` - :numref:`%s` - :ref:`16.4-83` :ref:`16.4-84` :ref:`16.4-85` - :math:`4.6 \cdot 10^{-10}` - * - 1142 - CDNL - :math:`k_{\text{nl}}` - :numref:`%s` - :ref:`16.4-302` - :math:`50` - * - 1144 - CDVG - :math:`k_{\text{Mi}}` - :numref:`%s` - :ref:`16.4-303` - :math:`0.067` - * - 1146 - CFNACN - - :numref:`%s` - :ref:`16.4-304` - :math:`6.0 \cdot 10^{4}` - * - 1147 - CFNAEV - - :numref:`%s` - :ref:`16.4-303` - :math:`6.0 \cdot 10^{5}` - * - 1148 - FIFNGB - - - :ref:`14.2-16` - :math:`0.1` - * - 1150 - VIVG - :math:`\mu_{\text{vg}}` - :numref:`%s` - :ref:`14.2-16` - :math:`0.1` - * - 1151 - EGFUSO - :math:`H_{\text{fu,so}}` - :numref:`%s` - :ref:`16.5-2` - :math:`1.0 \cdot 10^{6}` - * - 1155 - C1VIPR - - - - :math:`3.0 \cdot 10^{-3}` - * - 1157 - SUFU - :math:`\sigma_{\text{fu}}` - :numref:`%s` - :ref:`16.4-153` - :math:`0.45` - * - 1161 - EGBBLY - :math:`H_{\text{fu,freeze}}` - :numref:`%s` - :ref:`16.5-1` - - Fuel freezing is initiated when the fuel enthalpy drops below EGBBLY should be between EGFUSO and EGFULQ. * - 1162 - VIFULQ - :math:`\mu_{\text{fu}}` - :numref:`%s` - :ref:`16.4-246` - - * - 1164 - DTPLIN - - :numref:`%s` - - :math:`2.5 \cdot 10^{-5}` - * - 1165 - AXMX - - :numref:`%s` - :ref:`16.4-1` etc. - - Cross sectional area of subassembly, limited by the outside perimeter * - 1166 - EPCH - - :numref:`%s` - :ref:`14.2-1` - :math:`1` - * - 1168 - DTPLP - - :numref:`%s` - - - The frequency of the LEVITATE output should be selected by the user. * - 1169 - FNMELT - - - :ref:`14.2-2` :ref:`14.2-3` - :math:`0.9` - * - 1170 - CIRTFS - - - :ref:`14.2-18` - :math:`16.67` - * - 1174 - CIANIN - - :numref:`%s` - - :math:`0.5` - * - 1175 - TEFAIL - - - :ref:`14.3-11` - :math:`\text{TESOL(1)}` - * - 1176 - FNARME - - - :ref:`14.3-10` - :sasinp:`FSPEC` - FNARME should be consistent with FSPEC when the input controlled failure propagation is used. However, a compromise might be necessary because FSPEC is channel dependent while FNARME is not. * - 1177 - PRFAIL - - - :ref:`14.3-13` - :math:`0` - * - 1188 - CMFU - - - :ref:`14.2-33` - :math:`6.0 \cdot 10^{-11}` - * - 1195 - CDCL - :math:`k_{\text{se}}` - - :ref:`16.5-41` :ref:`16.5-42` - :math:`32.0` - * - 1198 - RHSLBT - :math:`\rho_{\text{Nl}, \text{ls}}` - :numref:`%s` - - :math:`728` - This is the liquid sodium density at about 1200 K. * - 1199 - RHSLTP - :math:`\rho_{\text{Nl}, \text{us}}` - :numref:`%s` - - :math:`0.975 * \text{RHSLBT}` - * - 1206 - RHSSLQ - - - - :math:`6.10^{3}` - This is the density of the steel entrapped in the frozen fuel crust. It is used in LEFREZ to determine the volume of the newly formed crust. * - 1207 - CIBBDI - - :numref:`%s` - - :math:`0.2` - * - 1208 - CIANDI - - :numref:`%s` - - :math:`0.1` - * - 1210 - EGSESO - - - - :math:`8.834 \cdot 10^{6}` - Used in the functions :math:`T \left( h \right)` and :math:`H_{\text{se}} \left( t \right)`. Should correspond to the steel solidus temperature TME. * - 1211 - EGSELQ - - - - :math:`\text{EGSESO} + \text{UEMELT(1)}` - Used in the functions :math:`T_{\text{se}}` \left( h \right)` and :math:`H_{\text{se}} \left( T \right)`. Should correspond to the steel liquidus temperature TME + DETEMS. * - 1212 - CPSE - :math:`c_{\text{p,se}}` - :numref:`%s` - :ref:`16.4-278` - :math:`774.0` - * - 1213 - FRMRSE - - :numref:`%s` - :ref:`16.5-17` - :math:`0.5` - * - 1215 - RHSSSO - - - - :math:`6.95 \cdot 10^{-3}` - * - 1216 - RGFV - :math:`R_{\text{fv}}` - :numref:`%s` - :ref:`16.4-90` :ref:`16.4-106` - :math:`31` - * - 1217 - RGSV - :math:`R_{\text{sv}}` - :numref:`%s` - - :math:`148` - * - 1229 - FNDISR - - :numref:`%s` - :ref:`16.2-1` - :math:`0.9` - * - 1231 - SRFMLE - - - - :math:`1.0` - This input value maintains the sodium in the structure film when initiating LEVITATE. If SRFMLE = 0 the film on the structure is ignored. * - 1280 - ASRALU - - :numref:`%s` - - :math:`1` - The aspect ratio of solid chunks, defined as :math:`L/2R`. * - 1284 - RALUDI - - :numref:`%s` - - :math:`0.0` - This is the radius of the chunks generated by disruption of the fuel pin. If 0.0, the code will determine the appropriate radius using the local geometry. * - 1285 - RALUFZ - - :numref:`%s` - - :math:`0.0` - This is the radius of the chunks generated by the frozen crust break-up and bulk fuel freezing. If 0.0, the code will determine the appropriate radius using the local geometry. * - **Block 51, INPCHN** - - - - - - * - 71 - NRPI1 - - - - :math:`\text{NPIN}` - All pins are assumed to fail coherently. * - 72 - NRPI2 - - - - :math:`0` - This input constant should be zero whenever NRP11 = NPIN is desired. * - 182 - IMOMEN - - :numref:`%s` :ref:`` - :ref:`16.4-142` :ref:`16.4-174` - :math:`0` - * - **Block 65, FUELIN** - - - - - - * - 2 - FMELTM - 14.1.2 - - - :math:`0.2` - * - 19 - FCFAIL - - - - :math:`0.0` - The molten fuel cavity pressure calculated by DEFORM will be used.