================================================================================ Nomenclature ================================================================================ .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :align: center :widths: auto * - Symbol - Description - Units * - A\ :sub:`k,i` - Cross sectional area of component :math:`k`, in the coolant channel in the axial cell :math:`i` - m\ :sup:`2` * - A\ :sub:`k,ca,i` - Cross sectional area of component :math:`k`, in the fuel-pin cavity, in axial cell :math:`i`. - m\ :sup:`2` * - A\ :sub:`j,k,i` - Contact lateral area between component :math:`j` and component :math:`k` in the axial cell :math:`i` - m\ :sup:`2` * - AXMX - Reference cross-sectional area which determines the volume AXMX ⨉ Δz\ :sub:`i`, over which all component densities are smeared to yield the generalized smeared densities - m\ :sup:`2` * - AFRV - Input, sodium vapor friction coefficient - * - BFRV - Input, exponent of vapor friction coefficient - * - C\ :sub:`AREA` - Coefficient used to define the contact area between two components. Has values between 0 and 1 - * - C'\ :sub:`D,Mi,fu,i` - Generalized drag coefficient between the gas mixture and the molten fuel in the axial cell :math:`i` - Kg/m\ :sup:`4` * - C'\ :sub:`in,Mi,fu,i` - Generalized inertial force coefficient, used in the definition of the inertial force exerted between the gas mixture and the molten fuel in the axial cell :math:`i` - Kg/m\ :sup:`3` * - C\ :sub:`ff,cl,i` - Coefficient defining the fraction of the cladding perimeter covered by the solid fuel crust in the axial cell :math:`i` - * - C\ :sub:`ff,sr,i` - Coefficient defining the fraction of the hexcan wall perimeter covered by the solid fuel crust in the axial cell :math:`i` - * - C\ :sub:`fu,cl,i` - Coefficient defining the fraction of the cladding perimeter covered by the molten and frozen fuel in the axial cell :math:`i` - * - C\ :sub:`fu,sr,i` - Coefficient defining the fraction of the hexcan wall covered by the molten and frozen fuel in the axial cell :math:`i` - * - C\ :sub:`fu,ff,cl,i` - Coefficient defining the fraction of the frozen fuel crust on the cladding covered by molten fuel - * - C\ :sub:`fu,ff,sr,i` - Coefficient defining the fraction of the frozen fuel crust on the hexcan wall covered by molten fuel - * - C\ :sub:`mfu,cl,i` - Coefficient defining the fraction of the cladding perimeter covered by molten fuel only, in cell :math:`i` - * - C\ :sub:`mfu,sr,i` - Coefficient defining the fraction of the hexcan wall covered by molten fuel only, in cell :math:`i` - * - C\ :sub:`p,fu` - Specific heat for the fuel - J/(kg·K) * - C\ :sub:`se,ff,cl,i` - Coefficient defining the fraction of the frozen fuel crust on the cladding covered by molten steel - * - C\ :sub:`se,ff,sr,I` - Coefficient defining the fraction of the frozen fuel crust on the canwall covered by molten steel - * - CMNL - Input, liquid sodium compressibility - Pa\ :sup:`-1` * - CMFU - Input, liquid fuel compressibility - Pa\ :sup:`-1` * - D\ :sub:`H,Mi,i` - Hydraulic diameter for the gas mixture in the coolant channel in cell :math:`i` - m * - f\ :sub:`Mi,i` - Friction coefficient used to characterize the friction between the gas mixture and the channel walls in cell :math:`i` - * - F\ :sub:`area,bd,lu,i` - Fraction of lateral chunk area in contact with the channel boundaries in cell :math:`i` - * - h\ :sub:`k,i` - Enthalpy of component k in the axial cell :math:`i` - J/kg * - H\ :sub:`j,k,i` - Heat-transfer coefficient between components :math:`j` and :math:`k` in cell :math:`i`. - J/(m\ :sup:`2`\ s-K) * - H'\ :sub:`j,k,i` - Generalized heat transfer coefficient, similar otherwise to H\ :sub:`j,k,i` :math:`{H'}_{j,k,i} = H_{j,k,i} \cdot \frac{A_{j,k,i}}{AXMX\ \ \cdot \ \ \Delta zi}` - J/(m\ :sup:`3`\ s-K) * - h\ :sub:`Na,liq,i` - Enthalpy of liquid sodium at saturation in cell :math:`i` - J/kg * - h\ :sub:`Na,vap,i` - Enthalpy of sodium vapor at saturation in cell :math:`i` - J/kg * - h\ :sub:`Na,lg,i` - Heat of vaporization for sodium in cell :math:`i` - J/kg * - h\ :sub:`fv,lg,i` - Heat of vaporization for fuel - J/kg * - k\ :sub:`Mi,I` - Conductivity of the sodium and fission-gas mixture in the axial cell :math:`i` - J/(M-s-K) * - L\ :sub:`cl,I` - Perimeter of all pins in a subassembly in the axial cell :math:`i` - m * - L\ :sub:`sr,i` - Same as above, for the canwall - m * - L\ :sub:`ff,cl,I` - Perimeter of the cladding fuel crust in a subassembly in the axial cell :math:`i` - m * - L\ :sub:`ff,sr,i` - Same as above, for the canwall fuel crust - m * - l\ :sub:`ff,cl,i` - Thickness of the fuel crust on cladding in the axial cell :math:`i` - m * - l\ :sub:`ff,sr,i` - Same as above for the canwall fuel crust - m * - M\ :sub:`k,i,ic` - Mass of component k is the axial cell :math:`i` of one subassembly of channel :math:`\text{ic}` - kg * - M\ :sub:`k,i,ic`\ :sup:`o` - Same as above, but referring to the initial conditions - kg * - N\ :sub:`pins` - Number of fuel pins in the subassembly - * - P\ :sub:`ch,i` - Total pressure in the coolant channel in the axial cell :math:`i` - Pa * - P\ :sub:`k,i` - Partial pressure of component :math:`k` in cell :math:`i` - Pa * - P\ :sub:`k,sat,i` - Saturation pressure for component :math:`k` in the cell :math:`i`, e.g., P\ :sub:`Na,sat,i` = P\ :sub:`sat` (T\ :sub:`Na,i`) - Pa * - Q\ :sub:`k,i` - Energy source in the component :math:`k` in cell :math:`i` - J/(kg-s) * - Q\ :sub:`cl,i` - Energy source in the cladding in the axial cell :math:`i` of one subassembly - J/s * - R - Universal gas constant - * - R\ :sub:`k` - Gas constant specific for the component :math:`k`, :math:`R_{k} = \frac{R}{M_{k}}` where :math:`M_{k}` is the molar mass of the component :math:`k`. - * - R\ :sub:`ca,k` - Radius of cavity in the axial cell :math:`k` - m * - R\ :sub:`cl,os,i` - Outer radius of the cladding in the axial cell :math:`i` - m * - R\ :sub:`lu,i` - Radius of the fuel/steel chunks in cell :math:`i` - m * - Re - Reynolds number - * - T\ :sub:`k,i` - Temperature of component :math:`k` in cell :math:`i` - K * - u\ :sub:`k,i` - Velocity of component :math:`k` in the coolant channel at the boundary :math:`i - 1/2` - m/s * - v\ :sub:`Na,i` - Specific volume of sodium in cell :math:`i` - m\ :sup:`3`/kg * - v\ :sub:`Na,liq,i` - Specific volume of the liquid sodium at saturation in cell :math:`i` - m\ :sup:`3`/kg * - v\ :sub:`Na,vap,i` - Specific volume of the sodium vapor at saturation in cell :math:`i` - m\ :sup:`3`/kg * - V\ :sub:`k,i` - Volume occupied by component :math:`k` in cell :math:`i` - m\ :sup:`3` * - X\ :sub:`Na,i` - Quality of the two-phase sodium in cell :math:`i` - * - z - Axial coordinate - m * - Δz\ :sub:`i` - Length of axial cell :math:`i` - m * - ΔT\ :sub:`j,k,i` - Temperature difference between components :math:`j` and :math:`k` in the axial cell :math:`i` - K * - Δt - Time increment - s * - ΔR\ :sub:`cl,i` - Current thickness of the cladding in the axial cell :math:`i` - m * - ΔR\ :sub:`cl`\ :sup:`0` - Thickness of the original cladding in cell :math:`i` - m * - ρ\ :sub:`k,i` - Physical density of component :math:`k` in the cell :math:`i`. - kg/m\ :sup:`3` * - ρ'\ :sub:`k,i` - Generalized density of component :math:`k` in cell :math:`i`, :math:`{\rho'}_{k,j} = \rho_{k,i}\ \ \cdot \ \ \frac{A_{k,i}}{\text{AXMX}}` - Kg/m\ :sup:`3` * - σ\ :sub:`fu` - Liquid fuel surface tension - J/m\ :sup:`2` * - σ\ :sub:`se` - Liquid steel surface tension - J/m\ :sup:`2` * - θ\ :sub:`k,i` - Volume fraction of component k in the axial cell :math:`i` :math:`\theta_{k,i} = \frac{Q_{K,i}}{\text{AXMX}}` - * - *Subscripts* - - * - bd - Refers to a quantity defined at the cell boundary - * - ca - Cavity - * - ch - Coolant channel - * - cl - Cladding - * - ch,op - Open channel. The open channel at any axial location can become smaller than the original coolant channel due to fuel and steel freezing. It can also increase due to the ablation of the cladding and hexcan wall and to the disruption of the fuel pins - * - ff - Frozen fuel - * - ffc - Frozen fuel on cladding - * - ffs - Frozen fuel on structure - * - fi - Fission gas - * - fu - Molten fuel - * - fv - Fuel vapor - * - fl - Fuel chunks - * - i - Cell number, on the channel grid - * - is - Inner cell of cladding or structure - * - IN - Inertial - * - J - Other components in the coolant channel, exchanging mass, momentum or energy with component :math:`k` - * - k - Component subscript, referring to the component being described. Also used as cell number on the fuel-pin grid - * - liq - Indicates a physical property for the saturated liquid, e.g., h\ :sub:`Na,liq,i` - * - lq - Indicates a physical property at liquidus - * - lu - Solid fuel/steel chunks - * - lv - Indicates a physical property that characterizes the transition from liquid to gas, e.g. h\ :sub:`lv` - * - Mi - Mixture of sodium vapor, fission gas, fuel vapor, steel vapor, and liquid sodium - * - Mo - Momentum - * - Na - Sodium - * - Nl - Liquid sodium - * - Nv - Sodium vapor - * - Os - Outer cell of cladding or structure. The "outer" surface is always the surface facing the coolant channel - * - pin - Fuel pin - * - sat - Indicates a physical property at saturation, e.g., T\ :sub:`sat` (P\ :sub:`k,i`) - * - se - Molten steel - * - sl - Steel chunks - * - so - Indicates a physical property at solidus - * - sr - Structure, i.e., hexcan wall or wall of the experimental loop - * - st - Refers to a stationary component, such as the solid fuel in the pin - * - sv - Steel vapor - * - vap - Indicates a physical property for the saturated dry vapor, e.g., h\ :sub:`Na,vap,i` - * - vg - Vapor/gas mixture - * - *Superscripts* - - * - cond - Condensation - * - L - Used to indicate a lateral area, as opposed to a cross-sectional area - * - N - The value of any quantity at the beginning of the current time step - * - :math:`n + 1` - The value of any quantity at the end of the current time step. If no superscript is present, the default is n - * - N - Used in relation to the cylindrical chunks, to indicate the area of the lower and upper base - * - vap - Vaporization -