Block 6 — IINBOP — Balance-of-Plant Integer Input¶
The first-encountered IINBOP is saved and may not be redefined by subsequent data. Within the block, the data must be presented as defined in ANL/RAS 89/6. This block must precede Block 15, FINBOP.
See ANL/RAS 89/6, Appendix B.
The input format for each record in Block 6 is:
The first entry on a line identifies the type of geometric components for which data are being entered. The categories of components are numbered as follows:
1 |
compressible volume |
2 |
segment |
3 |
element |
4 |
steam generator |
5 |
waterside pump |
6 |
volume boundary condition |
7 |
not currently used |
8 |
supersegment |
9 |
flags to invoke options |
10 |
standard valve |
11 |
balance-of-plant legs |
12 |
check valve |
13 |
selection of parameters for printing |
14 |
relief valve. |
One point about these categories needs clarification. There is a category for general elements (category 3), and there are also categories for specific types of elements (pumps (5), standard valves (10), and check valves(12)). The data which fall under the general elements category must be entered for all elements. In addition, some element types require data unique to that type of element; these are entered under the appropriate element category. For example, the length of an element must be entered for all elements and so appears in the general elements category, whereas pump motor torque must be entered only for pumps and so appears in the pump elements category. Therefore, some information about a pump is entered in the general elements category and the rest in the pump elements category.
The second entry is the continuation card number. This accommodates components which have more fixed point input entries than can fit on one card. The continuation card number is 1 for the first fixed-point data card for a component, 2 for the second card, etc. The third entry gives the component number in the user’s nodalization. The numbering of steam generators must be the same on the sodium side and on the water side. Pumps and valves on the water side are numbered independently from pumps and valves on the sodium side. The remaining data entries vary with the geometric component and are as follows:
Compressible Volume
(2I3,11I6): 1, 1, user’s no., NTPCVW, NCVBCW, NSUPSG, NQFLG. NLGCVW, NENTRF
NTPCVW: A volume can be filled with single-phase liquid, single-phase vapor, or two-phase fluid. In addition, the pseudo-volume which marks the subcooled/two-phase interface in the evaporator is treated as a special case. NTPCVW is used to distinguish these four categories of volumes, with
NCVBCW: Volumes which perform certain functions (i.e., heater volumes, steam generator outlet plena) must be flagged, and NCVBCW is used to flag them as follows:
The designation “standard volume” simply means any volume which does not fall into one of the categories for NCVBCW = 1 through 7.
NSUPSG: If the volume is contained within a supersegment, NSUPSG must be entered and given the number of the supersegment. NSUPSG is not entered for volumes which begin or end a supersegment.
NQFLG flags whether or not a compressible volume is a heater, with NQFLG:
NLGCVW is the number of the leg of the nodalization to which the volume belongs (See ANL/RAS 89/6, Section 8.3 for an explanation of how a nodalization is divided into legs).
NENTRF: The thermodynamic state of a compressible volume can be specified through floating point input data in several ways. The user sets NENTRF for each volume to tell the code which thermodynamic quantities are being entered for that volume, with
If the volume is attached to a flow boundary condition, the following additional quantities are entered:
NBCINF: the number of the table in which boundary condition data are stored if the boundary condition is controlled through a user-input table, rather than by the control system.
NFLSEG: If the boundary condition is controlled by data from a table input by the user, the user must choose which thermodynamic data to enter and must signal this choice to the code through the flag NFLSEG, with
For an outflow boundary condition, NFLSEG = -1.
IFBWCL: flags whether the boundary condition is controlled by a table or by the control system, with
If the volume is a volume boundary condition, the following additional quantities are entered:
NBCINP is the number of the table in which boundary condition data are stored if the boundary condition is controlled through a user-input table, rather than by the control system,
IVBWCL flags whether the boundary condition is controlled by a table or by the control system, with
(2I3,11I6): 2, 1, user’s no., JCVW(1), JCVW(2), NODMAX
JCVW(1) is the compressible volume number in the user’s nodalization for the volume at the segment inlet,
JCVW(2) is the user’s volume number at the segment outlet,
NODMAX is the maximum number of enthalpy transport nodes into which may be tracked along a segment. See ANL/RAS 89/6, Section 4.4.2, for a discussion of the enthalpy transport model.
(2I3,11I6): 2, 2, user’s no., JCV1FG, IHTSEG, IHTLW, IHTUP
This input line is used only for heaters using a heater model other than the simple heater model.
JCV1FG indicates where a segment attached to a heater volume is attached to the volume, with
IHTSEG is the user’s number of the heater volume through which the segment passes,
IHTLW is entered if the segment is attached to a drain and is the user’s number of the volume containing the drain,
IHTUP is entered if the segment is attached to a desuperheating section and is the user’s number of the volume containing the desuperheating section.
(2I3,11I6): 3, 1, user’s no., NBOREL(1), NBOREL(2), NELSGW, ITYPW
NBOREL(1) is the element number of the upstream neighboring element in the user’s nodalization. The code uses the convention that the first element in a segment is the one furthest upstream, and for this element, NBOREL(1) is set to 0.
NBOREL(2) is the element number of the downstream neighboring element in the user’s nodalization. The code uses the convention that the last element in a segment is the one furthest downstream, and for this element, NBOREL(2) is set to -1.
NELSGW is the user’s number of the segment in which the element is located.
ITYPW identifies the element type, with
(These element types use the same numbering as those on the sodium side wherever possible).
Steam Generator
IEVAP(ISGN) = 1 (evaporator) or 3 (once-through)
(2I3,11I6): 4, 1, steam gen. number, ICVSGN(1), ICVSGN(2), NOSGW, NODSC, NODTP, NODSH, IDUM1, IDUM2, LMPDOT
ICVSGN(1) is the user’s number for the compressible volume which serves as the steam generator inlet plenum,
ICVSGN(2) is the user’s number for the volume which is the outlet plenum,
NOSGW is the user’s number for the segment which is at the outlet of the vapor leg which is fed by the steam generator (used for saving plot data only),
NODSC is the number of nodes in the subcooled zone,
NODTP is the number of nodes in the two-phase zone,
NODSH is the number of nodes in the superheated zone,
IDUM1 is a dummy integer,
IDUM2 is a dummy integer,
LMPDOT is the number of time steps used to compute an average value for PDOT, the derivative of pressure with respect to time.
(2I3,11I6): 4, 2, steam gen. number, ISGBUG, IHELE, IOPT1, IOPT2
ISGBUG is the number of PRIMAR time steps between debug prints for the steam generator calculation. If 0 is entered, no debug prints will be generated.
IHELE is an indicator for the geometry in the evaporator/steam generator: = 0 for straight tube, = 1 for helical coil.
IOPT1 is an indicator for the search option in the subcooled zone: = 1 on calibration factor, = 2 on length.
IOPT2 is an indicator for the search option in the superheated zone: = 1 on calibration factor, = 2 on length.
IEVAP(ISGN) = 2 (superheater)
(2I3,11I6): 4, 1, steam gen. number, NELSUH, NODSHT
NELSUH is the user’s element number for the superheater associated with the evaporator (if any),
NODSHT is the number of nodes in the superheater.
(2I3,11I6): 4, 2, steam gen. number, ISHBUG, IHELS
ISHBUG is reserved.
IHELS is an indicator for the geometry in the superheater: = 0 for straight tube, = 1 for helical coil.
See ANL/RAS 90/1 for a detailed explanation of these steam generator parameters. Variable IEVAP
should be set to 2 if a superheater is used, and to 3 if only an evaporator is used.
(2I3,11I6): 5, 1, pump number, IEMPW, IELPW, ILRPW, IPMWCL
IEMPW is the number designating the type of pump model chosen, i.e.,
Identical pump models are used for both waterside and sodium pumps, and so the discussion in ANL/RAS 84-14 of sodium pump models is the best source of more detailed information about the waterside pump models.
IELPW is the user’s element number of the pump,
ILRPW is the flag which activates the locked rotor modeling, i.e.
Unless a table of pump head vs. flow is entered, ILRPW is initially set to 0; if the code computes that the flow or pump speed becomes so low as to lock the rotor, ILRPW will automatically be reset to 1 by the code.
IPMWCL is the flag which routes control of the pump to the control system, with
Volume boundary condition
(2I3,11I6): 6, 1, table number, NTABVL
The thermodynamic state of a volume boundary condition volume can be specified by any of six choices of input data to be entered in the floating point volume boundary condition table. The code determines which choice the user has made from the variable NTABVL, with
(2I3,11I6): 8, 1, superseg. number, NSSIN, NSSOUT
NSSIN is the compressible volume number at the supersegment inlet,
NSSOUT is the volume number at the supersegment outlet.
See ANL/RAS 89/6, Secton 8.2, for an explanation of how a supersegment is set up.
Option flags
(2I3,11I6): 9, 1, NTRNPT, IBOPRT
NTRNPT flags whether or not enthalpy transport is used in vapor-filled segments, with
See ANL/RAS 89/6, Section 4.4.2, for a detailed explanation of when the enthalpy transport model should or should not be used in segments composed of superheated vapor.
IBOPRT is the number of PRIMAR time steps between full prints of the balance-of-plant parameters. If IBOPRT is not entered, the code sets IBOPRT to 1.
Standard valve
(2I3,11I6): 10 1 user’s number IVLELW IVLWCL
IVLELW is the user’s number for the element which contains the valve,
IVLWCL flags whether the valve is controlled by a table or by the control system. If the valve is controlled by the control system, there are two options: 1) have the control system specify the valve driving function as a function of time, or 2) have the control system specify the valve stem position as a function of time. The code uses IVLWCL to determine which of these three choices the user has made, with IVLWCL
See Sec. 4.2 for a detailed description of the valve model.
Balance-of-plant legs
(2I3,11I6): 11, 1, LEGORD
LEGORD orders the legs of the balance of plant for the purpose of printing output (See ANL/RAS 89/6, Section 8.3, for a discussion of how the balance of plant can be divided into legs).
Check valve
(2I3,11I6): ,12, 1, user’s number, ICVLEW, ICHVLK(1), ICHVLK(2), NCHVST
ICVLEW is the user’s number for the element containing the valve,
ICHVLK(1) specifies the type of valve closure criterion entered. The user must choose between having the valve begin to close when the pressure drop across the valve falls below a user-input number or having it begin to close when the flow through the valve becomes less than a user-input number. This choice is communicated to the code by ICHVLK(1), with
ICHVLK(2) specifies the type of valve opening criterion entered. The user must make the same choice as for valve closure,and this choice is designated through ICHVLK(2), with
NCHVST specifies the current state of the valve, with
The initial value of NCHVST should always be entered as either 1, 2, 4, or 5; as the transient progresses and the valve opens and/or closes, the code will update NCHVST to reflect the current state of the valve.
Selection of parameters for printing
(2I3,11I6): 13, 1, JPRINT(17)
The user may select some or all of 17 parameters to be printed by setting the appropriate JPRINT array element to 1. The JPRINT array is ordered as follows:
JPRINT(1) all compressible volume pressures
JPRINT(2) steam generator subcooled/two-phase interface pressures
JPRINT(3) flows in all segments except flow boundary conditions and evaporator subcooled regions
JPRINT(4) flows in all standard valves only
JPRINT(5) flows in all pumps only
JPRINT(6) flows in all evaporator subcooled regions only
JPRINT(7) all evaporator outlet flows only
JPRINT(8) flows at all flow boundary conditions
JPRINT(9) mixture enthalpies in all compressible volumes
JPRINT(10) temperatures in all compressible volumes
JPRINT(11) densities in all compressible volumes
JPRINT(12) outlet enthalpies for all elements
JPRINT(13) outlet pressures for all elements
JPRINT(14) orifice coefficients for all elements
JPRINT(15) orifice coefficients for all standard valves only
JPRINT(16) pump head for all pumps
JPRINT(17) pump speed for all pumps.
If JPRINT(1) is set to 2, all 17 prints will be made.
Relief valve
(2I3,11I6): 14, 1, user’s number, IRVLVW
IRVLVW is the user’s number for the element assigned to the check valve.