================================================================================ Block 1 --- INPCOM --- Channel-Independent Options and Integer Input ================================================================================ .. default-role:: sasinp .. sasblock:: INPCOM 1 .. sasinp:: NCHAN :location: 1 Number of core channels. Maximum = 22000. (not to be confused with the bypass channels of PRIMAR-4). `NCHAN` must be less than or equal to NCH from the data allocation record. .. sasinp:: IDBUG0 :location: 2 Channel independent debug flag. | = 0, No debugging prints. | > 0, Steady-state debug prints and transient time step prints. | = 2, Steady state coolant debug prints. | = 3, More steady state coolant debug prints. .. sasinp:: IFUEL1 :location: 3 Number of fuel types (Max. = 8). Note that the MFUEL model (\ `IFUELO` = 2) does not use the fuel types defined by the PMATCM input block. .. sasinp:: ICLAD1 :location: 4 Number of cladding types (Max. = 3). .. sasinp:: IPLUP :location: 5 Fission gas plenum location: | = 0, Fuel-pin gas plenum above the core. | = 1, Fuel-pin gas plenum below the core. Note that `IPLUP`\ = 0 is required for the MFUEL model (\ `IFUELO` = 2). .. sasinp:: IPROPT :location: 6 DEFORM-4 printed output selection option. | = 0, Use time steps to control printing. | = 1, Use absolute times based on `PRTSTR` and `PRTDEL` as well as time steps to control printing. .. sasinp:: ITKEL :location: 7 Temperature scale for SSPRNT and TSPRNT print routines and TSPLOT plotting routine. | = 0, Temperatures in Kelvins. | > 0, Temperatures in degrees centigrade. .. sasinp:: IPOWER :location: 8 Power driver option. | = 0, External reactivity vs. time from PREA subroutine or table. Total reactivity is the sum of the external reactivity and the internally-calculated feedback reactivity. | = 1, Power vs. time from PREA subroutine or table. .. sasinp:: IPOWOP :location: 9 Power option. | = 0, Steady-state power in the peak axial segment is calculated from total reactor power (See `POWTOT`\ ). | > 0, Steady-state total reactor power is calculated from the peak axial segment . (See `POW`\ ). .. sasinp:: NPK :location: 10 Reactor neutronics option. | = 0, Point kinetics with input perturbation theory reactivity worth tables. | = 1, Point kinetics with DIF3D (finite difference) calculated perturbation theory reactivity worth tables. | = 2, DIF3D-K or VARIANT-K nodal space-time neutronics using direct solution. | = 3, DIF3D-K nodal point kinetics with first order perturbation theory reactivity feedbacks. | = 4, DIF3D-K nodal point kinetics with adiabatic reactivity feedbacks. | = 5, DIF3D-K or VARIANT-K nodal space-time neutronics using improved quasi-static method. .. sasinp:: MAXSTP :location: 11 Maximum number of main (power and reactivity) time steps in transient calculation. | = 0, Steady-state calculation only. | > 0, Maximum number of time steps in the transient calculation. | = -1, Do not limit the number of times steps in the transient calculation. .. sasinp:: IPO :location: 12 Number of main (power and reactivity) time steps between full printouts before `IBLPRT` or coolant boiling (See `IBLPRN`\ ). .. sasinp:: IPOBOI :location: 13 Number of main (power and reactivity) time steps between full printouts after `IBLPRT` or coolant boiling. .. sasinp:: IBLPRT :location: 14 Main time step number for switch of full printout interval from `IPO` to `IPOBOI`\ . If `IBLPRT` = 0, switch occurs at coolant boiling inception. .. sasinp:: NSTEP :location: 15 Restart file save option. For any nonzero value of `NSTEP`, the restart file is saved at the end of the steady-state calculation and when the transient simulation ends with either the maximum problem time, `TIMAX`\, or the maximum number of time steps, `MAXSTP`\. | = 0, Do not save the restart file. | < 0, Only save the restart file following completion of the steady-state and transient simulations. | > 0, Save the restart file every `NSTEP` main time steps during the transient, in addition to saving the restart file following completion of the steady-state and transient simulations. .. sasinp:: NDELAY :location: 16 Number of delayed neutron precursor families, 0 ≤ `NDELAY` ≤ 6. .. sasinp:: NDKGRP :location: 17 Number of decay heat groups. 0 ≤ `NDKGRP` ≤ 24 The number of decay heat groups defined for any given curve may not exceed `NDKGRP` (except as noted below for `NDKGRP` = 0) but may be less than `NDKGRP`\ . This allows standard curves to be combined with user-supplied curves with a lower expansion order. Decay heat calculations can be disabled by setting `NDKGRP` = 0 even if other decay heat input is present. .. sasinp:: NPREAT :location: 18 Power or reactivity option 0 ≤ `NPREAT` ≤ 20, Number of entries in PREA vs. time table (See `IPOWER`\ , `PREATB`\ , and `PREATM`\ ). | > 20, ID for function of power or reactivity (see `IPOWER`\ , FUNCTION Block) .. sasinp:: NPRES :location: 19 Coolant driving pressure option. | = 0, The exponential decay of pump head is used (see `PDEC`\ , `PDEC1`\ , `PDEC2`\ ). | | 0 < `NPRES` ≤ 20, Number of entries in table of coolant driving pressure or normalized coolant flow rate vs. time (see `IFLOW`\ , `PRETAB`\ , `PRETME`\ ). | | > 20, ID for function of coolant driving pressure or normalized coolant flow rate (see `IFLOW`\ , FUNCTION Block). .. sasinp:: IFLOW :location: 20 Used only if `IPRION` ≠ 4, `NPRES` > 0. If `IFLOW` = 0 and `IPRION` ≠ 4, then the coolant driving head is specified as a function of time. If `IFLOW` > 0, `IFLOW` is the channel number in which coolant flow is specified as a function of time. .. sasinp:: NONEU0 :location: 21 Reserved for space-time options. .. sasinp:: NT0TAB :location: 22 Coolant inlet temperature 0 ≤ `NT0TAB` ≤ 20, Number of entries in `T0TAB` vs. `T0TME` table, i.e., coolant inlet temperature vs. transient time table. | > 20, ID for function of coolant inlet temperature (See FUNCTION Block) .. sasinp:: MULSTR :location: 23 Multiple restart option. | = 0, Normal restart option: Restarts written at multiples of `NSTEP`\ . Only the latest restart file is saved. | = 1, Multiple restart option: Restarts written at multiples of `NSTEP`\ . All restart files are concatenated. Not recommended. .. sasinp:: ICLCMP :location: 24 Core channel plotting option. | = 0, Data for plots of transient not saved. | > 0, Data output to CHANNEL.dat for transient plotting. See also `MSTPLA`\ , `MSTPLB`\ , `MSTPL1`\ , `MSTPL2`\ , and `MSTPL3` .. sasinp:: INEDIT :location: 25 Input edit option. | = 0, No input edit. | > 0, Input edit to standard output. .. sasinp:: IYLD :location: 26 Cladding flow stress formulation. | = 0, Based on TID-26666 | = 1, DiMelfi - Kramer strain, strain-rate, temperature, and fluence dependent model. | = 2, Same as 1, but with high strain rate approximation. | = 3, Input table `YLDTAB`\ . Note that `IYLD`\ = 3 is required for the MFUEL model (\ `IFUELO` = 2). .. sasinp:: IPRION :location: 27 PRIMAR-4 option. | = 4, For PRIMAR-4 option. | ≠ 4, For PRIMAR-1 option. .. sasinp:: IMELTV :location: 28 Axial extent assumptions for the molten cavity pressure calculation. | = 0, Extends only over axial extent of melting. | = 1, Cavity includes all central cavity. | = 2, Each axial node treated as separate cavity. .. sasinp:: INAS3D :location: 29 Alkali metals coolant properties. (Overridden by `ID2O`\ , `IPBDEN`\ , `KPROPI`\ , and `ICLPRP`\ ). | = 0, For SAS4A sodium properties. | > 0, For SAS3D sodium properties. | < 0, For NaK properties. .. sasinp:: NCLADM :location: 30 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: ICREXP :location: 31 Control rod drive expansion option | = 0, No control rod drive expansion feedback. | = 1-3, Calculate feedback from single-node model. (Option 2 switches on CRD output in older decks, but use of `ICRDDB` flag to control output is recommended). | = 4, Calculate feedback from multinode model. .. sasinp:: IXSTPC :location: 32 Controls when the DEFORM computed axial expansion calculation is stopped based on cladding conditions. | = 0, Continues. | = 1, Inner cladding node temperature > `TESOL`\ (\ `ICLADV`\ ). | = 2, Inner two cladding nodes temperature > `TESOL`\ (\ `ICLADV`\ ). | = 3, All cladding nodes temperature > `TESOL`\ (\ `ICLADV`\ ). .. sasinp:: IXSTPF :location: 33 Controls when the DEFORM computed axial expansion calculation is stopped based on fuel melt percentage molten. | = 0, Continues. | > 0, Percent molten (0 < `IXSTPF` <= 100). .. sasinp:: IMCVTY :location: 34 Controls how much crack volume is included in the volume of the molten cavity. See `IROR`. .. sasinp:: IDBPWI :location: 35 | = 0, No debug print for POWING subroutine. | = 1, Debug print for POWING subroutine. .. sasinp:: IRADEX :location: 36 Radial expansion feedback option. | = 0, No radial expansion feedback. | > 0, Radial expansion feedback using the inlet coolant temperature. | < 0, Radial expansion feedback using the inlet plenum wall temperature. Simple radial expansion model | =1,-1 Calculate radial expansion reactivity feedback only. | =2,-2 Print the radial expansion reactivity feedback, inlet temperature and average structure temperature every time step. | =3,-3 Print debug. Detailed radial expansion model | =4,-4 Print the radial expansion reactivity feedback, inlet temperature and average structure temperature every time step. | =5,-5 Print axial core shape, net deflection, and radial expansion with curve, plus debug, every time step. | =6,-6 FFTF core restraint design. See ANL/RAS 88-6 for consistent set of data. See program listing for additional cautions. | =7,-7 FFTF core restraint design, print axial core shape, net deflection, and radial expansion with curve, plus debug, every time step. .. sasinp:: KFAILP :location: 37 | = 0, Mechanistic axial pin failure propagation in PLUTO2 and LEVITATE. (See `FNARME`). | = 1, Axial pin failure propagation determined by input. (See `TEFAIL`\ , `FNARME`\ , and `PRFAIL`). .. sasinp:: NCPLEV :location: 38 Switch from PLUTO2 to LEVITATE when `NCPLEV` axial cladding nodes have exceeded the cladding liquidus temperature. Suggested value: 3. `NCPLEV` = 0: Do not switch from PLUTO2 to LEVITATE due to cladding melting. A switch from PLUTO2 to LEVITATE occurs automatically if all fuel and cladding in the pin are molten in any axial node. .. sasinp:: NFUELD :location: 39 Number of dollars of fuel reactivity to terminate the calculation. Recommended value: -5. | | PL,LE | .. sasinp:: IAREXT :location: 40 Controls radial extent of integration when calculating the plain strain axial expansion. | = 0, Over the solid fuel annulus. | = 1, Over all the fuel, both solid and molten. .. sasinp:: NOREAC :location: 41 Reactivity print option. | = 0, Full output from PSHORT. | > 0, Full output from PSHORT every `NOREAC` main time steps. .. sasinp:: NSLEEX :location: 42 Number of fully molten hexcan cells in a subassembly to terminate the calculation. .. sasinp:: NSRMTB :location: 43 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: INRAEJ :location: 44 | = 0, Parametric fuel injection calculation. (See `CIPINJ`\) | = 1, Ejection of in-pin fuel is calculated using a mechanistic model. .. sasinp:: NPOWDK :location: 45 Number of power curves or sets of user-defined decay heat curves used. 0 ≤ `NPOWDK` ≤ 5 For `IPOWER` = 0, `NPOWDK` defines the number of user-defined decay heat curves to expect in the input. (Do not count any built-in ANS standard curves that are used in the problem.) `NPOWDK` should be zero when using the original (Version 1.0) decay heat input. For `IPOWER` = 1, `NPOWDK` defines the number of user-supplied power vs. time tables. This usage is unrelated to the decay heat model. .. sasinp:: NPDKST :location: 46 Number of entries in the `POWLVL` vs. `POWTIM` and `PWLVL2` vs. `PWTIM2` tables for performing steady-state initialization of the decay heat precursors. 0 ≤ `NPDKST` ≤ 8 If `NPDKST` = 0, infinite steady-state irradiation is assumed for all decay heat regions regardless of the input in `POWLVL`\ /\ `POWTIM` and `PWLVL2`\ /\ `PWTIM2`\ . .. sasinp:: ICHUNK :location: 47 | = 0, The chunk model in LEVITATE is not used. | = 1, The chunk model in LEVITATE is used. .. sasinp:: ILUBLK :location: 48 | = 0, Inhibit chunk formation due to bulk freezing of the fuel. | = 1, Allow chunk formation via bulk freezing if no solid support for chunk formation is present. .. sasinp:: INAPN :location: 49 Sodium vapor pressure treatment. | = 0, No sodium vapor pressure in the fuel pin cavity. | = 1, Sodium vapor pressure is considered in the fuel pin cavity. .. sasinp:: NOEQPN :location: 50 Controls the pressure in the molten cavity at the time of PINACLE initiation. | = 0, The pressure in the cavity is equal to the DEFORM calculated pressure. If the input `PCFAIL` > 1.0, the pressure is set equal to `PCFAIL`\ . | = 1, The pressure in the cavity is calculated using the available fission gas. **LOCATIONS 51-54 USED ONLY IF \|IRADEX\| > 3** .. sasinp:: NSUBTC :location: 51 Total number of subassemblies in the active core region, including control and internal blanket subassemblies. Used for calculating the core radius in the radial expansion reactivity feedback calculation. .. sasinp:: MTGRD :location: 52 Support grid material, used for calculating the thermal expansion of the grid during a transient. | = 1, 316 SS. | = 2, HT-9. .. sasinp:: MTACLP :location: 53 Above-core load pad material. Used for calculating the thermal expansion of the above-core load pad during a transient. | = 1, 316 SS. | = 2, HT-9. .. sasinp:: MTTLP :location: 54 Top load pad material, used for calculating the thermal expansion of the top load pad during a transient. | = 1, 316 SS. | = 2, HT-9. .. sasinp:: MODEEX :location: 55 Axial expansion option. | = 0, Force balance or free expansion, depending on radial gap. | = 1, Cladding controlled fuel expansion. | = 2, Independent free expansion. | = 3, Force balance all the time. .. sasinp:: JREEXT :location: 56 | = 0, No correction term. | = 1, Add correction term to reactivity extrapolation. .. sasinp:: IFT19 :location: 57 Not currently Used. .. sasinp:: IREACT :location: 58 Reactivity feedback model option. | = 0, Use detailed reactivity models. | = 1, Use FFTF empirical reactivity model. | = 2, Use EBR-II empirical reactivity model. | = -1 Compute, write out but do not use FFTF model. | = -2 Compute, write out but do not use EBR-II model. **LOCATIONS 59-65 USED ONLY IF \|IRADEX\| > 3** .. sasinp:: NSUBTR :location: 59 Total number of subassemblies in the reactor, including drivers, radial and internal blankets, control assemblies, radial reflectors and shields. .. sasinp:: NRRNGS :location: 60 Number of restraint rings in core restraint design. | = 0, No restraint rings. | = 1, Restraint ring at top load pad only. | = 2, Restraint rings at top and above-core load pads. .. sasinp:: MTRRAC :location: 61 Material of the restraint ring at the above-core load pad elevation. | = 1, 316 SS. | = 2, HT-9. .. sasinp:: MTRRT :location: 62 Material of the restraint ring at the top load pad elevation. | = 1, 316 SS. | = 2, HT-9. .. sasinp:: MTRFAC :location: 63 Radial reflector and/or blanket above-core load pad material. | = 1, 316 SS. | = 2, HT-9. .. sasinp:: MTRFT :location: 64 Radial reflector and/or blanket top load pad material. | = 1, 316 SS. | = 2, HT-9. .. sasinp:: IROPT :location: 65 Assumption for low power-to-flow ratios. | = 0, Subassemblies vertical at the grid plate. | = 1, Above-core load pads remain compacted (most pessimistic). .. sasinp:: JCRIND :location: 66 For use with EBR-II reactivity model only. This is the lowest node in which the control rod is present in the special EBR-II control rod feedback model. Sums then run from `JCRIND` to the top of S/A. .. sasinp:: ID2O :location: 67 Heavy water coolant properties. (Overridden by `IPBDEN`\ , `KPROPI`\ , and `ICLPRP`\ ). | = 0, Na or NaK properties (See `INAS3D`\ ). | = 1, D2O properties. .. sasinp:: IDNFLW :location: 68 | = 0, For initial upflow through the core. | = 1, For initial downflow through the core. .. sasinp:: IPLTSG :location: 69 Number of main time steps between saving plot data for the steam generator model. .. sasinp:: IBOP :location: 70 Balance of plant modeling option. | = 0, If balance-of-plant model is not used. | = 1, If balance-of-plant model is used. When the balance of plant model is activated, steam generators do not participate in the null transient. .. sasinp:: ICRDDB :location: 71 Control rod drive expansion print option. | = 0, No output from control rod drive expansion model. | = 1, Regular CRD output every main time step. | = 2, Additional debug output every PRIMAR time step. .. sasinp:: ICRTMP (K) :location: 72-74 Specifies the environment temperature for section K of the control rod drive for `ICREXP` = 2. If = 0, the UIS temperature is used. If > 0, the temperature of compressible volume `ICRTMP` is used. .. sasinp:: ICRNOD (K) :location: 75-77 Number of axial nodes per section of CRD. .. sasinp:: NSEGCR :location: 78 Number of PRIMAR4 segment representing control rod assemblies. .. sasinp:: ICHCHT :location: 79 Not currently Used. .. sasinp:: NOEQLE :location: 80 Controls the pressure in the molten cavity at the time of LEVITATE or PLUTO2 initiation. | = 0, The pressure in the cavity is equal to the DEFORM calculated pressure. If the input `PCFAIL` > 1.0, the pressure is set equal to `PCFAIL`\ . | = 1, The pressure in the cavity is calculated using the available fission gas. If LEVITATE or PLUTO2 are initiated after PINACLE, the pressure is always equal to the PINACLE pressure and `NOEQLE` is not relevant. .. sasinp:: MTCB :location: 81 Core barrel material. | = 1, 316 SS. | = 2, HT-9. .. sasinp:: KDEBUG :location: 82 | = 0, No EBR-II routine debug. | = 1, Turns on EBR-II routine debug. .. sasinp:: KEBRS1 :location: 83 Main time step number to turn EBR-II routine debugging on. .. sasinp:: KEBRS2 :location: 84 Main time step number to turn EBR-II routine debugging off. .. sasinp:: IDBDKH :location: 85 Reserved for future decay heat modeling. .. sasinp:: NULLD3 :location: 86 Number of flux shape calculations in addition to the initial cold solution in the steady state power distribution/thermal hydraulics iteration for `NPK` > 0. .. sasinp:: ISSNUL :location: 87 Number of time steps in the steady-state null transient for core channel thermal hydraulics. If `ISSNUL`\ =0, no null transient. Note: `ISSNUL`\ >0 is required if the multiple pin option is used (\ `JJMLTP`\ >0). .. sasinp:: IPRSNL :location: 88 If `ISSNUL`\ >0, then print out temperatures every IPRSNL time steps of the null transient. .. sasinp:: NOFDBK :location: 89 Transient reactivity feedback option for NPK=0. | = 0, Use subroutine FEEDBK for transient reactivity feedbacks. | > 0, Do not calculate transient reactivity feedback with subroutine FEEDBK. .. sasinp:: IBOPLT :location: 90 Balance-of-plant plotting file option. | = 0, Do not call subroutine LBPLOT. | > 0, Main time step frequency for writing BOP plotting file from subroutine LBPLOT. .. sasinp:: ISIMPG :location: 91 Graphical interface for simulator application. | = 0, No graphical interface. | = 1, Graphical interface for EBR-II. Some card-image input will be overridden interactively by values from graphical interface. SASSYS-1 is invoked by the graphical interface, not directly by the user. Usage instructions are in ANL-FRA-171. .. sasinp:: KHDBK :location: 92 Print flag for messages if any extrapolation of the IFR handbook data is used. Only for `IMETAL`\ =2, `IRHOK`\ =1 and `IFUELM`\ =0. | = 0, Print messages. | = 1, Do not print messages. .. sasinp:: KFIRR :location: 93 Correction option for irradiation effect on metal fuel thermal conductivity. | = 0, Empirical correction based on average fuel burnup (See `BURNFU`\ ). | = 1, Theoretical correction based on porosity and sodium logging of fuel radial node. (See `PRSTY` and `XLOGNA`\ ). .. sasinp:: KDENBU :location: 94 Option for correction of U-Pu-Zr alloy fuel theoretical density for the presence of fission products, based on average fuel burnup and fabricated composition (See `BURNFU`\ , `WUREF`\ , `WPUREF`\ , `WZRREF`\ ). Only for `IMETAL` = 2, `IRHOK` = 1, and `IFUELM` = 0. | = 0, No correction for fission products. | = 1, Make correction for fission products. .. sasinp:: IFIT (K) :location: 95-100 Input table look-up options. `IFIT`\ : | = 0, Linear fit. | = 1, Third order fit. | = 2, Third order fit with slope discontinuities if: X(J+1) - X(J) < 0.001. | = 3, Linear fit to log(Y). | = 4, Third order fit to log(Y). | = 5, Third order fit to log(Y) with slope discontinuities. K: | = 1, Power vs. time or user specified reactivity vs. time curves (\ `PREATB`\ , `PRETB2`\ ). | = 2, PRIMAR-1 pump head vs. time or channel flow vs. time. | = 3, PRIMAR-1 inlet temperature vs. time. | = 4, PRIMAR-4 pump head, motor torque, or pump speed vs. time. | = 5, Reserved for future use. | = 6, Reserved for future use. .. sasinp:: IPIC :location: 101 PINACLE/LEVITATE pin picture plot flag. | = 0, No plot data on unit 19. | = 1, Plot data written on unit 19. .. sasinp:: IBOWTP :location: 102 Temperature flag in EBR-II bowing reactivity. | = 0, Normalized core temperature rise based on upper plenum temperature. | = 1, Normalized core temperature rise based on average coolant temperature in fueled channels. .. sasinp:: ITARGE :location: 103 Not currently used. .. sasinp:: IEMGEM :location: 104 FFTF Gas Expansion Module (GEM) model. | = 0, Not used. | > 0, Invoke FFTF GEM model. .. sasinp:: NEXSO :location: 105 Number of entries in `EXSOTB`\ /\ `EXSOTM` point kinetics external source table (Max. 20). .. sasinp:: IPBDEN :location: 106 Heavy liquid metal coolant thermophysical properties. (Overridden by `KPROPI` and `ICLPRP`\ ). | = 0, Coolant properties determined by `INAS3D` and `ID2O`\ . | = 1, Use Pb coolant thermophysical properties. | = 2, Use Pb (44.5%)-Bi (55.5%) eutectic thermophysical properties. .. sasinp:: MSTPLA :location: 107 Transient time step for change of plotting data output frequency from `MSTPL1` to `MSTPL2`\ . .. sasinp:: MSTPLB :location: 108 Transient time step for change of plotting data output frequency from `MSTPL2` to `MSTPL3`\ . .. sasinp:: MSTPL1 :location: 109 Transient time step plotting data output frequency before time step `MSTPLA`\ . .. sasinp:: MSTPL2 :location: 110 Transient time step plotting data output frequency after time step `MSTPLA` and before time step `MSTPLB`\ . .. sasinp:: MSTPL3 :location: 111 Transient time step plotting data output frequency after time step `MSTPLB`\ . .. sasinp:: KTREAT :location: 112 TREAT modeling flag. | = 0, Use standard modeling. | > 0, Use special TREAT modeling.(Air properties for coolant, constant coolant flow rates). .. sasinp:: KQSCRA :location: 113 Modeling option for external source with scram. | = 0, Trip external source at time TSCRAM+DELSCR. | = 1, Hold external source at constant value after TSCRAM+DELSCR. | = 2, Continue external source according to `NEXSO`\ , `EXSOTB`\ , `EXSOTM` specifications after TSCRAM+DELSCR. If NEXSO = 0, the external source is held at the initial steady-state value set by `RHOZRO`\ . .. sasinp:: KPROPI :location: 114 Coolant thermophysical properties correlation coefficients. (Overridden by `ICLPRP`\ ). | = 0, Use default coefficients defined by `INAS3D`\ , `ID2O`\ , `IPBDEN`\ , or `ICLPRP`\ . | > 0, Input correlation coefficients in `APROPI`. .. sasinp:: ISCH :location: 115 Coolant channel thermal-hydraulics model option. | = 0, Use single-pin model. | > 0, Use detailed coolant sub-channel model. .. sasinp:: ISKDOT :location: 116 Input data printing option. | = 0, Print data as input, and also print the full input data file as stored in memory (DATOUT). | > 0, Skip the DATOUT print, do not recapitulate the input data. .. sasinp:: NLINMX :location: 117 Printed output line limit, in thousands of lines, for the printed output file. No longer used. .. sasinp:: ICLPRP :location: 118 Coolant material properties used in the core and all of PRIMAR except for the DRACS loops. | = 0, Correlation coefficients set by `INAS3D`\ , `ID2O`\ , `IPBDEN`\ , or `KPROPI` | = 1, For Na, SAS4A version. | = 2, For Na, SAS3D version. | = 3, For NaK. | = 4, For D2O. | = 5, For Pb. | = 6, For Pb-Bi. | = 7, For user-supplied property correlation coefficients set by `APROPI`\. Note: If `ICLPRP` > 0, then `ICLPRP` overrides `INAS3D`, `ID2O`, `IPBDEN`, and `KPROPI`. See `INAKDR` for the DRACS loop properties. .. sasinp:: IFT1TM :location: 119 Output flag for printing maximum core channel temperature data to auxiliary output file MaxTemps.txt. | = 0, Do not write maximum core channel temperature data. | > 0, Write maximum core channel temperature data every `IFT1TM` time steps. .. sasinp:: IVIS3D :location: 120 3D visualization data output flag. Normally used for detailed sub-channel output. | = 0, Do not write visualization data. | > 0, Write visualization data every `IVIS3D` time steps. .. sasinp:: INPDU2 :location: 121-250 Not currently used.