.. _section-9.8.4: References ================================================================================ 9.8‑1. K. J. Miles, "Metal Fuel Safety Performance," *Proceedings of the International Topical Meeting on Safety of Next Generation Power Reactors*, p. 119, American Nuclear Society, Seattle, Washington, May 1‑5, 1988. 9.8‑2. L. C. Walters, B. R. Seidel, and J. H. Kittel, "Performance of Metallic Fuels and Blankets in Liquid‑Metal Fast Breeder Reactors," *Nucl. Tech.*, vol. 65, pp. 179‑231, May 1984. 9.8‑3. M. Hansen, "Constitution of Binary Alloys," McGraw‑Hill Book Company, p. 728, New York, 1958. 9.8‑4. T. H. Bauer, G. R. Fenske, and J. M. Kramer, "Cladding Failure Margins for Metallic Fuel in the Integral Fast Reactor," *Transactions of the 9th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology*, vol. C, p. 31, Lausanne, Switzerland, August 17‑21, 1987. 9.8‑5. C. M. Walter and L. R. Kelman, "The Interaction of Iron with Molten Uranium," *J. Nucl. Matl.*, vol. 20, pp. 314‑322, 1966. 9.8‑6. P. R. Betten, J. H. Bottcher, and B. R. Seidel, "Eutectic‑Penetration‑Induced Cladding Rupture in EBR‑II Driver Fuel Elements," *Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc.*, vol. 45, p. 300, 1983. 9.8‑7. B. R. Seidel, "Metallic Fuel Cladding Eutectic Formation During Postirradiation Heating," *Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc.*, vol. 34, p. 210, 1980. 9.8‑8. C. E. Lahm, et al., "EBR‑II Driver Fuel Qualification for Loss‑of‑Flow and Loss‑of‑Heat‑Sink Tests without Scram," *Nucl. Eng. Des.*, vol. 101, pp. 25‑34, 1987. 9.8‑9. R. J. DiMelfi and J. M. Kramer, "Modeling the Effects of Fast‑Neutron Irradiation on the Subsequent Mechanical Behaviour of Type 316 Stainless Steel," *J. Nucl. Matl.*, vol. 89, pp. 338‑346, 1980. 9.8‑10. J. M. Kramer and R. J. DiMelfi, "Modeling Deformation and Failure of Fast Reactor Cladding During Simulated Accident Transients," *Nucl. Eng. Des.*, vol. 63, pp. 47‑54, 1981. 9.8‑11. J. M. Kramer, et al., Unpublished information, Argonne National Laboratory, 1978. 9.8‑12. R. J. DiMelfi and J. M. Kramer, Unpublished information, Argonne National Laboratory, 1985. 9.8‑13. J. M. Kramer and R. J. DiMelfi, Unpublished information, Argonne National Laboratory, 1984. 9.8‑14. W. F. Brizes and M. L. Hamilton, Unpublished information, Hanford Engineering Development Laboratory, 1982. 9.8‑15. M. L. Hamilton and N. S. Cannon, Unpublished information, Hanford Engineering Development Laboratory, 1985.