3.5. Transient Heat Transfer after the Start of Boiling
After the start of boiling, the coolant temperatures are calculated in
the coolant routines, rather than being calculated simultaneously with
fuel, cladding, and structure temperatures. Coupling between the boiling
calculations and the non-coolant heat-transfer calculation takes place
in two parts for each time step. First, the boiling routines us
extrapolated cladding and structure temperatures to calculate the heat
fluxes to the coolant for the boiling calculation. Then the heat fluxes
actually used in the coolant routines are passed to the heat-transfer
routines to be used as boundary conditions at the cladding, structure,
and reflector surfaces. The net results of this procedure are that
energy is conserved, and a fully implicit boiling calculation can be
made without requiring a direct simultaneous solution of all of the
fuel-pin temperatures in the boiling model. The coupling through
extrapolated cladding and structure temperatures and heat fluxes at the
cladding and structure surfaces imposes numerical stability limitations
on the heat-transfer time-step sizes. Currently, fuel-pin temperatures
are calculated at the end of the fuel-pin heat-transfer time step,
whereas structure and reflector temperatures are calculated at every
coolant time step. The coolant time step can be no longer than the
heat-transfer step, and the coolant step is often much shorter. For
typical fuel pins, the stability limit for the heat-transfer time step
is of the order of .02 s. With a thin structure, the stability limit for
structure temperature calculations could be less than .02 s, although
for typical duct wall thicknesses (.12 in. or .003 m) the stability
limit would be closer to one second. Should timing studies indicate that
the structure and reflector temperature calculations account for a
significant fraction of the total computing time, then the code will be
modified so as to do these calculations less often than once every
coolant time step.
3.5.1. Fuel and Cladding Temperatures in the Core and Axial Blanket
The equations used for fuel and cladding temperatures after the switch
to the boiling module are the same as those used in the non-voiding
module, except that in the boiling module the fuel-pin heat-transfer
calculations stop at the cladding outer surface rather than carrying
through to the structure outer node. The finite difference equations for
radial nodes 1-NE are the same as Eq. (3.3-17) to Eq. (3.3-37). For node \(\text{NE}'\)
, the cladding outer node, the heat flux to the coolant at the cladding
surface must be accounted for. Also, in a boiling region, a film of
liquid sodium can be left on the cladding. Since the film is in intimate
contact with the cladding, the heat capacity of the film is added to the
heat capacity of the cladding outer node, rather than being accounted
for in the boiling calculation. Thus, the finite difference equation for
node \(\text{NE}'\) becomes
\left\lbrack \frac{m_{\text{e}}c_{\text{e}}}{4} + 2\pi r\left( \text{NE}' \right)\rho_{\text{c}}c_{\text{c}}w_{\text{fe}} \Delta z \left( j \right) \right\rbrack \cdot \left\lbrack \frac{T_{2}\left( \text{NE}' \right) - T_{1}\left( \text{NE}' \right)}{ \Delta t } \right\rbrack \\
= - \frac{2\pi{\overline{r}}_{\text{NE}'} \Delta z \left( j \right)\ {\overline{k}}_{\text{NE,NE}'}}{\Delta r_{\text{NE,NE}'}} \left\{ \theta_{21} \left\lbrack T_{1}\ \left( \text{NE}' \right) - T_{1} \left( \text{NE} \right) \right\rbrack \right. \\ \left.
+ \theta_{2}\ \left\lbrack T_{2}\ \left( \text{NE}' \right) - T_{2} \left( \text{NE} \right) \right\rbrack\ \right\} - 2\pi r\left( \text{NE}' \right) \Delta z \left( j \right) \frac{E_{\text{ec}}\left( j \right)}{ \Delta t } \\
+ Q\left( \text{NE}' \right)
where \(w_{\text{fe}}\) is the thickness of liquid sodium film left on the
cladding after voiding occurs, and \(E_{\text{ec}}\) is the integrated heat
flux from cladding to coolant.
The value of \(E_{\text{ec}}\) is computed in the coolant routines as
(3.5-2)\[E_{\text{ec}}\left( jc \right) = \int_{t}^{t + \Delta t}{ \frac{T_{\text{eex}}\left( jc \right) - {\overline{T}}_{c}\left( jc \right)}{R_{\text{ec}}\left( jc \right)}\ \text{dt}'}\]
\(T_{\text{eex}}\) = extrapolated cladding temperature at a point ¼ of the
way from the outer cladding surface to the inner cladding surface:
T_{\text{eex}}\left( j,t' \right) = f_{1} \frac{\left\lbrack \text{T}\left( \text{NE},j,t_{1} \right) + T \left( \text{NEP},j,t_{1} \right) \right\rbrack}{2} \\
+ f_{2} \frac{\left\lbrack \text{T}\left( \text{NE},j,t_{2} \right) + T \left( \text{NEP},j,t_{2} \right) \right\rbrack}{2}
(3.5-4)\[f_{1} = \frac{t_{2} - t'}{t_{2} - t_{1}}\]
(3.5-5)\[f_{1} = 1 - f_{1}\]
(3.5-6)\[R_{\text{ec}} = \frac{1}{h_{\text{c}}} + R_{\text{ehf}}\]
(3.5-7)\[R_{\text{ehf}} = \frac{\left\lbrack r \left( \text{NE}' \right) - r\left( \text{NE} \right) \right\rbrack}{k_{\text{e}}}\left\{ \frac{r \left( \text{NE}' \right) \left\lbrack 1 - \frac{\gamma_{\text{e}}}{4\left( 1 - \gamma_{\text{c}} - \gamma_{\text{s}} \right)} \right\rbrack}{r \left( \text{NE} \right) + 3r \left( \text{NE}' \right)} \right\}\]
If a node is partly voided, then \(E_{\text{ec}}\) is averaged over the
length of the node as well as integrated over time.
The \(\rho_{\text{c}}c_{\text{c}}w_{\text{fe}}\) term is supplied by the boiling
routines. It represents the heat capacity of any liquid film left on the
cladding after voiding occurs. This term is zero unless voiding has
occurred at this axial node. Since the film temperature tends to follow
the cladding surface temperature more closely than it follows the vapor
temperature, the film heat capacity is lumped with the cladding outer
node, and film temperatures are not explicitly calculated in the boiling
The finite difference equations are again put in a matrix form like
Eq. (3.3-49), except that in the voiding case there are only \(\text{NE}'\) elements. The
definitions of \(\alpha\), \(\beta\), and \(D\) are the same as in Eq. (3.3-50) to
3.3-51 for nodes 1-\(\text{NE}\). For node \(\text{NE}'\), \(\alpha\) is still given by Eq.
(3.5-8)\[\beta_{\text{NE}'} = 0\]
Eq. (3.3-53) or Eq. (3.3-51), except that the \(\rho_{\text{c}}c_{\text{c}}w_{\text{fe}}\)
term is added to it. Also,
(3.5-9)\[D_{\text{NE}'} = \frac{\theta_{1}}{\theta_{2}} \beta_{\text{NE}} T_{1}\left( \text{NE} \right) + T_{1} \left( \text{NE}' \right)\left\lbrack \alpha_{\text{NE}'} - \frac{\theta_{1}}{\theta_{2}} \beta_{\text{NE}} \right\rbrack + \psi_{\text{NE}'} - r\left( \text{NE}' \right) E_{\text{ec}} \left( j \right)\]
The equations are solved in the same manner as in the non-voiding case.
3.5.2. Structure Temperatures
The basic equations used for the two structure radial nodes at an axial
node are
(3.5-10)\[\left( \rho c \right)_{\text{sto}} d_{\text{sto}} \frac{\text{dT}_{\text{sto}}}{\text{dt}} = H_{\text{stio}} \left( T_{\text{sti}} - T_{\text{sto}} \right) + Q_{\text{st}} f_{\text{o}}\]
(3.5-11)\[\left\lbrack \left( \rho c \right)_{\text{sti}} d_{\text{sti}} + \rho_{\text{c}}c_{\text{c}}w_{\text{fst}} \right\rbrack \frac{\text{dT}_{\text{sti}}}{\text{dt}} = H_{\text{stio}} \left( T_{\text{sto}} - T_{\text{sti}} \right) + Q_{\text{st}}\ f_{\text{i}} + \frac{\left( T_{\text{c}} - T_{\text{sti}} \right)}{R_{\text{sc}}}\]
(3.5-12)\[f_{\text{i}} = \frac{d_{\text{sti}}}{d_{\text{sti}} + d_{\text{sto}}}\]
(3.5-13)\[f_{\text{o}} = \frac{d_{\text{sto}}}{d_{\text{sti}} + d_{\text{sto}}}\]
and \(w_{\text{fst}}\) = thickness of the liquid-sodium film left on the
structure after voiding occurs.
The heat capacity of the film in the boiling region, as represented by
the \(\rho_{\text{c}}c_{\text{c}}w_{\text{fst}}\) term, is supplied by the
boiling routines to be added to the inner structure node.
The structure temperature calculation is either a semi-implicit or a
fully implicit calculation, depending on the time-step in relation to an
inner structure node heat-transfer time constant,
\(\tau_{\text{sti}}\), calculated as
(3.5-14)\[\tau_{\text{sti}} = \frac{\left( \rho c \right)_{\text{sti}}d_{\text{sti}}^{2}}{2k_{\text{sti}}}\]
If \(\Delta t\) is less than \(\tau_{\text{sti}}\) then the semi-implicit
calculation is used. Otherwise the fully implicit calculation is used. Semi-Implicit Calculations
For the semi-implicit calculation, finite differencing of Eq. (3.5-10)
and Eq. (3.5-11) gives
(3.5-15)\[\left( \rho c \right)_{\text{sto}} d_{\text{sto}} \frac{\left( T_{\text{sto}2} - T_{\text{sto}1} \right)}{\Delta t} = \frac{H_{\text{stio}}}{2} \left\lbrack T_{\text{sti}2} - T_{\text{sto}2} + T_{\text{sti}1} - T_{\text{sto}1} \right\rbrack + Q_{\text{st}} f_{\text{o}}\]
\left\lbrack \left( \rho c \right)_{\text{sti}} d_{\text{sti}} + \rho_{\text{c}}c_{\text{c}}w_{\text{fst}} \right\rbrack \frac{\left( T_{\text{sti}2} - T_{\text{sti}1} \right)}{\Delta t} \\
= \frac{H_{\text{stio}}}{2}\left\lbrack T_{\text{sto}2} - T_{\text{sti}2} + T_{\text{sto}1} - T_{\text{sti}1} \right\rbrack + Q_{\text{st}}\ f_{\text{i}} - \frac{E_{\text{sc}}}{\Delta t}
(3.5-17)\[E_{\text{sc}}\left( jc \right) = \int_{\text{t}}^{t + \Delta t}{ \frac{T_{\text{stex}}\left( jc \right)\ - {\overline{T}}_{\text{c}}\left( jc \right)}{R_{\text{sc}}\left( jc \right)}}\ \text{dt}'\]
The value of \(E_{\text{sc}}\) is computed in the boiling routines.
\(T_{\text{stex}}\) is the extrapolated structure inner node temperature,
(3.5-18)\[R_{\text{sc}} = \frac{1}{h_{\text{c}}} + \frac{d_{\text{sti}}}{2k_{\text{sti}}}\]
Eq. (3.5-15) and Eq. (3.5-16) are put in the form
(3.5-19)\[a_{11}T_{\text{sto}2} + a_{12}T_{\text{sti}2} = b_{1}\]
(3.5-20)\[a_{21}T_{\text{sto}2} + a_{22}T_{\text{sti}2} = b_{2}\]
with the solutions
(3.5-21)\[T_{\text{sto}2} = \frac{a_{22}b_{1} - a_{12}b_{2}}{a_{11}a_{22} - a_{12}a_{21}}\]
(3.5-22)\[T_{\text{sti}2} = \frac{a_{11}b_{2} - a_{21}b_{2}}{a_{11}a_{22} - a_{12}a_{21}}\]
(3.5-23)\[a_{11} = \left( \rho c \right)_{\text{sto}}\ d_{\text{sto}} + \frac{ \Delta t }{2} H_{\text{stio}}\]
(3.5-24)\[a_{12} = - \frac{ \Delta t }{2}\ H_{\text{stio}}\]
(3.5-25)\[a_{21} = a_{12}\]
(3.5-26)\[a_{22} = \left( \rho c \right)_{\text{sti}} d_{\text{sti}} + \frac{ \Delta t }{2} H_{\text{stio}} + \rho_{\text{c}}c_{\text{c}}w_{\text{fst}}\]
(3.5-27)\[b_{1} = \left\lbrack \left( \rho c \right)_{\text{sto}}d_{\text{sto}} - \frac{ \Delta t }{2} H_{\text{stio}} \right\rbrack T_{\text{sto}1} + Q_{\text{st}}f_{0}\Delta t - a_{12} T_{\text{sti}1}\]
(3.5-28)\[b_{2} = \left\lbrack \left( \rho c \right)_{\text{sti}}d_{\text{stio}} - \frac{ \Delta t }{2}\ H_{\text{stio}} + \rho_{\text{c}}c_{\text{c}}w_{\text{fst}} \right\rbrack T_{\text{sti}1} - a_{12}\ T_{\text{sto}1} + Q_{\text{st}}f_{\text{i}}\Delta t - \Delta t Q_{\text{sc}}\] Fully Implicit Calculations
Since the inner structure node may represent only a small fraction of
the total structure thickness, \(\tau_{\text{sti}}\) can be small. If the
time-step size is appreciably larger than \(\tau_{\text{sti}}\) then the
semi-implicit calculation can become numerically unstable. Therefore, a
different algorithm is used for larger time-step sizes. This algorithm
uses two steps. First, a fully implicit calculation is made, using a
coolant temperature and thermal resistance to the coolant as structure
surface boundary conditions, rather than using the integrated heat flux.
In this first step, the heat flux from the coolant to the structure
will, in general, not match the heat flux form structure to coolant used
in the coolant calculations. Therefore, in the second step, the inner
node and outer node structure temperatures are both adjusted by the same
amount so that the integrated heat flux from structure to coolant is
For the first step the finite difference equations used for the two
structure node temperatures are
(3.5-29)\[\left( \rho c \right)_{\text{sto}} d_{\text{sto}} \frac{\left( T_{\text{sto}2} - T_{\text{sto}1} \right)}{ \Delta t } = H_{\text{stio}} \left( T_{\text{sti}2} - T_{\text{sto}2} \right) + Q_{\text{st}} f_{o}\]
(3.5-30)\[\left\lbrack \left( \rho c \right)_{\text{sti}} d_{\text{sti}} + \rho_{\text{c}}c_{\text{c}}w_{\text{fst}} \right\rbrack \frac{\left( T_{\text{sti}2} - T_{\text{sti}1} \right)}{ \Delta t } = H_{\text{stio}}\left( T_{\text{sto}2} - T_{\text{sti}2} \right) + \frac{T_{\text{c}} - T_{\text{sti}2}}{R_{\text{sc}}} + Q_{\text{st}} f_{\text{i}}\]
where the values for \(T_{\text{c}}\) and \(R_{\text{sc}}\) are supplied by
the coolant routines. The solutions for these two equations again have
the same form as Eq. (3.5-21) and Eq. (3.5-22) except that in this case the
coefficients are defined as
(3.5-31)\[a_{11} = \left( \rho c \right)_{\text{sto}} d_{\text{sto}} + \Delta t H_{\text{stio}}\]
(3.5-32)\[a_{12} = a_{21} = - \Delta t H_{\text{stio}}\]
(3.5-33)\[a_{22} = \left( \rho c \right)_{\text{sti}} d_{\text{sti}} + \rho_{\text{c}}c_{\text{c}}w_{\text{fst}} + \Delta t H_{\text{stio}} + \frac{ \Delta t }{R_{\text{sc}}}\]
The temperature difference, \(\Delta T_{\text{st}}\), between the outer and
inner nodes is then defined as
(3.5-34)\[\Delta T_{\text{st}} = T_{\text{sto}2} - T_{\text{sti}2}\]
In the second step, \(\Delta T_{\text{st}}\) is preserved but the temperatures
are adjusted so as to match the value of \(E_{\text{sc}}\) supplied by the
coolant routines:
(3.5-35)\[\left\lbrack \left( \rho c \right)_{\text{sti}}d_{\text{sti}} + \rho_{\text{c}}c_{\text{c}}w_{\text{fst}} \right\rbrack\left( T_{\text{sci}2} - T_{\text{sti}1} \right) + \left( \rho c \right)_{\text{sto}}d_{\text{sto}}\left( T_{\text{sto}2} - T_{\text{sto}1} \right) = Q_{\text{st}} - E_{\text{sc}}\]
The solution to Eq. (3.5-34) and Eq. (3.5-35) is
T_{\text{sto}2} = \left\{ Q_{\text{st}} \Delta t - E_{\text{sc}} + \left( \rho c \right)_{\text{sto}} d_{\text{sto}}T_{\text{sto}1} \right. \\ \left.
+ \left\lbrack \left( \rho c \right)_{\text{sti}}\ d_{\text{sti}} + \rho_{\text{c}}c_{\text{c}}w_{\text{fst}} \right\rbrack \cdot \left( T_{\text{sti}1} + \Delta T_{\text{st}} \right) \right\} \left\lbrack \left( \rho c \right)_{\text{sto}}\ d_{\text{sto}} + \left( \rho c \right)_{\text{sti}}d_{\text{sti}} + \rho_{\text{c}}c_{\text{c}}w_{\text{fst}} \right\rbrack
(3.5-37)\[T_{\text{sti}2} = T_{\text{sto}2} - \Delta T_{\text{st}}\]
Note that the second step can still cause numerical instabilities if the
time-step size is too large or the total structure thickness is too
small, but in the fully implicit scheme the stability limit is based on
the total structure thickness, whereas in the semi-implicit scheme the
stability is based mainly on the inner node thickness.
3.5.3. Reflector Temperatures
In the boiling module the treatment of reflector temperatures is almost
identical to the structure temperature treatment. The main difference is
that in the reflector, the outer node is in contact with the coolant,
whereas in the structure, the inner code is in contact with the coolant.
Also, in the reflector the density, specific heat, and thermal
conductivity are the same for both nodes, whereas in the structure these
properties can vary from inner node to outer node.
The basic equations are
(3.5-38)\[\left( \rho c \right)_{\text{r}} d_{\text{ri}} \frac{\text{dT}_{\text{ri}}}{\text{dt}} = H_{\text{rio}} \left( T_{\text{ro}} - T_{\text{ri}} \right)\]
(3.5-39)\[\left\lbrack \left( \rho c \right)_{\text{r}} d_{\text{ro}} + \rho_{\text{c}}c_{\text{c}}w_{\text{fr}} \right\rbrack \frac{\text{dT}_{\text{ro}}}{\text{dt}} = H_{\text{rio}}\left( T_{\text{ri}} - T_{\text{ro}} \right) + \left( T_{\text{c}} - T_{\text{ro}} \right) H_{\text{erc}}\]
\(w_{\text{fr}}\) = thickness of the liquid-sodium film left on the
reflector after voiding occurs.
An outer reflector node heat-transfer time constant, \(\tau_{\text{ro}}\), is
calculated as
(3.5-40)\[\tau_{\text{ro}} = \frac{\left( \rho c \right)_{\text{r}} d_{\text{ro}}^{2}}{2k_{\text{r}}}\]
and a fully implicit calculation is used if the time-step size is
greater than \(\tau_{\text{ro}}\). Otherwise a semi-implicit calculation is
used. Semi-Implicit Calculations
Finite differencing of Eq. (3.5-38) and Eq. (3.5-39) gives
(3.5-41)\[\left( \rho c \right)_{\text{r}} d_{\text{ri}} \frac{\left( T_{\text{ri}2} - T_{\text{ri}1} \right)}{ \Delta t } = \frac{H_{\text{rio}}}{2} \left( T_{\text{ro}2} - T_{\text{ri}2} + T_{\text{ro}1} - T_{\text{ri}1} \right)\]
(3.5-42)\[\left\lbrack \left( \rho c \right)_{\text{r}} d_{\text{ro}} + \rho_{\text{c}}c_{\text{c}}w_{\text{fr}} \right\rbrack \frac{\left( T_{\text{ri}2} - T_{\text{ri}1} \right)}{ \Delta t } = \frac{H_{\text{rio}}}{2}\left( T_{\text{ri}2} - T_{\text{ro}2} + \ T_{\text{ri}1} - T_{\text{ro}1} \right) - \frac{E_{\text{rc}}}{ \Delta t }\]
(3.5-43)\[E_{\text{rc}} = \int_{t}^{t + \Delta t}{ \left( T_{\text{rex}} - {\overline{T}}_{\text{c}} \right)} H_{\text{erc}} \text{dt}'\]
These equations are put in the form
(3.5-44)\[a_{11}T_{\text{ri}2} + \ a_{12}T_{\text{ro}2} = b_{1}\]
(3.5-45)\[a_{21}T_{\text{ri}2} + \ a_{22}T_{\text{ro}2} = b_{2}\]
with the solution
(3.5-46)\[T_{\text{ri}2} = \frac{a_{22}b_{1} - a_{12}b_{2}}{a_{11}a_{22} - a_{12}a_{21}}\]
(3.5-47)\[T_{\text{ro}2} = \frac{a_{11}b_{2} - a_{21}b_{1}}{a_{11}a_{22} - a_{12}a_{21}}\]
The coefficients are
(3.5-48)\[a_{11} = \left( \rho c \right)_{\text{r}} d_{\text{ri}} + \frac{ \Delta t }{2}\ H_{\text{rio}}\]
(3.5-49)\[a_{12} = - \frac{ \Delta t }{2} H_{\text{rio}}\]
(3.5-50)\[a_{21} = a_{12}\]
(3.5-51)\[a_{22} = \left( \rho c \right)_{\text{r}} d_{\text{ro}} + \frac{ \Delta t }{2} H_{\text{rio}} + \rho_{\text{c}}c_{\text{c}}w_{\text{fr}}\]
(3.5-52)\[b_{1} = \left\lbrack \left( \rho c \right)_{\text{r}}d_{\text{ri}} - \frac{ \Delta t }{2} H_{\text{rio}} \right\rbrack T_{\text{ri}1} + \frac{ \Delta t }{2}H_{\text{rio}} T_{\text{ro}1}\]
(3.5-53)\[b_{2} = \left\lbrack \left( \rho c \right)_{\text{r}}d_{\text{ro}} + \rho_{\text{c}}c_{\text{c}}w_{\text{fr}} - \frac{ \Delta t }{2}\ H_{\text{rio}} \right\rbrack T_{\text{ro}1} + \frac{ \Delta t }{2} H_{\text{rio}} T_{\text{ri}1} - E_{\text{rc}}\] Fully Implicit Calculations
As in the structure temperature case, a two-step process is used. In the
first step, the finite difference equations used are
(3.5-54)\[\left( \rho c \right)_{\text{r}} d_{\text{ri}} \frac{\left( T_{\text{ri}2} - T_{\text{ri}1} \right)}{ \Delta t } = H_{\text{rio}} \left( T_{\text{ro}2} - T_{\text{ri}2} \right)\]
(3.5-55)\[\left\lbrack \left( \rho c \right)_{\text{r}} d_{\text{ro}} + \rho_{\text{c}}c_{\text{c}}w_{\text{fr}} \right\rbrack \frac{\left( T_{\text{ro}2} - \ T_{\text{ro}1} \right)}{ \Delta t } = H_{\text{rio}}\left( T_{\text{ri}2} - T_{\text{ro}2} \right) + \left( {\overline{T}}_{\text{c}} - T_{\text{ro}2} \right) H_{\text{erc}}\]
The solutions again have the same form as Eq. (3.5-46) and Eq. (3.5-47), with
the coefficients given by
(3.5-56)\[a_{11} = \left( \rho c \right)_{\text{r}} d_{\text{ri}} + \Delta t H_{\text{rio}}\]
(3.5-57)\[a_{12} = - \Delta t H_{\text{rio}}\]
(3.5-58)\[a_{21} = a_{12}\]
(3.5-59)\[a_{22} = \left( \rho c \right)_{\text{r}} d_{\text{ro}} + \Delta t H_{\text{rio}} + \rho_{\text{c}}c_{\text{c}}w_{\text{fr}}\]
(3.5-60)\[b_{1} = \left( \rho c \right)_{\text{r}}d_{\text{ri}} T_{\text{ri}1}\]
(3.5-61)\[b_{2} = \left\lbrack \left( \rho c \right)_{\text{r}}d_{\text{ro}} + \rho_{\text{c}}c_{\text{c}}w_{\text{fr}} \right\rbrack{T}_{\text{rol}} + {\overline{T}}_{\text{c}} \Delta t \ H_{\text{erc}}\]
The temperature difference between nodes, \(\Delta T_{\text{r}}\), is defined
(3.5-62)\[\Delta T_{\text{r}} = T_{\text{ri}2} - T_{\text{ro}2}\]
In the second step, \(\Delta T_{\text{r}}\) is preserved and \(E_{\text{rc}}\) is
matched. The energy conservation equation is
(3.5-63)\[\left( \rho c \right)_{\text{r}}d_{\text{ri}}\left( T_{\text{ri}2} - T_{\text{ri}1} \right) + \left\lbrack \left( \rho c \right)_{\text{r}}d_{\text{ro}} + \rho_{\text{c}}c_{\text{c}}w_{\text{fr}} \right\rbrack\left( T_{\text{ro}2} - T_{\text{ro}1} \right) = - E_{\text{rc}}\]
The solution to Eq. (3.5-62) and Eq. (3.5-63) is
(3.5-64)\[T_{\text{ri}2} = \frac{\left\{ - E_{\text{rc}} + \left( \rho c \right)_{\text{r}}d_{\text{ri}}T_{\text{ri}1} + \left\lbrack \left( \rho c \right)_{r}d_{\text{ro}} + p_{\text{c}}c_{\text{c}}w_{\text{fr}} \right\rbrack \cdot (T_{\text{rol}} + \Delta T_{\text{r}}) \right\}}{\left\lbrack \left( \rho c \right)_{\text{r}}\left( d_{\text{ri}} + d_{\text{ro}} \right) + p_{\text{c}}c_{\text{c}}w_{\text{fr}} \right\rbrack}\]
(3.5-65)\[T_{\text{ro}2} = T_{\text{ri}2} - \Delta T_{\text{r}}\]
3.5.4. Gas Plenum Region
The basic equations used for the cladding and gas temperatures in the
gas plenum region are Eq. (3.5-68) and the following equation:
(3.5-66)\[\rho_{\text{e}}c_{\text{e}}A_{\text{ep}} \frac{\text{dT}_{\text{e}}\left( jp \right)}{\text{dt}} = 2\pi r_{\text{erp}}H_{\text{erc}}\left\lbrack {\overline{T}}_{\text{c}}\left( jc \right) - T_{\text{e}}\left( jp \right) \right\rbrack + 2\pi r_{\text{brp}}H_{\text{eg}} \left\lbrack T_{\text{g}} - T_{\text{e}}\left( jp \right) \right\rbrack\]
Since Eq. (3.5-68) links all of the cladding nodes in the gas plenum, a
direct semi-implicit or implicit solution of Eq. (3.5-68) and Eq. (3.5-66)
would require a simultaneous solution for the gas temperature and all of
the cladding node temperatures. Instead, the cladding temperatures are
calculated first, using the gas temperature at the beginning of the time
step. Then the gas temperature is calculated using the newly computed
cladding temperatures.
Finite differencing of Eq. (3.5-66) gives
(3.5-67)\[\rho_{\text{e}}c_{\text{e}}A_{\text{ep}} \frac{\left( T_{\text{e}2} - T_{\text{e}1} \right)}{ \Delta t } = - 2\pi r_{\text{erp}} \frac{E_{\text{ec}}}{ \Delta t } + \pi r_{\text{brp}}H_{\text{eg}}\left( 2T_{\text{g}1} - T_{e2} - T_{\text{e}1} \right)\]
where \(E_{\text{ec}}\) is calculated in the coolant routines in the same
manner as indicated in Eq. (3.5-2), except that in the gas plenum only one
radial node is used in the cladding, and \(R_{\text{ehf}}\) becomes
(3.5-68)\[R_{\text{ehf}} = \frac{r_{\text{erp}} - r_{\text{brp}}}{2k_{\text{e}}}\]
The solution of Eq. (3.5-67) for \(T_{\text{e}2}\) gives
(3.5-69)\[T_{\text{e}2} = \frac{\left\{ \left( \rho_{\text{e}}c_{\text{e}}A_{\text{ep}} - \pi r_{\text{brp}}H_{\text{eg}} \Delta t \right)T_{\text{el}} - 2\pi r_{\text{erp}}E_{\text{cc}} + 2\pi r_{\text{brp}}H_{\text{eg}} \Delta t T_{\text{g}1} \right\}}{\left( \rho_{\text{e}}c_{\text{e}}A_{\text{ep}} + \pi r_{\text{brp}}H_{\text{eg}} \Delta t \right)}\]
In the second step, Eq. (3.5-70) is used with
\(\theta_{1} = \theta_{2} = 1/2\). The solution for
\(T_{\text{g}2}\) is
(3.5-70)\[T_{\text{g}2} = \frac{\left\lbrack \left( \rho c \right)_{\text{g}} A_{\text{g}} - \pi r_{\text{brp}} H_{\text{eg}}\Delta t \right\rbrack T_{\text{g}1} + \pi r_{\text{brp}} H_{\text{eg}}\Delta t \frac{s_{1}}{s_{2}}}{\left( \rho c \right)_{\text{g}} A_{\text{g}} + \pi r_{\text{brp}} H_{\text{eg}}\Delta t}\]
(3.5-71)\[s_{1} = \sum_{\text{jp}}{ \left\lbrack T_{\text{e}1} \left( jp \right) + T_{\text{e}2} \left( jp \right) \right\rbrack} \Delta z \left( jp \right)\]
(3.5-72)\[s_{2} = \sum_{\text{jp}}{ \Delta z \left( jp \right)}\]
3.5.5. Coolant Temperatures in Liquid Slugs
Before the onset of coolant voiding, coolant temperatures are calculated
at all node boundaries, as indicated in Figure 3.2.3. After the start of
boiling, liquid coolant temperatures are calculated at all node
boundaries outside vapor regions, as well as at moving nodes near the
bubble interfaces. Two different types of calculations are made.
Eulerian temperature calculations are made for fixed coolant nodes in
the inlet and outlet liquid slugs. Lagrangian temperature calculations
are made for the moving interface nodes and for any fixed nodes in
liquid slugs between bubbles. There is also an option to use Lagrangian
temperature calculations for all nodes, both fixed and moving.
The Eulerian calculation is probably more accurate for the fixed nodes.
The main disadvantage of this method is that a sudden jump in inlet
temperature can lead to a sawtooth temperature pattern, with the
temperature high at one node, low at the next, and high again at the
third node. The Lagrangian calculation does not exhibit this behavior.
This sawtooth behavior is not unstable: the perturbation at any node is
no larger than the jump in the inlet temperature, and the perturbations
tend to die out in later time steps. Also, the coolant inlet and reentry
temperature calculations described in Section 3.3.6 tend to eliminate
sudden jumps in inlet and reentry temperatures. Eulerian Temperature Calculation
The basic equation used in this calculation is again Eq. (3.3-5). The heat
fluxes \(Q_{\text{ec}}\) and \(Q_{\text{sc}}\) are calculated as
(3.5-73)\[Q_{\text{ec}} = \frac{\left( T_{\text{e}} - {\overline{T}}_{\text{c}} \right)}{R_{\text{ec}}} \frac{2\pi r\left( \text{NE}' \right)}{A_{\text{c}}}\]
(3.5-74)\[Q_{\text{sc}} = \frac{\left( T_{\text{si}} - {\overline{T}}_{\text{c}} \right)}{R_{\text{sc}}} \frac{S_{\text{st}}}{A_{\text{c}}}\]
where \(R_{\text{ec}}\) and \(R_{\text{sc}}\) are given by Eq. (3.5-6) and
Eq. (3.5-18), \(T_{\text{e}}\) is the average of \(T(\text{NE})\) and \(T(\text{NE}')\), and
\(T_{\text{si}}\) is the inner structure node temperature. In reflector
zones, \(T_{\text{e}}\) is replaced by the reflector outer node
temperature; and in the gas plenum region, the one radial cladding node
temperature is used. In the boiling module, the coolant temperatures are
calculated before the cladding and structure temperatures are, so linear
extrapolation in time is used to obtain values of \(T_{\text{e}}\) and
\(T_{\text{si}}\) at the end of a time step.
A semi-implicit finite differencing of Eq. (3.3-5) gives
\overline{p}\left( jc \right) {\overline{c}}_{\text{c}}\left( jc \right)A_{\text{c}}\left( jc \right)\frac{\left\lbrack T_{\text{c}2}\left( jc + 1 \right) + T_{\text{c}2}\left( jc \right) - T_{\text{c}1}\left( jc + 1 \right) + T_{\text{c}1}\left( jc \right) \right\rbrack}{2\Delta t} \\
+ {\overline{c}}_{\text{c}}\left( jc \right)w_{1}\frac{\left\lbrack T_{\text{c}1}\left( jc + 1 \right) + T_{\text{c}1}\left( jc \right) \right\rbrack}{2\Delta z\left( jc \right)} + {\overline{c}}_{\text{c}}\left( jc \right)w_{2}\frac{\left\lbrack T_{\text{c}2}\left( jc + 1 \right) - T_{\text{c}2}\left( jc \right) \right\rbrack}{2\Delta z\left( jc \right)} \\
= Q_{\text{c}}\left( jc \right)A_{\text{c}}\left( jc \right) + \frac{k_{5}\left( jc \right) A_{\text{c}}\left( jc \right)}{4}\left\{ \frac{2T_{\text{e}2}\left( jc \right) - T_{\text{e}2}\left( jc \right) - T_{\text{c}2}\left( jc + 1 \right)}{R_{\text{ec}2}\left( jc \right)} \right. \\ \left.
+ \frac{2T_{\text{e}1}\left( jc \right) - T_{\text{e}1}\left( jc \right) - T_{\text{c}1}\left( jc + 1 \right)}{R_{\text{ec}1}\left( jc \right)} + \gamma_{2}\left( jc \right)\left\lbrack \frac{2T_{\text{si}2}\left( jc \right) - T_{\text{c}2}\left( jc \right) - T_{\text{c}2}\left( jc + 1 \right)}{R_{\text{sc}2}\left( jc \right)} \right. \right. \\ \left. \left.
+ \frac{2T_{\text{si}1}\left( jc \right) - T_{\text{c}1}\left( jc \right) - T_{\text{c}1}\left( jc + 1 \right)}{R_{\text{sc}1}\left( jc \right)} \right\rbrack \right\}
(3.5-76)\[\begin{split}k_{5}\left( jc \right) = \begin{cases}
\frac{2\pi r\left( \text{NE}',jc \right)}{A_{\text{c}}\left( jc \right)} & \text{in the core and blankets} \\
\frac{s_{\text{er}}\left( \text{kz} \right)}{A_{\text{c}}\left( jc \right)} & \text{in a reflector region} \\
\frac{2\pi r_{\text{erp}}}{A_{\text{c}}\left( jc \right)} & \text{in the gas plenum region}
(3.5-77)\[\gamma_{2}\left( jc \right) = \frac{S_{\text{st}}\left( jc \right)}{k_{5}\left( jc \right) A_{\text{c}}\left( jc \right)}\]
Solving for \(T_{\text{c}2}\left( jc + 1 \right)\) gives
T_{\text{c}2}\left( jc + 1 \right) = \left\{ T_{\text{c}1}\left( jc + 1 \right) \left\lbrack {\overline{\rho}}_{\text{c}}\left( jc \right) - \frac{ \Delta t w_{1}}{ \Delta z \left( jc \right)A_{\text{c}}\left( jc \right)} - \frac{k_{5}\left( jc \right) \Delta t h_{\text{br}}\left( jc \right)}{2{\overline{c}}_{\text{c}}\left( jc \right)} \right\rbrack \right. \\ \left.
+ T_{\text{c}2}\left( jc \right) \left\lbrack - \rho\left( jc \right) + \frac{ \Delta t w_{2}}{ \Delta z \left( jc \right)A_{\text{c}}\left( jc \right)} - \frac{k_{5}\left( jc \right) \Delta t }{2{\overline{c}}_{\text{c}}\left( jc \right)} h_{\text{b}2}\left( jc \right) \right\rbrack \right. \\ \left.
+ T_{\text{c}1}\left( jc \right) \left\lbrack \rho_{\text{c}}\left( jc \right) + \frac{ \Delta t w_{1}}{ \Delta z \left( jc \right)A_{\text{c}}\left( jc \right)} - \frac{k_{5}\left( jc \right) \Delta t }{2{\overline{c}}_{\text{c}}\left( jc \right)} h_{\text{b}1}\left( jc \right) \right\rbrack \right. \\ \left.
+ \frac{4\Delta t}{2{\overline{c}}_{\text{c}}\left( jc \right)}\ k_{5}\left( jc \right) \varphi_{1}\left( jc \right) + \frac{2\Delta t Q_{\text{c}}\left( jc \right)}{{\overline{c}}_{\text{c}}\left( jc \right)} \right\}\ \big/\ \left\{ {\overline{\rho}}_{\text{c}}\left( jc \right) \right. \\ \left.
+ \frac{ \Delta t w_{2}}{ \Delta z \left( jc \right)A_{\text{c}}\left( jc \right)} + \frac{k_{5}\left( jc \right) \Delta t h_{\text{b}2}\left( jc \right)}{2{\overline{c}}_{\text{c}}\left( jc \right)}\ \right\}
(3.5-79)\[h_{\text{b}1}\left( jc \right) = \frac{1}{R_{\text{ec}1}\left( jc \right) } + \frac{\gamma_{2}\left( jc \right)}{R_{\text{sc}1}\left( jc \right) }\]
(3.5-80)\[h_{\text{b}2}\left( jc \right) = \frac{1}{R_{\text{ec}2}\left( jc \right) } + \frac{\gamma_{2}\left( jc \right)}{R_{\text{sc}2}\left( jc \right) }\]
(3.5-81)\[\varphi_{1}\left( jc \right) = \frac{1}{2} \left\{ \frac{T_{\text{e}2}\left( jc \right)}{R_{\text{ec}2}\left( jc \right)} + \frac{T_{\text{e}1}\left( jc \right)}{R_{\text{ec}1}\left( jc \right)} + \gamma_{2}\left( jc \right) \left\lbrack \frac{T_{\text{si}2}\left( jc \right)}{R_{\text{sc}2}\left( jc \right)} + \frac{T_{\text{si}1}\left( jc \right)}{R_{\text{sc}1}\left( jc \right)} \right\rbrack \right\}\]
If the inlet flow is positive, then the coolant temperature at node 1 is
determined by the inlet temperature. Eq. (3.5-78) is then used to
march up the channel through the inlet liquid slug, with
\(T_{\text{c}2}\left( jc + 1 \right)\) being computed after
\(T_{\text{c}2}\left( jc \right)\). Similarly, if the flow in the
upper liquid slug is downward, then the assembly outlet reentry
temperature determines the coolant temperature at the last coolant node.
Then an equation similar to Eq. (3.5-79) is used to march down through the
upper liquid slug, with \(T_{\text{c}2} (jc)\) being computed after
\(T_{\text{c}2}\left( jc + 1 \right)\).
The Eulerian calculations always go from node to node in the direction
of flow. An inlet slug expelling downward and an outlet liquid slug
going upward are special cases, since in these cases the calculation
starts at a liquid vapor interface rather than an end of the
subassembly. The interface liquid temperatures are first calculated
using the Lagrangian treatment described below. Then Eq. (3.5-78) or the
equivalent equation for downward flow is used to calculate the
temperatures at the fixed nodes within the liquid slug. For the first
fixed node near the interface, some of the terms in Eq. (3.5-78) are
modified. The moving interface node is treated as node \(jc\). The
interface temperature is used for
\(T_{\text{c}2}\left( jc \right)\), and an interpolated value is
used for \(T_{\text{c}1}\left( jc \right)\). The distance from the
fixed node to the interface at the end of the step is used for
\(\Delta z \left( jc \right)\). Interpolated interface
cladding and structure temperatures are used in calculating
\(\phi_1\) for the interface node. Lagrangian Calculations for Interface Temperatures
For every liquid-vapor interface a vapor temperature is calculated at or
very near the interface. The liquid temperature right at the interface
would be close to the vapor temperature, but there can be strong axial
temperature gradients in the liquid near the interface. These strong
axial gradients would only extend a short distance into the liquid. The
heat flow through the interface into a small vapor bubble is accounted
for, as described in Chapter 12; but since only one liquid temperature
node is used near the interface, the axial temperature distribution neat
the interface is not represented. A liquid temperature is calculated for
each interface, but axial conduction is neglected in this calculation.
Thus, the liquid interface temperature can be considered as either the
interface temperature that would occur if there were no axial conduction
or the temperature a short distance from the interface where axial
conduction is negligible.
A Lagrangian formulation, moving with the liquid, is used for the
interface temperature calculation. The basic equation used is
(3.5-82)\[\rho c \frac{\text{DT}_{\text{c}}}{\text{Dt}} = Q_{\text{c}} + Q_{\text{ec}} + Q_{\text{sc}}\]
where the Lagrangian total derivative is used. After finite differencing
this equation gives
\rho_{\text{ci}}c_{\text{ci}}\frac{T_{\text{li}2}\left( k,L \right) - T_{\text{li}1}\left( k,L \right)}{ \Delta t } \\
= Q_{\text{c}} \left( jc \right) + \frac{k_{5}\left( jc \right)}{2} \left\lbrack \frac{T_{\text{ei}1}\left( k,L \right) - T_{\text{li}1}\left( k,L \right)}{R_{\text{eci}1}\left( k,L \right)} \right. \\ \left.
+ \frac{T_{\text{ei}2}\left( k,L \right) - T_{\text{li}2}\left( k,L \right)}{R_{\text{sci}1}\left( k,L \right)} \right\rbrack \\
+ \gamma_{2}\left( jc \right)\left\lbrack \frac{T_{\text{si}1}\left( k,L \right) - T_{\text{li}1}\left( k,L \right)}{R_{\text{sci}1}\left( k,L \right)} + \frac{T_{\text{si}2}\left( k,L \right) - T_{\text{li}2}\left( k,L \right)}{R_{\text{sci}2}\left( k,L \right)} \right\rbrack
(3.5-84)\[T_{\text{li}2} \left( k,L \right) = \frac{T_{\text{li}1}\left( k,L \right)\left\lbrack 1 - d_{1}\ h_{\text{bi}1}\left( k,L \right) \right\rbrack + d_{1} \left\lbrack \varphi_{1\text{i}} \left( k,L \right) + \frac{2 Q_{\text{c}}\left( jc \right)}{k_{5}\left( jc \right)} \right\rbrack}{ \left\lbrack 1 + d_{1}h_{\text{bi}2}\left( k,L \right) \right\rbrack}\]
(3.5-85)\[d_{1} = \frac{k_{5}\left( jc \right)\Delta t}{2\rho_{\text{ci}}\ c_{\text{ci}}}\]
(3.5-86)\[h_{\text{bi}1}\left( k,L \right) = \frac{1}{R_{\text{eci}1}\left( k,L \right)} + \frac{\gamma_{2}\left( jc \right)}{R_{\text{sci}1}\left( k,L \right)}\]
(3.5-87)\[h_{\text{bi}2}\left( k,L \right) = \frac{1}{R_{\text{eci}2}\left( k,L \right)} + \frac{\gamma_{2}\left( jc \right)}{R_{\text{sci}2}\left( k,L \right)}\]
\(k\) = bubble number
\(L\) = 1 for lower bubble interface, 2 for upper bubble interface
\(jc\) = coolant node containing the interface
(3.5-88)\[\theta_{1\text{i}}\left( k,L \right) = \frac{T_{\text{ei}2}\left( k,L \right)}{R_{\text{eci}2}\left( k,L \right)} + \frac{T_{\text{ei}1}\left( k,L \right)}{R_{\text{eci}1}\left( k,L \right)} + \gamma_{2}\left( jc \right) \left\lbrack \frac{T_{\text{si}2}\left( k,L \right)}{R_{\text{sci}2}\left( k,L \right)} + \frac{T_{\text{si}1}\left( k,L \right)}{R_{\text{sci}1}\left( k,L \right)} \right\rbrack\]
\(T_{\text{ei}2}\), \(T_{\text{si}2}\) = cladding and structure interface
temperatures at the end of the step, extrapolated in time and
interpolated between fixed cladding nodes.
\(T_{\text{ei}1}\), \(T_{\text{si}1}\) = same at the beginning of the time step.
\(R_{\text{eci}2}\), \(R_{\text{sci}2}\) = values of \(R_{\text{ec}}\) and
\(R_{\text{sc}}\) at the interface at the end of the time step.
\(R_{\text{eci}1}\), \(R_{\text{sci}1}\) = same at the beginning of the time step. Lagrangian Calculation for Fixed Nodes
The Lagrangian temperature calculations for fixed coolant nodes are
similar to those for interface nodes. The fluid particle that ends up at
coolant node \(jc\) at the end of a time step is considered. During the
time step, the particle travelled a distance
(3.5-89)\[\Delta z' = \frac{\left( w_{1} + w_{2} \right) \Delta t }{2\rho_{\text{c}}\left( jc \right) A_{\text{c}}\left( jj \right)}\]
(3.5-90)\[\begin{split}jj = \begin{cases}
jc & \text{if}\ w_{1} + w_{2}\ < \ 0 \\
jc - 1 & \text{otherwise} \\
At the beginning of the time step, the particle was at \(z'\), given
(3.5-91)\[z' = z_{\text{c}}\left( jc \right) - \Delta z'\]
The coolant temperature, \({T'}_{\text{c}1}\), at \(z'\) at the
beginning of the step is obtained by linear interpolation between the
nodes on either side of \(z'\). Also, the cladding and structure
temperatures, \({T'}_{\text{e}1}\) and \({T'}_{\text{s}1}\), at \(z'\) at
the beginning of the step are obtained by linear interpolation. The
cladding and structure temperatures, \({T'}_{\text{e}2}\) and
\({T'}_{\text{s}2}\), at \(z_{\text{c}}\left( jc \right)\) at the end
of the time step are also obtained by linear interpolation between the
cladding and structure nodes.
The result of finite differencing of Eq. (3.5-82) for the particle at node
\(jc\) is
(3.5-92)\[T_{\text{c}2}\left( jc \right) = \frac{\left\{ {T'}_{\text{c}1} \left\lbrack 1 - {d'}_{1} h_{\text{b}1}\left( jj \right) \right\rbrack + {d'}_{1} \left\lbrack {\theta'}_{1} + 2 \frac{ Q_{\text{c}}\left( jj \right)}{k_{5}\left( jj \right)} \right\rbrack \right\} }{\left\lbrack 1 + {d'}_{1}\ h_{\text{b}2}\left( jj \right) \right\rbrack}\]
(3.5-93)\[{d'}_{1} = \frac{k_{5}\left( jj \right)\Delta t}{\rho_{\text{c}}\left( jc \right)\ {\overline{c}}_{\text{c}}\left( jj \right)}\]
(3.5-94)\[\phi'_{1} = \frac{T_{\text{e}2}'}{R_{\text{ec}2}(jj)} + \frac{T_{\text{e}1}'}{R_{\text{ec}1}(jj)} + \gamma_{2}\left( jj \right)\left\lbrack \frac{T_{\text{s}2}'}{R_{\text{sc}2}(jj)} + \frac{T_{\text{s}1}'}{R_{\text{sc}1}(jj)} \right\rbrack\]
Again, \(h_{\text{b}1}\) and \(h_{\text{b}2}\)are given by Eq. (3.5-79) and
Eq. (3.5-80).