Block 15 — FINBOP — Balance-of-Plant Floating-Point Input


The first-encountered FINBOP is saved and may not be redefined by subsequent data. Within the block, the data must be presented as defined in ANL/RAS 89/6. This block must follow Block 6, IINBOP.

See ANL/RAS 89/6, Appendix B.

The input format for each record in Block 15 is:


The first integer on the line identifies the type of component for which data are being entered. The numbers run as follows:




compressible volume








simple heater model


standard valve


check valve


flow boundary condition


volume boundary condition


steam generator


open heater






flashed heater


drain cooler


desuperheating heater


desuperheater/drain cooler


steam drum


turbine stage






relief valve.

The second integer is the continuation card number, NCONTN. The third integer is the user’s number for the component. The floating point data entries are explained below. The units for each entry are given in parentheses at the end of the entry description.


(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 1, 1, user’s no., VOLCVW, ZCVW, X, Y, Z

VOLCVW: volume of the compressible volume (m3),

ZCVW: elevation of the midpoint of the volume (m)

X, Y, Z: chosen by the user to be one of the following combinations (the user must set flag NENTRF on fixed point volume card (1,1) to signal to the code which combination is used):

Z = null,
PRESW4 is the steady state volume pressure (Pa),
TCVW is the steady state volume temperature (K).
Z = null,

HCVW is the steady state volume specific enthalpy (J/kg).

Z = null,

XCVW is the quality in the volume.

Z = null.
TPFACE is the two-phase level in the volume (m),
TAMBNT is the ambient temperature (K).


(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 2, 1, user’s no., FLOWSS, ZINW, CVMLTW(1) , CVMLTW(2)

FLOWSS: steady-state flow in the segment (kg/s)

ZINW: elevation of the segment inlet (m)

CVMLTW(1): multiplicity factor at the segment inlet

CVMLTW(2): multiplicity factor at the segment outlet

(See ANL/RAS 89/6, Section 8.4, for an explanation of multiplicity factors. If the nodalization does not use multiplicity factors to take advantage of symmetries in the plant, the multiplicity factors at the ends of all segments must be set to 1.0).

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 2, 2, user’s no., SEGTMP(2)

SEGTMP tube-side temperature at the outlet of the tube bundle if the segment passes through a heater. See ANL/RAS 89/10 for more details on this parameter (K).


(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 3, 1, user’s no., ZOUTLW, XLENW, AREAW, DHW, G2PW

ZOUTLW: elevation of the element outlet (m),

XLENW: length of the element (m),

AREAW: element cross-sectional area (m2),

DHW: element hydraulic diameter (m), and

G2PW: orifice coefficient (G2PW is normally set to zero in the input and is then computed by the code, as the orifice coefficient is usually difficult for the user to determine. The user must choose between entering the orifice coefficient or the element endpoint pressure PELEW (See element card (3,2)) for any element for which the outlet does not interface with a compressible volume. Usually, the pressure is much more readily available to use as input data; however, there may be cases in which a user wishes to enter orifice coefficients instead, and so this option has been made available at this point.). G2PW is dimensionless.

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 3, 2, user’s no., ROUGHW, BENDW, PELEW

ROUGHW: surface roughness of the element wall (this parameter is used in the expression for the Moody friction factor; see L. F. Moody, Mech. Eng., 69, p. 1005 (1947), for a detailed explanation of surface roughness) (m).

BENDW: number of bends in the element.

PELEW: element endpoint pressure. This quantity is entered only for elements for which the outlet does not interface with a compressible volume (Pa).

The remaining element cards are used exclusively by the detailed heater models; see ANL/RAS 89/10 for details about any of these parameters.

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 3, 3, user’s no., TBTHIK, TBRHO, TBCP, TBKPM0, ZLOWST

TBTHIK: tube thickness (m),

TBRHO: density of the tube material (kg/m3),

TBCP: specific heat of the tube material (J/kg-K),

TBKPM0: thermal conductivity of the tube material (W/m-K),

ZLOWST: lowest elevation of the tube bundle within the heater volume (m).

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 3, 4, user’s no., TBNODE, TBNMBR

TBNODE: number of nodes for the heat transfer calculation in the element,

TBNMBR: total number of tubes in the bundle.

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 3, 5, user’s no. TBNDLW TBLNLW

TBNDLW: number of nodes for the section of the element within the drain,

TBLNLW: length of the section of the element within the drain (m).

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 3, 6, user’s no., TBNDUP, TBLNUP

TBNDUP: number of nodes for the section of the element within the desuperheating section,

TBLNUP: length of the section of the element within the desuperheating section (m).


Rated values of the pump parameters:

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 4, 1, user’s no., HEADWR, PMPFWR, PMPSWR, PMWEFR, PMWINR

HEADWR: rated pump head (Pa),

PMPFWR: rated pump flow (kg/s),

PMPSWR: rated pump speed (rad/s),

PMWEFR: rated pump efficiency, and

PMWINR: rated pump inertia (kg-m2).

These definitions apply to the two centrifugal pump models (pump types 1 and 2). If the pump is modeled through a table of user-specified pump head vs. time (pump type 0), only HEADWR need be entered; the other four variables are not applicable.

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 4, 2, user’s no., TRKLSW

TRKLSW: windage (the torque coefficient for shaft friction).

This variable applies only to the two centrifugal pump models.

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 4, 3, user’s no., APMWHD(1-5)

APMWHD: contains the first five pump head coefficients in the case of the two centrifugal pump models and contains the first half of a table of normalized pump head in the case of user-specified pump head vs. time (pump type 0) or normalized pump head vs. normalized flow (to be used when the locked rotor option -2 has been invoked).

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 4, 4, user’s no., APMWHD(6-10)

APMWHD: contains the last five pump head coefficients in the case of the two centrifugal pump models and contains the continuation of a table of normalized pump head in the case of pump type 0 or locked rotor option -2.

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 4, 5, user’s no., APMWHD(11-15)

APMWHD: contains the first five pump torque coefficients in the case of the two centrifugal pump models and contains the continuation of the table of normalized pump head in the case of pump type 0 or locked rotor option -2.

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 4, 6, user’s no., APMWHD(16-20)

APMWHD: contains the last five pump torque coefficients in the case of the two centrifugal pump models and contains the end of the table of normalized pump head in the case of pump type 0 or locked rotor option -2.

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 4, 7, user’s no., WMOTTK(1-5)

WMOTTK: contains the first five entries in the motor torque table in the case of the two centrifugal pump models, the first five time entries for the relative pump head table in the case of pump type 0 (s), and the first five normalized flow entries in the case of locked rotor option -2.

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 4, 8, user’s no., WMOTTK(6-10)

WMOTTK: contains the last five entries in the motor torque table in the case of the two centrifugal pump models, the continuation of the time table in the case of pump type 0 (s), and the continuation of the normalized flow table in the case of locked rotor option -2.

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 4, 9, user’s no., WMOTTK(11-15)

WMOTTK: contains the first five entries in the table of times for the motor torque table in the case of the centrifugal pump models; the continuation of the time table in the case of pump type 0 (s); and the continuation of the normalized flow table in the case of locked rotor option -2.

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 4, 10, user’s no., WMOTTK(16-20)

WMOTTK: contains the last five entries in the table of times for the motor torque table in the case of the centrifugal pump models; the end of the time table in the case of pump type 0 (s); and the end of the normalized flow table in the case of locked rotor option -2.

Simple Heater Model

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 5, 1, user’s no., APRMHT, AXPMHT, DHPMHT, TSECHT

APRMHT: heat transfer area between the primary and secondary sides (m2),

AXPMHT: primary side flow area (m2),

DHPMHT: primary side hydraulic diameter (m), and

TSECHT: secondary side temperature (K).

The user’s number for the heater is not the compressible volume number but rather the number entered in array NQFLG.

Standard Valve

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 6, 1, user’s no., VLVMSW, VDAMPW, VSPRGW, VSTEMW, VCONSW

VLVMSW: valve mass (kg),

VDAMPW: valve damping coefficient (kg-m/s),

VSPRGW: valve spring constant (kg/s2),

VSTEMW: initial valve stem position (m)

VCONSW: constant of proportionality between the stem position and the valve characteristic.

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 6, 2, user’s no., VPHIW(1-5)

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 6, 3, user’s no., VPHIW(6-10)

VPHIW: valve coefficient table.

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 6, 4, user’s no., VPOSW(1-5)

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 6, 5, user’s no., VPOSW(6-10)

VPOSW: is the valve stem position table (m).

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 6, 6, user’s no., VTABDW(1-5)

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 6, 7, user’s no., VTABDW(6-10)

VTABDW: table of valve driver function (kg-m/s2).

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 6, 8, user’s no., VTIMW(1-5)

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 6, 9, user’s no., VTIMW(6-10)

VTIMW: table of time corresponding to VTABDW (s).

Check Valve

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 7, 1, user’s no., CHPHIW, CHEPS1, CHEPS2

CHPHIW: valve characteristic when the valve is fully open,

CHEPS1: criterion for starting to close an open valve (Pa or kg/s, depending on whether the user has chosen to initiate valve closure on a pressure drop criterion or a flow criterion),

CHEPS2: criterion for starting to open a closed valve (Pa or kg/s, depending on whether the user has chosen to initiate valve opening on a pressure drop criterion or a flow criterion).

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 7, 2, user’s no., CVPHIC(1-5)

CVPHIC: normalized valve coefficient table for a valve which is closing.

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 7, 3, user’s no., CVPHIC(6-10)

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 7, 4, user’s no., CVTIMC(1-5)

CVTIMC: array of time entries corresponding to CVPHIC (s).

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 7, 5, user’s no., CVTIMC(6-10)

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 7, 6, user’s no., CVPHIO(1-5)

CVPHIO: normalized valve coefficient table for a valve which is opening.

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 7, 7, user’s no., CVPHIO(6-10)

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 7, 8, user’s no., CVTIMO(1-5)

CVTIMO: array of time entries corresponding to CVPHIO (s).

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 7, 9, user’s no., CVTIMO(6-10)

Flow Boundary Condition

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 8, 1, table no., entry no., TABSEG(1), TABSEG(2), X, Y

where the entry number indicates which entry is being made in this flow boundary condition table,

TABSEG(1): time (s),

TABSEG(2): absolute (not normalized) flow (kg/s),

X, Y: any of the following combinations for an inflow boundary condition (the flag NFLSEG on fixed point volume card (1,1) designates which combination is chosen):

X = specific enthalpy (J/kg),
Y = 0,
X = temperature (K),
Y = pressure (Pa) for a subcooled liquid boundary condition,
X = temperature (K),
Y = pressure (Pa) for a superheated vapor boundary condition,
X = quality,
Y = pressure (Pa),
X = quality,
Y = temperature (K).

X and Y are not required for an outflow boundary condition.

Volume Boundary Condition Card

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 9, 1, table no., entry no., TABVOL(1), X, Y

where the entry number indicates which entry is being made in this flow boundary condition table.

TABVOL(1): time (s),

X, Y: any of the following combinations (the flag NTABVL on volume boundary condition card (6,1) designates which combination is chosen):

X = pressure (Pa),
Y = specific enthalpy (J/kg) for a subcooled liquid volume,
X = pressure (Pa),
Y = temperature (K) for a subcooled liquid volume,
X = pressure (Pa),
Y = specific enthalpy (J/kg) for a superheated vapor volume,
X = pressure (Pa),
Y = temperature (K) for a superheated vapor volume,
X = pressure (Pa),
Y = quality,
X = temperature (K),
Y = quality.

Steam Generator

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 10, 1, steam gen. number, DEWI, ZONLE(1), ZONLE(3), XKTUBE, COILD

DEWI: booster tube outer diameter (m),

ZONLE(1): initial subcooled zone length (m),

ZONLE(3): initial superheated zone length (m),

XKTUBE: tube thermal conductivity (W/m-K), and

COILD: average diameter of the coil in the helical coil geometry option for the evaporator/steam generator model.

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 10, 2, steam gen. number, HTFI(1), HTFI(2), HTFI(3), HTFI(4), VRISE

HTFI(I): calibration factors for heat transfer coefficients for each regime,

VRISE: vertical rise per length of helical tube in the helical coil geometry option for the evaporator/steam generator model.

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 10, 3, steam gen. number, ROCPTB, FOULRI(1), FOULRI(2), FOULRI(3) FOULRI(4)

ROCPTB: reserved,

FOULRI(I): fouling heat resistances on the water side for each heat transfer regime.

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 10, 4, steam gen. number, PICHT, PICHL

PICHT: transverse pitch of the helical tubes in the helical coil geometry option for the evaporator/steam generator model,

PICHL: longitudinal pitch of the helical tubes in the helical coil geometry option for the evaporator/steam generator model.

(See Block 18, #3934-4173 for the remainder of the steam generator input).


(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 11, 1, user’s volume number, QRATIO, HTRELV, HTRRAD

QRATIO: percentage of incoming energy lost due to imperfect insulation,

HTRELV: elevation of the lowest point of the heater (m),

HTRRAD: heater radius (m).


(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 12, 1, user’s volume number, QRATIO, HTRELV, HTRRAD, CSAREA, DHSHW

QRATIO: percentage of incoming energy lost due to imperfect insulation,

HTRELV: elevation of the lowest point of the heater (m),

HTRRAD: heater radius (m),

CSAREA: effective cross-sectional area of the heater (m2),

DHSHW: hydraulic diameter of the shell side of the heater (m).

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 12, 2, user’s volume number, SHHTCC

SHHTCC: shell side condensation coefficient (W/m-K).


(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 13, 1, user’s volume number, QRATIO, HTRELV, HTRRAD, CSAREA, DHSHW

QRATIO: percentage of incoming energy lost due to imperfect insulation,

HTRELV: elevation of the lowest point of the heater (m),

HTRRAD: heater radius (m),

CSAREA: effective cross-sectional area of the heater (m2)

DHSHW: hydraulic diameter of the shell side of the heater (m).

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 13, 2, user’s volume number SHHTCC

SHHTCC: shell side condensation coefficient (W/m-K).

Flashed Heater

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 14, 1, user’s volume number, QRATIO, HTRELV, HTRRAD, CSAREA, DHSHW,

QRATIO: percentage of incoming energy lost due to imperfect insulation,

HTRELV: elevation of the lowest point of the heater (m),

HTRRAD: heater radius (m),

CSAREA: effective cross-sectional area of the heater (m2),

DHSHW: hydraulic diameter of the shell side of the heater (m).

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 14, 2, user’s volume number, SHHTCC

SHHTCC: shell side condensation coefficient (W/m-K),

Drain Cooler

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 15, 1, user’s volume number, QRATIO, HTRELV, HTRRAD, CSAREA, DHSHW

QRATIO: percentage of incoming energy lost due to imperfect insulation,

HTRELV: elevation of the lowest point of the heater (m),

HTRRAD: heater radius (m),

CSAREA: effective cross-sectional area of the heater (m2),

DHSHW: hydraulic diameter of the shell side of the heater (m).

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 15, 2, user’s volume number, SHHTCC, HIGHLW, XLENLW

SHHTCC: shell side condensation coefficient (W/m-K),

HIGHLW: height of the drain (m),

XLENLW: length of the drain (m).

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 15, 3, user’s volume number, ORIFLW, TEMPLW, VOLLW, CSARLW, DHLWW, , ,

ORIFLW: elevation of the drain orifice (m),

TEMPLW: drain temperature (K),

VOLLW: drain volume (m3),

CSARLW: effective cross-sectional area of the drain (m2),

DHLWW: hydraulic diameter of the drain (m).

Desuperheating Heater

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 16, 1, user’s volume number, QRATIO, HTRELV, HTRRAD, CSAREA, DHSHW

QRATIO: percentage of incoming energy lost due to imperfect insulation,

HTRELV: elevation of the lowest point of the heater (m),

HTRRAD: heater radius (m),

CSAREA: effective cross-sectional area of the heater (m2),

DHSHW: hydraulic diameter of the shell side of the heater (m).

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 16, 2, user’s volume number, SHHTCC, HIGHUP, XLENUP

SHHTCC: shell side condensation coefficient (W/m-K),

HIGHUP: height of the desuperheating region (m),

XLENUP: length of the desuperheating region (m).

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 16, 3, user’s volume number, ORIFUP, TEMPUP, VOLUP, CSARUP, DHUPW

ORIFUP: elevation of the desuperheating region orifice (m),

TEMPUP: desuperheating region temperature (K),

VOLUP: desuperheating region volume (m3),

CSARUP: effective cross-sectional area of the desuperheating region (m2),

DHUPW: hydraulic diameter of the desuperheating region (m).

Desuperheater/Drain Cooler

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 17, 1, user’s volume number, QRATIO, HTRELV, HTRRAD, CSAREA, DHSHW,

QRATIO: percentage of incoming energy lost due to imperfect insulation,

HTRELV: elevation of the lowest point of the heater (m),

HTRRAD: heater radius (m).

CSAREA: effective cross-sectional area of the heater (m2),

DHSHW: hydraulic diameter of the shell side of the heater (m),

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 17, 2, user’s volume number, SHHTCC, HIGHLW, XLENLW, HIGHUP, XLENUP

SHHTCC: shell side condensation coefficient (W/m-K),

HIGHLW: height of the drain (m),

XLENLW: length of the drain (m),

HIGHUP: height of the desuperheating region (m),

XLENUP: length of the desuperheating region (m).

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 17, 3, user’s volume number, ORIFLW, TEMPLW, VOLLW, CSARLW, DHLWW

ORIFLW: elevation of the drain orifice (m),

TEMPLW: drain temperature (K),

VOLLW: drain volume (m3),

CSARLW: effective cross-sectional area of the drain (m2)

DHLWW: hydraulic diameter of the drain (m).

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 17, 4, user’s volume number, ORIFUP, TEMPUP, VOLUP, CSARUP, DHUPW, , ,

ORIFUP: elevation of the drain orifice (m),

TEMPUP: drain temperature (K),

VOLUP: drain volume (m3),

CSARUP: effective cross-sectional area of the drain, (m2),

DHUPW: hydraulic diameter of the drain (m).

Steam Drum

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 18, 1, user’s volume number, QRATIO, HTRELV, HTRRAD

QRATIO: percentage of incoming energy lost due to imperfect insulation,

HTRELV: elevation of the lowest point of the heater (m),

HTRRAD: heater radius (m).

Turbine Stage

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 19, 1, user’s volume number, RROTER, (flag for last stage), TRGRMI, OMEGAR

RROTOR: rotor radius (m),

(flag for last stage) is a flag which is zero unless this volume is the last stage of the turbine; for the last stage of the turbine, the user must enter any positive number for this flag.

TRGRMI: turbine/generator rotor moment of inertia (kg-m2),

OMEGAR: rotor angular velocity (rad/s).


(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 20, 1, user’s segment number, CNNZCF, CRRXCF, CBBKCF, ALFANZ, GAMABL

CNNZCF: nozzle velocity coefficient,

CRRXCF: reactor coefficient,

CBBKCF: bucket coefficient,

ALFANZ: nozzle angle, the angle at which steam enters the turbine blade system (rad),

GAMABL: blade exit angle, the angle at which steam leaves the turbine blade system (rad).

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 20, 2, user’s segment number, CONSK1 CONSK2 CONSK3 XRXFR

CONSK1: rotation loss coefficient,

CONSK2: moisture loss coefficient,

CONSK3: exhaust loss coefficient,

XRXFR: reactor fraction, the fraction of stage energy released in the bucket system.


(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 21, 1, user’s number, DEWOS, DEWIS, DOUTS, DHNAS, ARNAS

DEWOS: steam tube inner diameter (m),

DEWIS: booster tube outer diameter (m),

DOUTS: steam tube outer diameter (m),

DHNAS: sodium hydraulic diameter per tube (m),

ARNAS: sodium flow area per tube (m2).

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 21, 2, user’s number, TUBNOS, TBPODS, XKTUBS, COILDS, VRISES

TUBNOS: number of superheater tubes,

TBPODS: superheater bundle pitch-to-diameter ratio,

XKTUBS is reserved,

COILDS: average diameter of the coil for the helical coil geometry option in the superheater model,

VRISES: vertical rise per length of helical tube in the helical coil geometry option in the superheater model.

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 21, 3, user’s number, FOULSI, PICHTS, PICHLS

FOULSI: fouling heat resistance on the water side,

PICHTS: transverse pitch of the helical tube in the helical coil geometry option for the superheater model,

PICHLS: longitudinal pitch of the helical tube in the helical coil geometry option for the superheater model.

Relief Valve

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 22, 1, user’s relief valve number, RVA, DPBLD, DPSET, DPACC, RVFRAC

RVA: fractional valve area to which the valve opens when the set pressure drop is reached,

DPBLD: blowdown pressure drop, at which a partially open relief valve shuts (Pa),

DPSET: set pressure drop, at which a closed relief valve starts to open (Pa),

DPACC: accumulated pressure drop, at which the valve is completely open (Pa),

RVFRAC: fractional valve opening area (0 for a fully closed valve, 1 for a fully open valve).

(2I3,I6,5E12.5): 22, 2, user’s relief valve number, PCVI, PCVO, HCVI, FLOWLS, TIMERV

PCVI: initial pressure upstream of the valve (Pa),

PCVO: initial pressure downstream of the valve (Pa),

HCVI: initial enthalpy upstream of the valve (J/kg),

FLOWLS: valve capacity at the accumulated pressure drop (kg/s),

TIMERV: delay time for opening or closing the valve; the delay time allows the code to avoid numerical problems with the discontinuities in the fractional valve opening area in the valve hysteresis curve of opening area versus valve pressure drop (s).